By sanbaz
hi guys after a weekend of not being to good and still not myself i decided to kick my own ass and get motivated, my garden needed weeding and some pansys that had got straggley needed to come out, shame because they still had flowers, but you know when you just keep looking at them and it bugs you so much they have to go, anyway i didnt want gaps so after i had visited my brother who was going for his body scan today :o( i felt a little down, so popped into my local nursery and got myself 3 new plants,
first pic stargazer lily
second pic rudbeckia sullivantii goldsturm
3rd pic is phlox light pink flame that i got last week i think
4th pic is anemone september charm
5th pic is phlox white flame
next pic is my holyock with lots of buds waiting to open
joe cut the grass for me and i strimmed it, yes a strimmer, my grandad would turn in his grave, he hated them, only would use edging clippers on his lawn, sorry grandad :o) final pics how my garden is looking after a good tidy and new plants
so all in all a job well done i think,glad i got it done and got some fresh air, think its going to rain soon, clouds everywhere and a bit dark.feeling alot better than i did, work through it is the best medicine some times, sandra xx
11 Aug, 2009
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Great job, San! Especially when you're feeling so bad!
Very therapeutic seeing it all looking so good tho, isn't it?
Well done! Mx
11 Aug, 2009
Looking good Sandra, glad you're feeling better. Gardening does tend to make you forget your troubles and give you a pick me up.
11 Aug, 2009
thanx hywel glad you like my garden and yes fresh air is a medicine on its own, its been lovely here not to hot or cold but raining now, so hope you get to do a bit in your garden hywel :o)
thanx mari its made me feel alot better than i have, i hate to see my garden untidy, joe and baz dont notice, say im fussing lol, but i look now and know its better :o)
thankyou to Gg, your right it takes you away to another place with no troubles :o)
11 Aug, 2009
Wish your brother luck for me for tomorrow, & dont you overdo it!
11 Aug, 2009
im going to call him, it was today mari, not sure they will have given results though, thankyou i will x
11 Aug, 2009
No, they usually make you wait, it's an insidious form of torture I think!
11 Aug, 2009
think your right there mari,
11 Aug, 2009
If only I weren't!
11 Aug, 2009
their phone engaged grr, maurine is always on that damn phone lol
11 Aug, 2009
Lots to discuss, or is she just a yap? Lol!
11 Aug, 2009
The garden looks faaaaaaaantastic and so neat! Great piece of lawn there. Credit to you that you keep it that way and chin up girl, everyhting will work out.
The self-motivation brought the just rewards in your garden. Well done and best wishes to Bro.
11 Aug, 2009
thanx OB, i just love my garden but always want something else, its being on GOY and seeing so many differant ideas, im hinting at a pond, baz just looked and " where you going to put it" then its we dont have any room with all you have, i say " you only sit in it anyway" he says " i wont be able to soon " lmao im still having one OB he he he thanx for the best wishes to or my :o)
11 Aug, 2009
Pretty garden, Sandra.
Wishing all the best to your brother for his test results. xxx
11 Aug, 2009
thanx Terra, i just rang him and he gets them next week all being well, he has an appoinment with specialist, thanx for your wishes x
11 Aug, 2009
Waiting for results is not easy.....
11 Aug, 2009
your so right Terra, my are crossed thankyou so much x
11 Aug, 2009
Sandra ,well done ..I find gadening relacing and theraeutic
11 Aug, 2009
Lovely lovely garden San, and I hope you feel much better now. Gardens are so therapeutic, and have great healing qualities don't they?
Hope all goes well for your brother....thinking of you, Di x
11 Aug, 2009
thanx deida and Di, yes it is so therapeutic, im alot better than i was and my brother has to wait till next week for results, thankyou Di x
11 Aug, 2009
Hi ya hun
think you have done a grand job, sometimes a good kick up the bum is just what we need
I often have to have quiet words with myself hehe
all the best with the family
keep smiling hun
x x x
11 Aug, 2009
thankyou so much jen, it did me the world of good, im smiling ,can you see :o))) xx
11 Aug, 2009
I can see the beam from here hun
x x x
11 Aug, 2009
It's even brightened things up in Scotland!
