my 8th clematis
By sanbaz
hi guys another beautifull sunny day here in blackpool and was going to go shopping with my son but has he forgot and was still in the land of nod i left him and on the way home took myself into B&Q to get a new pot for a palm i have planted near my pond, but now have decided to repot it so it doesnt root through my pond liner.
anyway after looking at the misserable looking pots they had left i decided to wait, but being me and like many of us here i couldnt put my blinkers up and bypass the plants lol.
i wants a climber for the fence behind the deck so looking at the potatoe vines taking one out then putting it back numerous time i spotted a clematis with a flower and lots of fresh buds.
stood back like you do thinking shall i or shall i not for about 10 mins.
well i decided to get it named Piilu a profusely flowering clematis with double flowers in late spring to singles through summer, so after choosing it and then getting some trellis off home i set to plant my new clematis.
anyway when i got home i decided i couldnt put it against the said fence as i hadnt got a pot for it ummm, the one thing i set off for in the first place.
looked about thinking and decided to take my Hydrangea petiolaris from against the garage extention and place that aginst the deck fence like so
there looks great but still not planted clematis, umm, looked about again and thought in raised border but where,, no room but would be ideal as it needs part shade, so then decided as princess victoria louise hadnt behaved this year and only gave me one flower she could go to the back of the class, so spade in hand pulled her out of her place and walked her to the back of class, lol. she is now at the back near pond,
right so not i can plant my Piilu so up went the trellis in went Piilu and tied her hanging stems against trellis till she can hold her own,but now i have a gap, so took a look and decided to replant my forest flame as it was getting lost in the raised border, so brought it forward which would also help to shade Piilu`s roots, all done and looking much better
also placed some brocken terracotta pot around the root while settles in because i dont want casper digging there,so now i have 8 clematis which are the said one above, artic queen,madam baron veillard,sealand gem,alpina cyanea,early sensation which did nothing this year ,constance, madam le coultre,and mrs cholmondely, all doing ok some a bit slow but alive, cant wait for them all to get bigger with lots of flowers, anyway a few more pics to finish of, hope the sun is shining where you are today ;o))
oh and not forgetting my little helper
16 Jun, 2010
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Nice blog San lovely pics,like the new Clematis. It's sunny here in Northants but the winds cold :-))
16 Jun, 2010
lovely blog & photos...plants look great & Casper is so sweet bless him !
16 Jun, 2010
That's a beautiful Clematis, San, one of my favourites#I must have 3 or 4 of those in my garden~it is a real beauty, well done! Another plant you have saved from keeling over at B&Q! :~))
16 Jun, 2010
Lovely clematis San,I do the same,dig stuff up,and move them..sometimes they go back to where they started.Lol..Casper is looking good too.Its really hot here today,wonderful....I can't believe I got talked into making a Meat and Potato pie for Family tonight...I must be mad...
16 Jun, 2010
You mad Bloomer? Never!!! Tee hee hee :~))x
16 Jun, 2010
I don't think it's possible to have too many Clematises :o)) You have a nice selection Sandra.
16 Jun, 2010
Talk about one thing leading to another you sound just like me. forever on the move lol But Im sure you will be pleased when everything as settled into their new homes. You have a lovely collection of clematis Sandra are you going tor Gold and your plants are blooming lovely!
16 Jun, 2010
like your new new clematis..... nice pics : O ))
16 Jun, 2010
Very busy day for you Sandra...Lovely clematis and trellis looking good. Sunshine here for us aswell today.
16 Jun, 2010
Have two Piilu in my garden and they are full of flowers at the moment, some single and some double. Yours will fill out in no time.
