my pretty angelina, vet visit
By sanbaz
today i had to take angelina to have a check on her eyes, she has this reacuring infection, and its so hard to get cream into her eyes on my own, yes i do have a hubby and son who , well lets say a bit scared of angelina and her claws lol, so i took her back and the nice vet gave her an attibiotic injection and a good checking over, no damage to her eyes so it may just be before i got her over 4 years now, she may have an infection that was with her when born so thats why it keeps coming back,here she is my little princess angel
anyway while the nice vet was checking her tummy he found something,, yes it was something, a swelling maybe a tumor :o((, i just started to feel the tears and thought what else can possible happen, what with me and my brother now my lovely cat,, anyway he said he was sorry and not to panic as it may just be she had eaten a bit to much,,, think he was trying to make me feel better, so i have to go back on 22nd to check her eyes and in hope the swelling/lump was just due to something or nothing, he weighed her and she had lost some weight so going to check that again next time, but shes eating ok apart from the odd time and has been a little down but i thought that was because the weather was bad and she couldnt lay in the garden, so im a little scared right now for my little princess, we got home and she had some tinned salmon to cheer her up and now she`s gone to have a sleep on mummys bed,, if the swelling is still there it will be a scan to check it out, so here`s praying it doesnt come to that guys xx
8 Sep, 2009
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Fingers crossed - its horrible when your pets are ill - its not as if they can tell you.
8 Sep, 2009
I'm sure every thing will be fine, let's keep our fingers crossed till 22nd!
8 Sep, 2009
Keep thinking positive Sandra, just because there's lots of sad things going on just now try not to worry too much until you know. Give Angelina extra cuddles and a big one from me too. She's gorgeous. x
8 Sep, 2009
So long as she's eating alright and not drinking too much water, then the chances are good, I'd say! Mrs James has had cats all her life, so she's become a bit of an expert in that field. I'm sure everything will be hunky-dory!
8 Sep, 2009
thanx everyone for you kind wishes, im trying not to worry but its not easy is it, i love her so much, and she was so badly treated before i found her and gave her what she deserved, a happy loving home, she`s such a loving cat and so happy, lily i will pass on your hugs thankyou, and merffyn she is drinking alot these days, we never use to see her drink till last month i guess, does that mean anything
so thanx louise, GS, paul, lily and merfyn x
8 Sep, 2009
Hi Sandra....
I understand fully about worrying over a precious pet...
Angelina is your special girl. You have lots to deal with right now, so try to take it all one day at a time... You are being very brave. Love & hugs for you and
8 Sep, 2009
hi Terra thankyou so much, angelins having a sleep after her vet visit so think i may join her for a rest to, im beat! im concentrating on going to the hospital tomorrow and my brothers results which has been brought forward from thursday,, so lots to deal with
love and hugs for you and conker for tomorrow to xxx
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Sandra... yes, get some rest any time you can.. cuddle up with Angelina... you two can look after each other. xxx
8 Sep, 2009
She is beautiful I do hope all will be well fingers crossed such a time to wait poor you. xxx
8 Sep, 2009
thanx Drc, she has just enjoed a fresh lamb dinner, nothing wrong with her appetite :o) now she`s gone back to bed
8 Sep, 2009
Oh Sandra I really feel for you with all the worry you have with youself and your Brother, Hope its more positive news for you both tomorrow will be thinking about you.On top of all this you now have the added worry over your beautiful Angelina pray all will be well when you take her back to the vets. Take Care Carole xx
8 Sep, 2009
thankyou so much carole, its all happening isnt it, not just me but all the other sad news here on GOY including your loss, its all so sad and im trying to deal with myself and my brother first tomorrow, so then i have a couple of weeks before i take angelina back to vets, one day at a time is all im doing at the moment, will update with news of angelina when i know more
take care carole, xx
8 Sep, 2009
Hope all will be well sent you a pm to read link ;o)
8 Sep, 2009
No expert Sandra if any help one of our cats had a kidney infection and vet said she was drinking a lot to flush out kidneys ..antibiotics resolved matters so would only suggest you hold on to simpler causes before fearing the worst .
Especially as you seem to have so much else to deal with just now .