11 Aug, 2009
lol jen and mari x
11 Aug, 2009
Sorry Sandra did'nt know you was'nt feeling to well, must admit my garden as been pushed to one side quite alot this year, not lost interest just can't be bothered thing, but its getting to back end of summer, so just hoping all goes well with no more problems this year, hope your brother 's scan is ok.
11 Aug, 2009
its ok carol, you had enough on your plate, im alot better today and off to the hospital next week, so all should be revealed if anything, im thinking of my brother more at the moment, im sure he is in good hands :o) try and do a bit in your garden carol it makes such a differance and gives you a lift x
11 Aug, 2009
Your garden looks a picture Sandra with all those lovely flowers.I am growing some anemones this year for the first time but they look a bit different to yours-mine must be a different variety. I can see that your garden must keep you very busy for it to be looking that good. Hope all goes well for your brother.
11 Aug, 2009
Your not wrong San, I have been in the garden all day and its done me the world of good. I haven't done anything, just sat there in the sun and slept mostly but I am feeling so much better for it.
PS. this is Ian not Carol :~))
11 Aug, 2009
thanx richard, you will have to show a pic of yours, its my first time with them myself so all new to me, i do my garden once a week at weekends but occasionally in the week if we have had alot of rain to keep nettles away, seem to have been given alot when i got topsoil, must have been a bonus buy lol
11 Aug, 2009
hello ian didnt see you sneek up on me there lol, glad you got out in your garden and enjoyed the sun, and yes i gathered it was you , could tell by your voice he he
11 Aug, 2009
Lol. Being outside is certainly better for you than sitting in the house being bored :~))
11 Aug, 2009
it sure is ian and especially when the sun shines, how long will you be laid up do you think,
11 Aug, 2009
I'll be driving before the weeks out and they say I have to have an op. before I can do any walking or digging etc :~((
11 Aug, 2009
your garden is looking really lovely Sandra, I can see it gets lots of TLC. So glad you're feeling a bit better today, nothing like a bit of garden centre therapy AND garden therapy for taking your mind off things. Fingers crossed for your brother
11 Aug, 2009
bad news ian , but as long as its gets you feeling better its all worth it, is op on your back?
11 Aug, 2009
thankyou so much lily, i do more outside than inside in summer, still keep house nice but love to be outdoors,and the theropy worked wonders lol thanx lily x
11 Aug, 2009
No no San, just to remove some bits of bone from my hip. I dislocated both shoulders and my left hip and chipped some bone off of it when I fell down the steps. Its not as bad as it first sounds, I have a condition that means I can dislocate joints really easy. I must have done my shoulders (which are the worst) about 20 or more times now. Carol is becoming expert at replacing them for me.
It hurts but I get better really quickly :~)))))
11 Aug, 2009
Great to see your fingers are working now Ian! Bad news about the op but if that's what it takes to get you back out working in the garden then it's got to be worth it :~))
11 Aug, 2009
well hope it gets sorted out soon ian, carol is so good, you have a lovely wife there ian, glad you will be back to yourself soon,
11 Aug, 2009
Love your new plants Sandra and your garden looks really beautiful!
It is nice to get in the garden to take your mind off things .... you have so much going on at the moment, the garden is good therapy for you and you must be so pleased that all your hard work is paying off. x
11 Aug, 2009
Owwwww! That sounds really painful, Digger!
All joking aside, please take care! M x
11 Aug, 2009
hi dawn and thankyou, glad you like my new plants and garden, it made me feel a whole lot better being out, had a chat with my neighbour to,, and my lovely son helped me,yes im really pleased with it all x
11 Aug, 2009
Thinking of you and your brother Sandra. Your garden looks absolutely delicious. I love the borders and your lawn always look so good. Well done!
