my second wedding anniversary
By sanbaz
today ive been married to my lovely hubby baz for 2 years, how time flys, doesnt seem like 2 mins since we were in las vegas exchanging vows" no elvis wasnt there lol" we had the best time just the 2 of us and the little chapel of the flowers was beautifull, we had a week in vegas which was great, i had been before but baz hadnt so it took all that i dont like america away even though he hadnt been before heheeh, he loved it and we will be going again, then we had 4 nights in newyork which was fab seeing the sites and shopping, also a boat trip round hudson bay, wonderfull
anyway today im here alone , arrrrr , its ok as baz had to work and i wasnt really up to going anywhere with this damn gallstone giving me hell, but not to worry i took myself off to the carboot sale for my bird seed and of course the plant man was there, he just laughs when he sees me heading his way now,
so what did i get, well here it is
viola sororia rubra, perenial,sweet williams(dwarf),phormium jester and scabious rockery
here`s my sweet williams plated up in trough now the geraniums are gone
then the phormium jester which is a lovely colour of pink centre and limegreen leaves
then the scabious rockery
then viola sororia rubra
here is the heuchera i bourght the last carboot
then i brushed all the fallen leaves and twigs off my deck, and dead flower heads, ammazing how messy it gets after a couple of weeks neglect,put all my pots tidy and small cutting etc to the back close to fence to shelter them for winter, god i hate that word"winter" not even sat on my deck much for breakfast this summer, anyway all tidy
so thats my anniversary present to me :o) got baz a nice card and new jumper for when he gets home, we are going for a meal tonight to celebrate which will be lovely, im very happy :o))
6 Sep, 2009
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Happy Anniversary :)
6 Sep, 2009
~congratulations!Have a happy evening!
6 Sep, 2009
Best wishes from Carol and I to San.
Here's to many more of them. :~))
6 Sep, 2009
How lovely! Now you are making me feel VERY old...but I shall sing to you like Cliff Richard: Ready?
'Congratulations, and celebrations'......etc etc. I don't think you can hear me, so that'll do. Have a lovely evening...well done for all that work! :-)) xxxx
6 Sep, 2009
thanx Terra i will have to get that gallstone to keep if they will let me lol :o)
thanx louise and arlene :o))
cheers ian and carol looking forward to my meal out, baz brought a bunch of flowers for me, bless he couldnt find much where he was working today, his mate said get her some plants, baz said i think she has enough,,"WHAT" never enough plants lol anyway i dont nag at him cause i know i can have what i want when ever i want :o)
ohh nooo barbara not cliff,, sorry if your a fan but he gets up my nose lol rather have elvis heheh and thankyou, we will enjoy! x
6 Sep, 2009
I can't think of an Elvis song that fits, though! brain hurts trying to think of one!
Yes, I prefer him, too....
6 Sep, 2009
Congratulations lovely pots you have I too hate the thought of winter.
6 Sep, 2009
thanx Drc, seems a bit bare now ive cleared alot of my pots, baz thinks its better grr, men lol,
6 Sep, 2009
i liked his ballards the best barbara, not a rock an roll chick lol
6 Sep, 2009
Happy Anniversary from me too,,,you've had a good tidy up...your decking looks a very inviting place to have brekkie...more chances next summer eh? Forever hopeful aren't we?!!
6 Sep, 2009
thanx fluff, ive sat there once this summer, but i do have a little sit when doing my garden, im trying to pop some more small rockery plants in the gravel near the deck where i put the scabious, thought it would take the bareness off the stones :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Congratulations on your second anniversary. Well atleast the sun has been shining today, brightening up a lonely day. Hope you enjoy your meal tonight with baz.
6 Sep, 2009
thanx samba yes just got my garden done in time its raining here now, but glad i did it :o)
6 Sep, 2009
x x x x
6 Sep, 2009
Yes, we got a bit of ours done, mowing, weeding, cutting lots of pumpkin leaves away (the damp weather has not kept them at their best) sweeping and tidying. A good days work done! Shame about the rain (again).
6 Sep, 2009
Many congratulations to you both - sorry you being troubled with gall bladder and those pains in your legs ..suppose a slap up meal tricky when gall bladder inflammed ?
Baz at work too ..well you have some lovely plants and sure he ll be coming home to a nice surprise to see them planted up.
6 Sep, 2009
cheers jen xxx :o)
glad you got some done to samba, its hard when the wet leaves and petals stick, harder to brush up
6 Sep, 2009
oops didnt see you there BB thankyou, im looking forward to my meal but will have to be carefull, dont want to end up with another bad attack later, baz is home now with some pretty flowers for me, he`s just having a nap, works 7 days at the moment poor thing, :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Congratulations Sandra and Baz, hope you both have a very good evening out. You've got some lovely plants there and your garden looks so lush.
