buddleia rescue for dawn
By sanbaz
i mentioned to dawn i had seen a buddleia plant which had seeded by a lamp post near to us and was thinking of trying to get it out before the council workers just grabbed it and put it on the tip, so i asked my dear baz would he take me to try get it out, he said yes but i had to do it lol,so at 9pm tonight we got into the car, baz was in disguise with sunglasses he he, when we got there ive never seen so many people walking, never see a soul normally,
anyway twice round the block and all was clear as i thought anyway
as i got out the car equipped with carry bag and trowl the van in front which i thought was parked up,,, a man got out and looked at me very suspitiously lol, i was in fits of laughter, and baz saying just grab the bush and stick it in the bag so we can get out of here he he
so i tryed but couldnt shift it,, “BAZ” i shouted, “cant get it out, can you try please”, as i jumped back into the car,
so like a hero he went to the bush which remember isnt in a garden, but in the base of a lamp post,pulled at the base and hey presto it came out with a good root on it to,, ran to the car and threw it in the car, didnt realise how big it was and that was just one of the two what were there, decided not to get the other one otherwise wouldnt have been able to see through windscreen lol
so me a happy bunny had rescued the buddleia ,,oh did i say me,, i ment baz he he , got home and a good soak in water then into a pot till roots grow some more
so hows that for a freebie guys, and im sure the plant will be happier in my garden :o))
8 Aug, 2009
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Well Sandra, if i'd known you could have got the other one for me.
8 Aug, 2009
She could always do another raid, Clarice!! Still giggling!!
8 Aug, 2009
She could could'nt she.
8 Aug, 2009
Or just send Baz!!
8 Aug, 2009
Well rescued, LOL.
I have my eye on a Buddleia too, saw it growing in the park and looks great in full bloom, checked my books and found it,s a buddleia. a good friend works in the park and promised me a cutting next week.
8 Aug, 2009
8 Aug, 2009
lmao mari and carol, i was going to take camera and thought maybe not, he he
usernut, ive wanted one to and didnt want to pay so much, glad ive got this now and hope it suvives
8 Aug, 2009
I've got cuttings of a purple one & a white one, but theyre muddled up now! I'll try & get you one of each, San!
8 Aug, 2009
white sounds nice mari :o) thankyou
8 Aug, 2009
LMAO. It sounds like a scene from the A Team San. You never said what happened to the bloke in the van, have you got him tied up in your celler? ? ? :~))
8 Aug, 2009
Ok, white it is, then!
DO you have a man tied up in your cellar, San?????
8 Aug, 2009
What do you think Hatter? does she look the sort ? ? ?
8 Aug, 2009
8 Aug, 2009
Hahahahaha, Sunglasses, Twice round the Block, Hahahaha, Can't stop Laughing Sandra..After all that I hope it Survives..
8 Aug, 2009
Definatly A Team material ay ? ? ?
8 Aug, 2009
8 Aug, 2009
Thats great Sandra, The plant told me to thank you and Baz for rescuing him and now that he's been pulled you can call him 'Buddy' lol
8 Aug, 2009
That's a great story lol
So when are you going back to get the other one ? :o)
9 Aug, 2009
:0) Excellent blog SB
Were you both dressed all in black as well? Can just picture the scene. Great stuff....
9 Aug, 2009
Go on, San, get the other one, you know you want to!!!
9 Aug, 2009
ian, the man in the van just went into his house, so that was ok, and no i dont have him locked in cellar lol
Dee so glad that made you laugh, i couldnt stop laughing at the time he he
lol richard and hywel, not sure i could cope with the stress of the other one hywel.
thanx OB i said that to baz, shall we wear black but still being quite light it didnt make any odds lol
mari, your right i do but the funny thing was when we got home and on the drive a support policewomen pulled up and my heart sank, she said to baz about his back light not working, god was i releaved lmao
9 Aug, 2009
Hee hee!
9 Aug, 2009
hi mari the poor buddleia has wilted today so wondering whether to cut back hard to save energy
9 Aug, 2009
That's what I've had to do with some of my stuff, but try moving it into shade & giving it a feed first!
Put it up as a question tho, I'm no expert!
