robin rescue
By sanbaz
hi guys what a start to a monday morning, casper wanted to go out at 6am so up i got eyes half shut, not the best sleeper anyway so this was no exception.
went back to bed till 7am when i heard casper calling me, so up i got and went outside and there he was with what i thought was a mouse in his mouth.
so approached him and got him to drop the victim which wasnt a mouse but a fledgling robin, poor little mite was shacking and looked half dead, couldnt see any blood so picked him up and took him to the house.
once inside i got a tin and put some soft kitchen roll inside and placed the robin gently inside.
thinking how scared he must have been i quickly got a piece of kitchen roll soaked it with water and gently ran some water into the little robins mouth, he drank quite alot and started to calm down.
by this time it was about 7.45 and i had checked online what to do next, couldnt take them to bird santuary so off to the vets i went with little robin in a cardboard box, well ventilated,
when i got there vets should have been open at 8am but at 8.15am nothing so off we went to the other vet in our area which were open thankfully.
once inside i opened the box for the receptionist to see and off he flew, well you can imagin my surprise as he looked half dead, so quickly i managed to catch him and back into the box he went,
the vet came out and asked me to show him the bird, so i took him out and explained all,
outcome was take him back and release him as close as possible to where i live ;o(( oh no poor mite would be all alone, who would feed him and could he survive ….
the vet said thats what i have to do for him to have any chance of being found by mum or even getting by on his own, couldnt be hand reared even though i told the vet i had reared a blackbird as a teenager and it grew up to be a healthy adult blackbird.
he said i was very lucky to have had such an experience as normally wouldnt survive reared by human.
so at the end of it i had to release him close to where i thought casper may have brought him, as i have robins near by i asume he belongs to them and hope mum finds her baby,
anyway took a few pics of him to show you, when i released him i prayed he would survived and couldnt help shedding a few tears for him. god be with you little birdy
at first he wouldnt leave my hand, safe and warm, so had to give him a little nudge and off he flew into the nearby garden, i do hope he is ok
28 Jun, 2010
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Bloomin Jack Russels! ;)) San, what a traumatic start to your week!! I'm amazed the bird was still alive by the time you released him; he/she must be a toughie - I have heard countless time that they die of shock within half an hour of such an event. I reckon you must have a 'special gift' with birds...'Sandra, the bird woman of Blackpool' ;) well done! You deserve a nice cuppa and a biscuit at the very least! x
28 Jun, 2010
OH My:( It is so sad sometime to 'have to do the right thing' even when our hearts tell us different. I just hope the little one is okay....I am sure he will be. And who know...maybe come the Autum/Winter he/she will come and visit your Garden x
28 Jun, 2010
I dont get many birds now since Smoky went , but I release all casualties in my wildlife area, and just hope they survive.As Karensusan63 says they normally die from the shock.
28 Jun, 2010
Wonderful story, lets hope he will survive. My son found a young bird on his doorstep and phoned me in a panic. I told him to put it back where he found it and look out for cats. He felt so responsible for its safety.
Best wishes
28 Jun, 2010
thanx guys i still feel a bit responsible and keep wondering if mum has found him, he had certainly calmed down and just kept looking at me bless, casper just seems to carry them very gently because up to know all frogs and this robin havent had a mark on them, if it had been younger and not been flying i could have done what i did with the blackbird and raised it but as it was flying already it wouldnt have stayed put, alot harder,
funny you should mention it returning silvisherr because the blackbird i had returned each spring for a couple of years and came right up to me and my mum, it knew us for sure ;o)) thanx again for all your kind words ;o)
28 Jun, 2010
Well done, Sandra on all your effort to save this little Robin, here's hoping he thrives for you. :o )))
28 Jun, 2010
I would have felt the same San,its an awful predicament,but the vet was right,and
it probably wouldn't have survived. Casper was only following his natural instinct.
you just think of all the hard work,their parents have to do,from nest building,and feeding,to help these lovely little birds survive.,don't you?It will probably be chirping away somewhere by now,having being made aware of the dangerous world out there...and its how they learn...don't we all ? It was lovely to see your pics,so something nice for you to treasure,..I would have loved to hold it too....