11 Aug, 2009
aww thanx michaela, its so nice to think everyone is "rooting" for you, glad you like the garden to :o)
11 Aug, 2009
Just discovered you have not been well Sandra, but pleased you are feeling better now, just looking at your lovely garden is a tonic initself, its a credit to all your hard work and enthusiasim, Do you think Baz wil finaly come round to your longing for a pond I hope so, as I have a similar situation with Harry, he is adamant that there is no room and grumbles about electric supplies etc but I keep plugging away and hope he will finally relent lol
11 Aug, 2009
thanx PP, its been a rough weekend but alot better, an ongoing prob to so hope to get some ansers when im at hospital on tuesday next week, as for the garden im so pleased on how its shaping up, still a couple of probs with spacing and height, which will show next year, but will be resolved quickly, the pond,,, ooow yes i do want one,going to wait for the other deck to be done then hope to have a small pond next to that fingers crossed, hope you get one to PP,
11 Aug, 2009
Sorry Sandra, old dopey spent all that time this afternoon talking about his favourite subject, (himself) and never once asked how you are? I hope your feeling better anbd their is nothing serious wrong with you and I'm sure ian would do as well if he had noticed. Youve got to give him a chance (but only a small one) his tablets make him very sleepy and tonight he fell asleep in his supper.
11 Aug, 2009
dont worry carol, im sure mine isnt anything to serious, got to go for scan on tummy area, upper and lower,maybe scar tissue build up from 4 opps in past or cyst on overy, may not be, but what i thought was IBS is getting pretty bad,pain wise and makes me ill for days, so getting checked out tuesday, thanx for asking, but i never gave it a thought was concerned about ian and yourself really, x
11 Aug, 2009
Well hes snoring again but I'm sure he would have noticed if he wasnt so upset himself. (hes not as tough as he makes out any more) He used to be a tough nut but hes not getting any younger and this has realy taken it out of him.
You take care of yourself and make sure those doctors are doing their best. we have had our fair share of overworked junior doctors making rash diagnosis.
All the best, Carol
11 Aug, 2009
i know what you mean about doctors carol ive been there before when i had cancer 9 years ago, long story but almost wasnt here, so im pushing on this one , i bet it has taken it out of him and not easy on you either, you get some rest to, nite carol x
11 Aug, 2009
nite Sandra x
11 Aug, 2009
Hi Carol, remember we're here for you too if you need our support. You need to take it as easy as you can too.
Give Holly a hug, & Digger too! THAT'LL surprise him!
Goodnight, sleep well.
11 Aug, 2009
You too San! Dont overdo it! Mx
11 Aug, 2009
Your garden is a credit to you Sandra especially when your not feeling to well.I hope you feel a lot better and yes gardening is good therapy first thing i do when things go wrong....Best Wishes for your brothers results also yourself,Take care x
11 Aug, 2009
Sorry Sb. I sent my best for your bro and I should have done likewise for you. Our thoughts are with you both.
Chin up kid 8-)
11 Aug, 2009
thankyou mobee and OB, for your kind thoughts, glad you like the garden mobee :o))
12 Aug, 2009
You have LOADS of room for a pond San!
12 Aug, 2009
thats what i say mari, the thing is i like lots around me and baz is minimalistic, oops thats a bad word to spell lol,so we want differant things, but im the garden boff and he`s the tv addict so i will have a pond lol
12 Aug, 2009
Good for you!!! :~D
12 Aug, 2009
hey tough cookie
all will be fine next week just you see
probably something completely simple like trapped wind
or grumbling appendix hehe
cant bring you down hun
we need your smile to light our way
keep chipper
oh and I think I can hear more weeds growing in your garden!! hehehe
x x x
12 Aug, 2009
lol jen im cool here, appendix gone jen so thats off the list, your right about the weeds though, thought i had them all yesterday then lastnight i caught site of a nettle hiding so thats got to go he he he , hope your doing ok to jen x
12 Aug, 2009
all good here hun
mine has gone too
that was awful glad we only have one
raining here wohoo
but can see lots of weeds waving at me
they grow up in plants so you dont notice them until they are bigger than the plants themselves
the cheek!!
x x x
12 Aug, 2009
glad all is well in the mookins household and your so right about the dreaded weeds, thats why i noticed the nettle getting tall, it wont know whats hit it when its dangling from its roots lol xx
12 Aug, 2009
I wouldn't like to be a weed in your garden :~((
12 Aug, 2009
lmao ian, how are you today sweetie :o)
12 Aug, 2009
I'm a lot better than that weed is, thats for sure! :~))
Falling down steps hurts but not half as much as hanging from my 'roots' Lol :~))
and thank you for all your kind words.
x x x
12 Aug, 2009
glad your feeling better than the nettle ian lol, we`re all "rooting" for you x
12 Aug, 2009
Morning Digger! Hope you're feeling a bit (no, make that a LOT) better!