Good luck with it tho, it's probably just in shock from watching your antics then being wrenched from its home! LOL
9 Aug, 2009
lol mari, ive put it in shade and fed it to so fingers crossed
9 Aug, 2009
9 Aug, 2009
Have you fed it with some Sunday Dinner ? as they are quite partial to that or so I am told lol :-)
9 Aug, 2009
???????? Richard, what are you taking??????
9 Aug, 2009
lol richard, nah just plain old tomatoe feed, cut back in shade so hopefully be ok, if they seed so easierly then should be quite tough
9 Aug, 2009
I am taking it easy Madperth sat in the garden can't beat it its great! You should get plenty of butterflies after the buddleia Sandra as they love it -just hope its not the cabbage white ones that eat up all your veg!
9 Aug, 2009
think richard may be growing some of those special mushrooms mari lol, is that right richard he he
9 Aug, 2009
Sounds like it!!! :~))
SAT in the garden? I'm trying to excavate the concrete from under my hew herb bed! Just stopped for a breather!
Yes, San, I'm watching the back!!!!
9 Aug, 2009
That sounds like hard work to me Madperth especially in all this sun hope you are drinking plenty of fluids to cool you down! thats what I do - i find they grow great with the special mushrooms Sandra.
9 Aug, 2009
Your drinks GROW???? You definitely need to lay off the mushrooms! Yes, it is hard work ,but it'll be worth it!
Love the pic , looks like a lovely place! :)
9 Aug, 2009
lol richard,,, and yes watch that back mari :o))
9 Aug, 2009
9 Aug, 2009
Ha ha yes indeed so lol!
9 Aug, 2009
you are such a sweetie San
well done to you both
Im off to snip some jasmine cuttings one night in the dark
x x x
9 Aug, 2009
nice one jen, i must say i think when i go out i will go equipped with snippers lol you just never know
9 Aug, 2009
Get some for me, Jen!
9 Aug, 2009
snippers and a little plastic box with lid-or plastic bag to put cuttings in. To stop cutting drying out, put a little drop of water in the box also as it keeps the cutting moist!!
9 Aug, 2009
Good tip, Richard! I put that stuff from the bottom of fruit punnets in too!
9 Aug, 2009
OMG Sandra, your blog is so, so funny. I can just imagine how you felt carrying out your undercover mission and can also picture Baz's face, especially when he had to get involved in the robbery, lol.
It is now in our loving care, a much better life!
9 Aug, 2009
thanx dawn glad it made you laugh, ive now cut it back and fed well so here`s hoping , think they are pretty tough plants
9 Aug, 2009
Good Idea Madperth didn't think of using that.
9 Aug, 2009
9 Aug, 2009
just seen that mari and richard, good idea, mind you dont think my nerves can cope with this snipping and rescue milarky lol
9 Aug, 2009
Let's hope its OK .... I'm still smiling here just picturing the mission.
9 Aug, 2009
he he , it was so funny dawn wish i had captured it in cam,
9 Aug, 2009
I know exactly how you must have felt but the funny thing is it didnt belong to anyone anyway, lol
9 Aug, 2009
i know so why did i panic lol
9 Aug, 2009
Oh to have been able to see that!!
9 Aug, 2009
think thats what set my tum off mari,, all the excitment lol
9 Aug, 2009
Still LMAO!
9 Aug, 2009
me to, anyway im off now , tummy really swollen and im tierd mari,, enjot the rest of your evening x
9 Aug, 2009
Goodnight Sweetie! x
9 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the laugh San, could just imagine the whole thing like something out of a Carry On film with Baz just standing there pretending he wasn't with you! Are you sure it's not wilting 'cos it's missing it's friend? Just think of the other one, all lonely and pining away while it's twin is living in luxury in a potful of compost :o(( I think Baz should do the decent thing and go back (being as you're poorly) and save it from the great Council Compost Heap!!......only trying to make you feel guilty San, hope you're soon feeling better :o))
10 Aug, 2009
thanx lily, glad it gave you a laugh, i do keep thinking about its twin lol,here`s me feeling like i stole something and didnt,and some people dont even care what they take and who from,,ive had a sleep and tummy still like a pregnant women, called doc and she is making a precripion for me just incase of another attack :o( im not the staying in type and its been since saturday now, rain has stopped but i just cant drum up the energy to go in my garden,maybe tomoz :o),x
10 Aug, 2009
Poor you, I hope you feel better really soon!