28 Jun, 2010
thankyou shirley and sandra, i hope all is well to and like you say sandra was amazing to help and hold that little bird, in the end it was so calm and i felt it trusted me completly ;o)) glad you liked the pics to..
28 Jun, 2010
ahhhhh poor little chap.. hope hes ok and found his parents... when i was a child my cat used to bring a lot of baby birds home.. i tried to save them but they nearly always died of shock....
28 Jun, 2010
its very sad isnt it holly, but nature can be cruel,,all we can do is try our best..
28 Jun, 2010
Ahhhhh i do hope he is ok, little jack as little and as young as he is as started watching the birds,so no more feeding on the ground anymore, for quite a few years now.
28 Jun, 2010
isnt it sad carol, i dont have ground feeders now either, not for a while now, no point in tempting fate ;o(
28 Jun, 2010
So kind of you Sanbaz.Let's hope for the best.I am sure the little birdie has already been found by its mum.All the bird mums are great at doing this.
28 Jun, 2010
thanx camillia im sure your right ;o))
28 Jun, 2010
What a brave and strong little Robin to survive such a trauma, you did the right thing Sandra by releasing him Im sure he will be coming back to thankyou in the very near future!
28 Jun, 2010
arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bless him xx
28 Jun, 2010
how lovely to save Casper didn`t mean to hurt him & he must be a strong little bird bless him...
28 Jun, 2010
Well done Sandra, I'd never have thought of the wet kitchen roll trick, must remember that. It's such a worry when there are fledglings about isn't it especially when you have a cat. That's the only time Daisy ever manages to catch any birds fortunately but we were chasing a tiny mouse round our dining room for an hour or so at 1.30am the other night! Glad to say we managed to catch it - it was very very lively but I think Daisy must have brought it in.
28 Jun, 2010
Well done Sandra. I'm sure Mum'll find it, and it'll tell her how kind you were. and I'm sure they won't forget you. :o) Fab pics too.
28 Jun, 2010
carole your right he must have been a strong little thing, im sure they know your trying to help ;o)
elsiemay im sure he doesnt mean it, they jusy cant help playing with anything that moves like all cats ;o)
hi lily yes i just thought if i give him water it may make him realise im helping and calm him down, i bet that was fun and games at 1.30am, glad you managed to catch the little mouse though, poor daisy ;o)
linda im sure they remember who helps them to ;o))
thanx cristina ;o)
29 Jun, 2010
We have a cat next door who keeps leaving us pressies, birds, mice you name it. Unfortunately she is very good at her job and there is never any chance of them recovering!
Well done you for taking such good care of the little fellow.
29 Jun, 2010
You are very caring Sandra to do what you did for the poor robin. You couldn't have done any more to help him.
I am sure he will get on OK now especially being able to fly also. Take care, Richard x
29 Jun, 2010
hi ian nice to see you, hope your recovery is doing well, im a softy when it comes to injured wildlife ;o)
thankyou so much richard cant bare to see an animal/bird suffer, hope your enjoying your attention and sunshine richard ;o)) x
29 Jun, 2010
Well done, Sanbaz, so pleased you were able to help the little robin. It's always difficult to know what's best in these situations but you were spot on :)
29 Jun, 2010
thankyou for your kind comment Gee, it was hard letting him go but im hoping mum came looking for him, i felt honoured to have helped and hold him ;o))
29 Jun, 2010
I am being looked after well thanks Sandra -just like your robin ;-)
29 Jun, 2010
thats good news richard, take care ;o))
29 Jun, 2010
Ah bless im! So lucky that Casper didn't go pu;ll-peg. Obviously meant to be. Maybe he rescued the little un and was callingyou to help him....
Well done you though and here's hoping the little fella has a long and healthy life:o))
30 Jun, 2010
thanx Dan, keep thinking about little robin and hoping mum came for him ;o)
30 Jun, 2010
thanx avis he sure must have been, i do hope he is still ok and with mum now ;o)
1 Jul, 2010
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Its awful isn't it, I had the same problem last month, there were two young blackbirds on my veg patch, Rascal my Jack Russel spotted them before I did as I shooed her off one of them she went for the other and so on.. I wasn't quick enough and it upset me for the rest of the day, you just feel so useless, but at least you seemed to have revived the poor thing and given it a chance, lets hope hes ok, but I know how you're feeling......x
28 Jun, 2010