6 Sep, 2009
thanx michaella, it does look better after a tidy, still a bit more to do but not today, and its raining now anyhow, thats why it looks lush, none stop rain all august lol
6 Sep, 2009
Hey Sandra! After looking at all the plants you've bought, It felt like I have missed something, I have not bought a plant for more than 3 months now, but then, the other day in my blog, I did say my planting time is mainly done in the Spring and Autumn, that explain that then. LOL.
6 Sep, 2009
lol michaella, i read in garden mag that we should plant pernials in sept/autumn makes the plants stronger, they get some warmth from summer and helps them for winter, if you plant in spring the ground is cold and they dont like it, so not as much growth, learn something every day lol, so get planting michaella heheh
6 Sep, 2009
Thats does make sense, I suppose. Hopefully the rain will hold off long enough for us to do a little bit more out there.
6 Sep, 2009
lets hope so, they say this next week is better :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Fingers and toes crossed.
6 Sep, 2009
Good advice Sandra often cheaper to buy as not in flower ..and spend the winter months establishing a good root system.
Poor Baz ..I know good to be working esp at this time but 7 days ? He ll need some me time too ...hope you get some time to celebrate.
6 Sep, 2009
thanx jane im going to get my shower and wake baz with a cuppa, then hope to go out just for dinner, wont be out long,catch you all later x
6 Sep, 2009
enjoy your evening...happy anninversery..;-))
6 Sep, 2009
thanx sandra, looking forward to eating lol, will be carefull though :o), get plenty of rest sandra
6 Sep, 2009
Hey, Sandra! How about 'Love me tender'??? Good one??
6 Sep, 2009
Congrats to you both Sandra your deck and plants look lovely,have a lovely night & meal ,hope the old gallstones don`t bother you much tonight:~)))) xx
6 Sep, 2009
Great bargain.
6 Sep, 2009
i love that song barbara, yes i like that,, you will have to sing up so i can hear you :o)
cheers mobee ive just got back from a lovely lamb shank with mashed potatoes and mint gravy, and a lovely fresh salad from the salad bar they have in there, baz had a prawn curry, it was very nice, poor baz started with a soar throat and cold coming out now :o(
thanx carol think i paid just under £7 for all of them
6 Sep, 2009
Every day I count my blessings and every day I count Ali twice...
I'm sure you do the same with Baz...
CONGRATULATIONS SAN & BAZ.....Hope you enjoyed the meal!!!
6 Sep, 2009
aww thats lovely Dan, yes im so happy to have met someone so sweet and caring as baz, dont get me wrong he does have faults but so do i,, well cant think of anything but im sure i must have :o) lol
ps thanx Dan and yes enjoyed our meal
6 Sep, 2009
LOL!! We all have our faults San and it would be a worse place if we didn't. It's not about trying to change someone's habits but more adapting to them.
We've been together 5 years and it's flown by! My dad always use to say: 'I'm not perfect but I'm the closest thing you'll get to it....!'
Neither Ali or I are perfect......but we're perfect for each other......and that's all that matters!
6 Sep, 2009
your right and thats how we feel, been together just over 4 years now and even though we have disagreements we dont have bad arguments, we hate shouting and falling out,, i couldnt stand that, i like a peacefull life and so does baz, :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Happy Anniversary Sanbaz! Our 9th wedding anniversary is tomorrow, and we're going for an Indian meal.
As it happens, Mrs James had her gall bladder removed two years ago through micro-surgery, but she suffered for two years before they eventually decided to do something. The scan revealed enough stones to build a small cottage apparently! I've got the flowers on order; just got to remember a card on the way home from work!
8 Sep, 2009
lol merfyn,, sorry i read the other comment on my spider blog first and thought mrs james was still suffering so im glad to know she is without gallbladder now :o),hope you enjoy your indian meal and bet she will love her flowers to,i cant wait to enjoy food again, have a nice anniversary both of you
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks very much Sanbaz. I'm quite looking forward to a nice ruby myself! We go for an Indian about twice a year - if that, so it'll be a nice change!
8 Sep, 2009
it sure will, have fun :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Sorry I missed it! Happy (belated) anniversary!
10 Sep, 2009
Me too San,trying to catch up ,anyway congratulations to you both and hope you get sorted out very soon...........
10 Sep, 2009
cheers mari and lincs xx
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
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Lovely plant choices, Sandra...
and congrats to you both on 2nd wedding
Don't forget... that gallstone could be made into an interesting piece of jewellery... a ring perhaps ? Lol.
6 Sep, 2009