pond more or less finished
By sanbaz
after working this morning i couldnt wait to get home and in the garden, the sun was shinning bright and i longed to be outside.so on my way home i stopped off at garden centre to collect 2 more bags of pebbles and some slate discs for the pond, once home baz made a late breakfast which he does if not at work saturday.
so while baz was cutting wood to make a low edging fence around pond area i started to place pebbles around and make my little waterfall, got the pump/filter up and running and kept testing it out till i got the water to run down the right place, then got the fountain going to,
just need a couple of large rocks which i ran out to finish off at one side near plants,
then i took all the pebbles out of my half barrel water feature to use in the pond and while trying to place a rather large bolder into pond it escaped my hands and rolled away under water , me almost following it in there to lol, took a while to locate it as the water is murky untill it all settles, but managed to find it and baz heped to get it out again, so tomoz im going in with wellies to place the bolders which will be an escape root for wildlife,anyway a great day in all and not had dinner yet, lose all track of time when im outside in the sun enjoying my garden, hope you all had a good day to
10 Apr, 2010
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looks really good...know what you mean about loosing track of time in the garden too !
10 Apr, 2010
Thats really lovely Sandra, you`ve both done a fantastic job. I was in the garden from 11am till 6.30pm, talk about losing track of time! :o))
10 Apr, 2010
So glad it's turned out so well, Sanbaz, after your earlier problems. It really does look great and I think that little Robin approves too :) Great photo.
10 Apr, 2010
Sandra it looks great, well done to you both, hard work but worth it i think, and when plants have grown aswell will be fab :o)
10 Apr, 2010
Fab pond San! love the little water fall. So pleased it's turned out so well for you. Do you hire out Baz for cooking breakfast? Steve thinks toast is cooked breakfast if hes in charge of the kitchen lol! Hope you have a great day again tomorrow it's going to be nice again.
10 Apr, 2010
Wow,that is looking so good now,San,you must be so proud of it.Its probably better now,than how you planned it before the big D (disaster) day ,Lol.well done:o))
10 Apr, 2010
Bloomer i thought that aswell :o))
10 Apr, 2010
I notice that the Clerk of Works is looking down with a look of approval and quite right too.
10 Apr, 2010
thankyou all so much for your lovely comment, its been a tough road but finally got there, i love my pond so much,its been a beautifull day and i hate being inside, feel a like a caged animal lol, sandra(bloomer)and carol your right its so much better than first planned :o))
and yes heron i think the clerk does approve, cant wait for my plants to take off now :o))
10 Apr, 2010
Hi Sandra. Sandra took the words out of my mouth, was going to say the same ... Wow, that looks amazing. A big pat on the back from me :-) x
10 Apr, 2010
hi dawn thanx for that im made up, took 7 bags of sea pebbles and loads of rocks, more than i thought, bigger than i though concidering i just wanted a small one lol :o)) x
10 Apr, 2010
Well done. I have been following your trials and now your celebration.
Mine is made up of all the rocks and slabs i keep digging up in the garden.
Some of which I then find in the pond where an animal has knocked them in during the night.
Get ready to roll your sleves up.
10 Apr, 2010
thanx Trees.... yes i can imagine having to get in there picking stones out at some point hahah :o)
10 Apr, 2010
Ah Sandra, that is SO worth all the effort isn't it? It looks amazing! I love the little waterfall and I can imagine it will sound lovely too. You have actually got me making plans for a pond!! I think it will wait until winter - give me something to do over the cold months, but I have decided where I am going to put it!......I'm inspired!! lol
10 Apr, 2010
Once the plants get going the rocks will be 'softened' and the area wont look as big, it will look great :-)
10 Apr, 2010
hi karen glad its imspired you to do a pond to,, im sure you will make a great job of it to, glad you like mine thanx :o))
yes im sure your right dawn, just needs the foilage and pretty flowers ;o))
10 Apr, 2010
The waterfall looks good Sandra. Glad you managed to get the pump working well. You may get some frogs in your pond as I don't think it is too late yet. Still hoping for the frogs to come back to my little pond :-)
10 Apr, 2010
cheers richard im pleased with result, hope you get your frogs back to :o))
10 Apr, 2010
Looking great Sandra..should be plain sailing from now on.Sure you will have great pleasure from your new pond and in a couple of years it will be as if it had been there forever...