If you ve read Bobg s blog you may feel whos he to be offering advice ..only tying to help lol
8 Sep, 2009
thanx BB and im open to all advice even if it means certain injuries lol, im hoping its nothing like you say and she is drinking quite alot, anyway she had antibiotic jab for any infection and to help her eye, so fingers crossed :o)
thanx morgana ive pm you
8 Sep, 2009
Cheers lol Agony Aunt that s what BB said, So I will let you all into a little secret, I have been one for years not only telling fortunes for free but advice free to, I use to have house fulls to my house, even the owner of Jaguar works who I use to chat to on a cb every morning and night, I use to have a lot of teenagers too with their problems, those who society condem with out serching why they do what they do and why they are why they are taking drugs, if fact these kids even now and they are over 40 call me mum, these drugies never seen my children and my self go cold, like the goverment and others who stood by and watched, they would get their mothers shopping trolly with their mothers permission oh if its for your 2nd mother go ahead. They would go and fetch my coal , bring coffee and tea if I ran out after giving all the people drinks that came to my home, those that would pay fortune tellers 30.00 but could nt offer a bit of tea or a 10p sweet for my children . I always mean like BB to help, but it seems all it causes is trouble and people dont appreciate it either so now I only help those I know dont look a gift horse in the mouth. Sorry I have placed this on your blog .
8 Sep, 2009
hi morgana have read the link which was interesting, so i will check in with the vet and all being well angelina will be well to, then i can concider her diet, for a long happy life :o)
8 Sep, 2009
I am pleased its suprising what info is out there but lots dont know about. Thank you for looking.
8 Sep, 2009
I hope all goes well with your brother and Anglelina,Remember cats have NINE lifes and i'm sure with lots of love and care there'll both be alright .God Bless :o)
8 Sep, 2009
yw morgana, and thanx swanky, im carmer now and will face what i have to as it comes,
8 Sep, 2009
hello San. I really hope Angel is OK. The vet can't have been too worried if he doesnt want to see her for a couple of weeks :-) My Jess worries me all the time so I know how you feel. This is the last thing you need :-(
8 Sep, 2009
hi dawn and thankyou, i think he felt awful as i got so upset,so maybe the antibiotics will do something and its not what he thought, well we may as well have it all at once then next year we will all be ok :o)
8 Sep, 2009
So sorry about Angelina Sandra, hope all will be ok with her on 22nd, try not to get down to much, just think of Smokey with his kidney failure, he was diagnosed with it 18mths ago, and is still hanging in there, did'nt think he would be with us last xmas but the way he's going think he could see a few more, well hoping he does i've had him since he was 5wks old and he's 17 now, got my fingers crossed for her, and like with Conker Smokey's waging his tail for her.
8 Sep, 2009
The antibiotics will be good for her, wont they. I get upset at the vets too :-((( I wonder if vets are trained in dealing with upset owners, lol. My vet is lovely too and she loves Jess and Jess love her too, she just lies on her side on the table (Jess that is, lol) purring away and reminds the vet of her cat when she was a child as she is the same colour :-))
8 Sep, 2009
thanyou so much carol, yes smokey is doing great isnt he, so im going to think possitive,, angelina says meow to smokey :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Aww Carol, Smokey is a bit older than Jess - they are a worry, arent they.
8 Sep, 2009
sorry we crossed then dawn, he is very kind, a nice guy, he even asked me was i ok, could see i wasnt well, so he talked to me about me as well, lolangelina was so good with him, didnt try to claw him or wriggle away, why cant she be like that with me when im trying to do her eye cream and demat,, lol
8 Sep, 2009
Fingers crossed for your little Angelina ballerina Sanbaz...clicked on' I like this blog' cos she looks so lovely. xx
8 Sep, 2009
awww thanx fluff, i will tell her that lol, she`s sleeping fast after her stressful day, and im a bit tired to now so catch up tomorrow, nite fluff
8 Sep, 2009
Some times you know Smokey can go a couple of months without an injection then another time he only goes a couple of weeks, think i've got quite good at knowing when he his ready for one,also i dont go on holiday anymore just incase he needs one when im away, as i can tell with in a couple of days that he's ready for one.
8 Sep, 2009
Nite honey.x
8 Sep, 2009
Top tip for medicating pussy cats with cream in eyes etc.