Marie x
10 Aug, 2009
thanx mari, hows your workmen going on
10 Aug, 2009
I didn't get to the dentist cos Smudge ended up under the floor!
They lifted a couple of boards, & she got a fright & ran under them! Took a while to get her out, & she soiled the floor when I did!!
BUT, they've covered most of the floor with plywood, & delivered the units! :~))
10 Aug, 2009
poor smudge and poor you cleaning up, hope it all gets finished soon mari, sunshining here now, makes me feel a bit better :o)
10 Aug, 2009
Its sunshine & showers here.
They're not due to finish til NEXT Thursday!!
10 Aug, 2009
same here i think mari, im hoping to meet my son tomoz if ok, i just hate being stuck indoors dont you
10 Aug, 2009
Yep! It's sooooo frustrating!
10 Aug, 2009
Great blog, Sanbaz, really made be chuckle. Hope the little plant survives - much better to be in your garden than growing by a lamppost.
10 Aug, 2009
thanx Gee, it seems to be doing ok since i clipped it down and fed, also some rain today helped
10 Aug, 2009
Hehehehehehehe what a laugh great blog San I would have paid good money too see that, I can hear the music now ~dandan dara dandan dandan dara daddara daddara~ then Baz jumps out the car with his dark glasses on, bumps into the post, and then runs and grabs the Buddleia from the evil grip of .... Lampostman!! Yayyy! Our Hero ..... sorry getting carried away again :o))
12 Aug, 2009
lmao bob, it was just about like that, buddleia holding its own at the moment so hope it suvives the shock, glad it gave you a laugh cause it did me he he, so glad you enjoyed your trip by the way, are you thinking of moving up there
12 Aug, 2009
LMAO!!! Nice one Bob!
12 Aug, 2009
We certainly are San, it would be lovely to but when is another question, eventually that is our aim though but of course we have to find somewhere and sell-up here as well, then we have to pack up 33 years of stuff :o)
Marie you changed back again!!
12 Aug, 2009
think mari is having an identity crisis :o)
12 Aug, 2009
Yep, I'm a mistress of disguises!
LOL San!
12 Aug, 2009
12 Aug, 2009
Thats a funny blog San...
and as I came to read it after all the comments, it was even more funny...
Now you guys are the official "Bonne&Clyde" couple of GOY... hehehe
6 Oct, 2009
lol aleyna, thanx im glad it gave you a laugh , i still laugh just thinking about it, sooo funny and my baz was so stressed with it,:o)
bonnie & clyde heheh love it
6 Oct, 2009
ha ha soooooo funny, i hope it came through that bad winter for all your effort lol :o))
26 Mar, 2010
glad it gave you a laugh joan, sadly it went in the green bin just today, dead as a dodo lol, but wont tell baz hahah he will kill me to , i have another young one got from carboot last year so as far as baz knows thats the one :o))
27 Mar, 2010
27 Mar, 2010
San....I know this is one of your old blogs....but I was browsing through photos of decks and stuff (can't sleep...2.30am!!!) and came across something that said you'd only been gardening for a year. So I'm taking a very interesting look at all you've accomplished since joining GOY.
Well this blog just has me in stitches...hope I don't wake up the neighbourhood with my cackling! And it's not even hallowe'en yet (witches and all that) lol
And the punch line you have is...."sadly it went in the green bin just today.....etc." well that just finished me off. After all your trouble of nicking the thing it goes and conks out on you. Just too funny (sorry, I should feel sad at its demise really).....lol
7 Oct, 2010
lol Wlass glad it gave you a chuckle even in the middle of the night hahaha, i still laugh when i think about me and baz sneeking about after that plant,
yes only a year this summer since i revamped the garden and cant believe myself what iv done, looks like its been here for years now, and baz isnt a gardner just happy with a lawn and trees like it was, but now its done i think he quite likes it ;o))thanx for looking at my blogs
7 Oct, 2010
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Brilliant blog Sandra! Couldn't you have taken pics of the actual rescue??!!! ;o))
8 Aug, 2009