Did you see my tatties?
12 Aug, 2009
12 Aug, 2009
Thanks San and Hatter x x x
Sorry hatter I havn't, not yet :~((
Morning Mookins, sneaking up on me when my backs turned Lol :~))
12 Aug, 2009
Jen, you're more mad than I am! & what a dirty mind! LOL! :~))
12 Aug, 2009
Good to see you back on your....keyboard son!
Take it a little easier tho going forward as it all takes time and life wasn't meant to be rushed!
Glad you're feeling better mate :0)-
12 Aug, 2009
Cheers OB. :~))
12 Aug, 2009
Nice lillies Sandra -mine have finished flowering now, would you know if should I take them out of the pots, dry them out and store them for next year?
12 Aug, 2009
i had this conversation with DI, i always leave mine where i grow them in pots or ground,dont like being moved, so i just move my pots at the back of garden under a tree or something if you dont want it in view, will bring them back in springtime to feed and maybe freshen composs up
13 Aug, 2009
You have a lovely garden Sandra.
Hope you are feeling better, and that your brothers scan goes OK.
13 Aug, 2009
thankyou so much potty..... im alot better today thankyou, back at work :o))
13 Aug, 2009
Good to hear San!
13 Aug, 2009
cheers mari x
13 Aug, 2009
13 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the reply Sandra I'll keep them in the pots and leave them in the shed (frostfree) and replant them in fresh compost next spring.
13 Aug, 2009
just take out surounding composs, try not to disturb them,maybe every other year change all composs, they are hardy so leave them outside richard, i would
13 Aug, 2009
OK Thanks Sandra I'll do that.
13 Aug, 2009
yw richard :o)
13 Aug, 2009
Glad you are feeling better -hope you didn't rush back to work too early!!
13 Aug, 2009
im ok thanx richard, was a bit unsure but once there i was good, i love my work and chatting to my clients :o)
13 Aug, 2009
Garden looks lovely Sandra,didn,t know you weren,t too good but it seems your getting back on track so pleased for you ,Just a thought but would it be possible to incorporate a pond in that new decking area you want then you would have best of both and you possibly could convince Baz its only one job.LOL..........
13 Aug, 2009
thanks lins and you read my mind lol, i was thinking the same, when baz finally gets the second deck done we could have the pond to the right near the raised border, then i thought the left cause more room, ummm not sure but good idea :o))
14 Aug, 2009
One reason I suggested it is because my son had to raise his pond a bit due to state of the ground,so he built decking around it and incorporated growing pockets and waterfall at same time,it looks smashing and all his filters and electrics are hidden away whilst also giving himself easy access when needed...........
14 Aug, 2009
sounds great lincs, maybe you could post a pic, if possible :o))
14 Aug, 2009
That sounds amazing, Lincs!
14 Aug, 2009
Hope you're feeling a bit better now San......and good wishes to your brother too......your garden is looking really lovely......I was looking at some Japanese Anemones the other day....but I wish I hadn't Lol! I quite fancy a white one, but they need a damp shady area and i only have a dry sunny one....well dry one anyhowLol!
15 Aug, 2009
hi janey im ok at the moment touch wood, scan on tuesday so will hopefully know more, brother should get results this next week,all a bit scarey at the moment, but im not letting it all get to me, no point in worrying till we know anything,
i know what you mean about wanting a certain plant, not always the right place or space to put it, but doesnt stop us wanting it, lol glad you like my garden to janey, its nice to get such compliments isnt it :o))
15 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear you are feeling better.....your garden is amazing Sandra....i feel the same as your grandad....I hate strimmers, when my husband starts with it ..i have to go indoors...
15 Aug, 2009
thankyou motinot,, well i do prfere the edges done properly with clippers myself but baz or joe normally do grass for me so cant moan or they may tell me to do it myself lol
15 Aug, 2009
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Hi Sandra , your garden looks beautiful. I'm glad you're feeling better after being out in the fresh air. You have some lovely plants. Phlox is one of my favourite flowers.
It's very warm and sunny here so I've stayed indoors sorting some things out. I hope to go in the garden this evening after it cools down a bit. - about now actually lol
I hope your brother will have a satisfactory result after his scan.
11 Aug, 2009