16 Jun, 2010
thankyou everyone for your kind comments and info,, casper is so full of mischief, i had dozzed off on sun lounger later this afternoon and my son johnny called out to casper to leave the frog alone, so i woke with a start and rescued it in a plant pot, a quick check over and popped him in the pond where he had a swim and under the rocks to escape the ferocious cat lol,
flori your right about B&Q most of the plants looked so weary and half dead today ;o((
bloomer yes you must be mad making a pie in this hot weather, salad here ;o)
lol carole, yes going for Gold haah, and your right hywel can never have to many ;o))
so glad you have all had sun to, it sure makes you feel good,
michaella and silverbelle i think iv missed the doubles as its onto singles already but lots of buds so never know ;o))
marguerite i love my table and chairs on deck its where i go first thing in morning for my cuppa ;o))
16 Jun, 2010
I like the clematis Sandra, you have quite a collection there. I have three but don`t seem to have much luck with them, I`m sure yours will fare much better. :o))
16 Jun, 2010
thanx sandra, some were small when i got them and not sure if they will flower this year, will just see, think they can be a bit tricky cant they ;o)
16 Jun, 2010
Hi Sandra, I laugh at myself for doing that - nice to know I'm not alone, but in good company :-))
16 Jun, 2010
Super blog as always Sandra. There was the Pillu in our local B&Q but only with 2-3 buds on and the roots didn't look that healthy so decided against it. It's very similar to Nelly Moser.
Great pics and hope she blooms for you well, looking at the amount of buds you have, can't see why she wouldn't!!
16 Jun, 2010
lol muddy,, i laugh to and my son thought i was mad, why do they all keep saying i have to much ;o)
thankyou steve, this one was right at the back, had to untangle it from others, they pack them together way to tight, alot looked dead, shame really, but im happy with it and your right it does look a bit like nelly moser, slightly smaller flowers i think ;o)
16 Jun, 2010
Great blog San and isn't it amazing how NOT getting a pot can bring on such a whirlwind of gardening activity! Nice Clem!
16 Jun, 2010
thanx karen, your right as i didnt intend on doing anything today, was going to just sit ;o))
16 Jun, 2010
Lovely, lovely, lovely San. :o)
16 Jun, 2010
aww thankyou fluff ;o))
16 Jun, 2010
You're welcome! That is a purrfect kitty shot! ;o))
16 Jun, 2010
lol thanx fluff, i think casper enjoys having pic taken ;o))
16 Jun, 2010
You are so-o-o fortunate in being able to get clematis to grow! And what splendid specimens. Thanks for enabling those of us who are unsuccessful clematis cultivators to enjoy your success!
18 Jun, 2010
thankyou kowhai, up to now they seem to be ok but its just over a year since starting with them, so each one i get i just hope it stays with me ;o))
18 Jun, 2010
Another lovely blog. How I laughed at your dithering in B&Q. Sounds so like me. I move stuff at the wrong times too. I think it is not the wrong time it is the place that needs to be sorted out ASAP and rush in where real gardeners, LOL, would fear to tred. I rarely lose anything either. I love your pussy cat. Looks like a real bundle of mischief. Your primula vialli are great and what are the white frilly flowers.
19 Jun, 2010
amazing how - just when you think there couldn't be a less interesting shopping expedition - that one little interesting thing you just HAVE to have happens - what a delightful thing Piilu is and very definitely a lady - you've given me a new way of thinking about my plants actually - he - she - hmm ... thanks for sharing =))
19 Jun, 2010
thanx scotsgran lol glad im not alone on the dithering thing ,casper is so full of mischief your right there ;o))first year for these primulas, i love them to, hope they come back each year for me.the white flowers and white ruffles which are a poppy ;o))
thanx for you comment to cate, i think of all plants like people haha, glad you enjoyed blog ;o)) lady piilu settled in well and blooming now lol
19 Jun, 2010
Glad to know that somebody else does things that we gardeners shouldn`t do. I move things about that many times that I have to go searching for them when they pop into my mind. lol.
I`ve just bought clematis `Dutchess of Edinburgh` and am so disappointed in it, it looks a very miserable specimen, so looked it up in my RHS and it says may be weak-growing, why didn`t I research it first.dah.
20 Jun, 2010
sorry about your clematis stroller but dont worry i have two i got last year and they are a bit weak and dont seem to be growing at all, should have flowered in may but didnt ;o( but will keep them in and hope for next year ,im like you and cant remember where plants are lol ;o))
20 Jun, 2010
Oh what lovely flowers....lovely Clematis.
21 Jun, 2010
thankyou silvisherr
21 Jun, 2010
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Your little helper looks full of mischief San !
Piilu will give you double flowers, on the old wood, if you don't prune it in late winter, then singles in the late summer.
16 Jun, 2010