1. Put on old thick jumper.
2 Pick up cat and cuddle on chest, head up, tail down, obviously.
3. Let go. Cat will now be hanging in easy reach of both hands.
4. Hold head with one hand and apply cream with other.
5. Make fuss of cat, release claws and put down.
Works every time - my Misty never learns.
9 Sep, 2009
oooh the spitting and hissing i remeber when my mums cats had to have any type of medication
oh my goodness I fully understand being scared hehe
lets keep all fingers and toes crossed for your litle Angelina
x x x
9 Sep, 2009
I'm looking after my daughter's cats at the moment and the three legged one has to have a kidney tablet once a day and an asthma inhaler twice a day (he's a walking , or hopping disaster area!) The inhaler is the same as for humans but fits on to a contraption with a plastic cup shaped bit which has to be held over his nose for 1 minute after pressing the puffer. He sits absolutely still the whole time then has his pill straight after, good as gold!! The other one has a pretend puff too as he thinks he's missing out on something good. lol
9 Sep, 2009
That is so sweet, Lily.
10 Sep, 2009
you make that sound so easy wagger not sure i will try, angelina getting old and i would worry just incase she fell, and ive seen leonard rossiter with vienna on rising damp if you remeber that episode lol
thankyou so much jen x
aww lily isnt she good letting your daughter do that, maybe she knows its for her own good x
10 Sep, 2009
It's me been doing it this week Sandra so he's being extra good!
10 Sep, 2009
thats great lily, i think because i havent had angelina since being young she just isnt use to having things done, but i will have to keep trying if she needs more for her eye, the vet says drops easier cause just drop them when she looks up lol will see hehe
10 Sep, 2009
Good luck with that San, don't think I would fancy doing it!
10 Sep, 2009
thanx lily, talk about stress lol
10 Sep, 2009
Heres hoping sweetie! Its about time things went well for you!
10 Sep, 2009
I first saw this method on tv, Sanbaz and used it with Misty when she started taking two tablets every day - she fought like a tiger, lol. Using this method she got used to being medicated morning and evening and just sits patiently waiting to have her mouth opened. She will still spit them out if she gets the chance but they are bright pink so I soon find them.
11 Sep, 2009
cheers mari im hoping it is just with the infection she has had in her eyes, shes eating ok still and sitting in the garden as i speak :o)
lol wager maybe i will try if i have to have any meds for her when i go, get baz to stand ready to catch her just incase lol
11 Sep, 2009
You certainly have been having a tough time recently with your brother and you and now your Angelina. I hope she doesn't need any more treatment and that her tummy swelling is nothing serious - Misty says she'll share her tablets with Angelina if she likes, they're such a pretty colour.
11 Sep, 2009
lol wagger i sure angelina wouldnt mind in the slightest :o)
11 Sep, 2009
I have not heard of the jumper method! I always put mine on the arm of the sofa and stand behind him, to block him as he tries to back away! Hope she is doing OK San, and her tummy swelling is not anything nasty.....x
13 Sep, 2009
thanx potty, well im not sure what the outcome will be, she`s eating and out as we speak in the garden enjoying the sun, i did notice i could feel her ribs yesterday and cant normally, she never stops eating, always food down for her, my son came yesterday and hadnt seen her i a while and also noticed the wieght lose, hope this isnt a bad sign
13 Sep, 2009
That's good San...I'm sure the sunshine will do her it does all of us.
13 Sep, 2009
cheers fluff, going out there myself now, catch you later :o)
13 Sep, 2009
Ah..... that's where the sun's hiding today is it? ooop north. A bit grey down here round Bracknell although we're getting the occasional glimmer. I don't begrudge it to you and Angelina though San, you both deserve it.
13 Sep, 2009
hi lily and thanx, im just on my way outside to do a bit of planting, sorry your not getting as much sun today, my brother wont be pleased either,enjoy your day, :o))
13 Sep, 2009
Yep, I wondered where the sun was too! It's helping Angelina :o)
13 Sep, 2009
it sure is, still outside under the tree sleeping fast bless
13 Sep, 2009
It's very common for older cats to develop an overactive thyroid - symptoms weight loss and eating more. It's diagnosed by a simple blood test. That's Misty's problem and is easily treatable with tablets so in a way I hope for you that it's that.
13 Sep, 2009
thanx for that wagger i will bring that up when at vets :o)
13 Sep, 2009
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Yes, here's hoping it doesn't San.
8 Sep, 2009