New garden.
By rose1949
Hello everyone…here I am again…that bad penny ! Hahaa!
This new garden is going to be a challenge, but I always did like a challenge.
I started with the back where a blue plastic fence separated the whole of the back way which I didn’t like. We have a very good friend who used to live next door to us in Laceby and he always said that anything we wanted help with, he would come and do it. Well…I didn’t need asking twice did I! So first of all he (Jack) moved the blue fence so that the whole of the back is clear. This was not the easy job I anticipated…well, it never is, is it !
It fell to bits ! It has a trough attached to each end and a gate in the centre. The couple of hours job turned into four, but Jack never complained. He also had to move a water butt which was in the way and it now stands alongside the garage. When he comes again, he will put new down pipes on and then new piping so that excess water runs into the sink , instead of down the drive and into the street. Don’t think I would be popular if this happened ! Hahaa!
All I had to do was keep the kettle on !
The next good day we have , he is going to sort our arbour seat out. I tried to do it myself , as you know Rick is now more disabled , cannot do anything himself, which he gets very frustrated about.
This picture is looking from the back towards the green house.
It looked very cluttered , so now is a much bigger area as it goes around to the back of the bungalow.
The rest of the garden goes right up to the drive and is just a lawn down the side of the bungalow. THe front is huge and a lot of work needs doing there too.
At the moment I am digging up the turf alongside the hedge. Just as you come into the drive and look down the side, I put my arches, brought with us from Laceby. This then gave me the idea of transforming the small plot in the drive which was an overrun kitchen garden into a rose bed. I managed to bring 3 standard roses with me plus some shrub roses and 2 climbing roses and am very pleased that they all survived being moved to here.
The gravel path you can see has now gone, plus a wire fence which separated the kitchen garden from the lawned garden.
It took me a long time to decide what to do with this garden and kept looking at it every day, wondering what to do, so once I had taken the wire fence down and looked straight down towards the end of the lawn, it occurred to me that it should be all one. I had decided to keep the kitchen garden, but as you all know, I just love my roses !
Its a slow job as the grass is very tough and underneath is clay.
The borders around the huge lawn have to be widened …well I have to have more flowers , don’t I !
I took my spade down to one of the borders thinking I would put a few of the large shrubs in it which had come from the Laceby garden, so you can imagine my shock when the spade wouldn’t go in. The whole of the borders , front and back have had a thick sheet, like a ground sheet put around everything, even the roses in the front and covered with a very thick layer of gravel!
Even if it takes all winter , spring and summer, I will be taking it up so that I can improve the soil and fertilise.
Well..I do like a challenge, don’t I ! Hahaa!
At the moment, the arbour seats have been moved and the small bench in the back way.
The last three pictures are showing what I have done up to now and hopefully will soon start to look like my garden !
I hope you all managed to understand what I am trying to do and not yawning yet ! Hahaa!
Oh yes..and for those who tried to help with finding my pictures…thank you…but I have no idea what I did in the end ! More luck than judgement !
Take care …Keep warm !
31 Jan, 2019
Previous post: How to transfer my pictures !
Next post: New addition to new home !
Thanks Marjorie, I am just doing a little bit at a time. Although at the moment, its frozen over !
31 Jan, 2019
It looks as if it's coming along quite nicely. 'Rome wasn't built in a day' as they say ...
I'm pleased to hear you are widening the borders, that's what I would also do. Shrubs and flowering plants are more interesting than grass and you can never get too many :D
I don't suppose the previous occupiers were interested in gardening (or didn't have time) and tried to have only some 'low maintenance' shrubs, but I am also pleased to know you are going to remove the membrane that's currently suffocating your new garden.
Good luck ! Keep us updated won't you :)
1 Feb, 2019
Thanks Hywel. Its going to be a long hard job ! I think all the plants will heave a sigh of relief when I can get to the soil and feed them.
1 Feb, 2019
Hi Rose! I guess I’m a bad penny too.
Jack sounds like the ideal neighbour! Your plans look exciting and just the thing to inspire at the beginning of the year.
All the very best to you and Rick, and a belated happy new
Susanne (Melchisedec)
1 Feb, 2019
Well Rose, it is already starting to look like 'your' garden after a lot of hard work and a few surprises along the way! It must have been hard to decide what to do to get the look you wanted but I think you now know exactly what you hope to achieve.
Lots of luck with it and Jack will lend a hand if needed I am sure!
1 Feb, 2019
What a great friend Jack is! There are some jobs some of us just can't manage alone any more...
You've worked very hard and its definitely paying off. Sending you lots of sympathy re the membrane and gravel -sounds like a priority to get rid of that! I remember you mentioning it before - a very unpleasant surprise it must have been. Thak goodness for containers to keep us cheered as the big works go on!
2 Feb, 2019
Thanks Susanne, I just wish Jack lived next door to us here! I used to pop my head over the fence and he would always say "what do you need doing now Rose !" Hahaa!
Thanks Chris. All the ideas are just in my head at the moment ! My next plan was to send for a 5 foot wide arch as I have a Trachlespermum Jasminoides which needs to go in the ground. It didn't do any good in a pot, but as you can see from the pictures, there are not many places to plant it, plus it has to be in the sun. The sun faces the hedge ! Need I say more ! This arch is going in the rose bed, but just don't know where ! I sent for it on impulse too! I just like making problems for myself, don't I !
Thanks Stera ! I never expected Jack to come here from Laceby. In fact I thought we might have lost touch and am so glad that we haven't !
2 Feb, 2019
Good luck, Rose, with your latest garden projects.. it will be interesting to see how those areas are looking in the spring/summertime.
2 Feb, 2019
Thank you Terra ! I can't wait for the weather to improve so that I can get on with it.
3 Feb, 2019
You did it Rose! Photos are on, sorry I was no hope at all though. I'm sure the plans for the garden that are currently in your head, will soon be put into place in the garden!
4 Feb, 2019
I hope so Shirley ! I just need some good gardening weather now !
8 Feb, 2019
Sorry I was no HELP, not HOPE!!!
It's been blowing a gale down here today and the waves were almost over the prom at one point in Worthing, not nice. Hope it calms down soon ...
8 Feb, 2019
Its okay Shirley, I knew what you meant ! Hahaa!
Its been awful here too and my green house ( a thick plastic one ) survived being picked up and put in a furniture van, only after all this time and the strong winds , one of the sides broke ! Its just lucky that our friend Jack had screwed the frame to the house wall otherwise the whole green house would have blown away !
9 Feb, 2019
Thank goodness Jack had the foresight to secure it to the wall!
11 Feb, 2019
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Lots of work to do but I'm sure you will make a good job of it. Isn't it nice to have a lovely person to help you. Many hands make light work !! Don't over do it.
Love Marjorie
31 Jan, 2019