10 Apr, 2010
thanx so much ray, glad you like it,, im going to get a couple of plants for pond tomoz all being well, loved your marsh marigold so hope to get one :o) do you take plants out in winter ray or leave them
10 Apr, 2010
Oh, that looks fantastic now. I love the way you said 'got the pump/filter up and running''. My OH wouldn't even attempt anything like that, we don't call h im ' Barney Bodger' for nothing. I think you've done a brilliant job there. : o ) ) )
10 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much megan glad you like it to,, poor barney bodger lol
10 Apr, 2010
No Sandra....they are very hardy.They die back late summer and all we do is trim off dead leaves and wait for spring.It has come back even stronger every year.
10 Apr, 2010
thanx ray will remember that, i guess some have to come out dont they, i have a water lillie and an iris to, not sure what i do with them
10 Apr, 2010
No Sandra...just leave them in.We havent taken any of our pond plants out and they come back each year ! The waterlily wil hibernate under water all winter.Ours is onlt 2 years old and has just started sending new lpads out after this harsh winter..ready for the off ! Our iris was also asleep but now has healthy new shoots coming up in the pond ! Hope this helps Sandra.
10 Apr, 2010
yes thanx ray, the iris had shoots when i bourght it so hope now its in water they will grow more cause a bit pale and lifeless
10 Apr, 2010
It's looking brilliant Sandra :o) You don't have much left to do now. I see your helper is keeping a look out for you
10 Apr, 2010
hi Sandra, been a bit busy like most of us so not been on here much but your water feature is looking good now after all the upset at first,its a credit to you both ,when plants establish over the next few months it will look brilliant and you will get sooo much pleasure from it...well done you two ,you will be thinking you can hear the tide coming in now in your garden lol :o)))
10 Apr, 2010
Great to see how your hard work on the pond has finally paid off!
I really like your little waterfall, too, it looks wonderful!
While on the allotment this afternoon a blackbird followed my digging! She, I'm sure it was a female, her feathers look lighter than the male's, filled her beak with worms on two or three occasions. I stopped to watch her foraging for them.
10 Apr, 2010
Looks fantastic Snadra. Really impressed with that and how have you got the water running down the slope like that. Very nice:0))
Are those Heart's Delights in the top picture?
10 Apr, 2010
cheers Dan so glad you like it, only know they are tulips lol will take a pic of inside as they are lovely, to get water down fall you have a hose from pump, take it to where you want it covering with rocks and pebbles and hey presto, weighted down by brick in pond so hose doesnt show :o)) its a fountain and waterfall pump in one
10 Apr, 2010
wow san lookin brill :-)
11 Apr, 2010
Absolutely great San, fantastic waterfall.
great end result.
11 Apr, 2010
hywel, joan and balcony sorry i missed your comments yesterday, glad you like my pond :o)) joan the pebbles did actually smell of the sea while i was taking out of the bags lol and balcony its so lovely to have the birds trust us and come close isnt it :o)
thankyou viv ;o)
cheers andy hope it given you some ideas for yours to :o))
11 Apr, 2010
You certainly have worked hard on the pond, it's got lots of well thought out features. Look forward to updates.
11 Apr, 2010
Looking really good now Sandra, look forward to photo's of it's visitors!
11 Apr, 2010
That looks great San. Enjoy!
11 Apr, 2010
your pond looks great now sandra.... well done... : O )) hope you get lots of wildlife....
11 Apr, 2010
Looking good Sandra ....
11 Apr, 2010
thankyou TOG, glad its finished after first disaster lol,
cheers potty i cant wait for visitors to ;o)
thanx Jb :o)
thanx holly ;o)
cheers stripes ;o)
baz has made a lovely wood edging today all around pond area, painted green to go with fencing and raised border, took all weekend and looks great ;o)
11 Apr, 2010
Its great San and I bet you have a good sense of satisfaction when you`re looking at it., it won`t take long to settle and you`ll soon have visitors popping in exploring its suitability for themselves...........
11 Apr, 2010
thanx sue glad you like it, im so thrilled its finished, cant wait for the plants to fill out a bit and get a couple more pond plants to :o)) i cant stop looking hahah
11 Apr, 2010
Sandra, glad you had a great day and the weather was wonderful! The pond looks lovely and your little helper is so cute...:)
12 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much uma its another sunny day today so ive been doing finishing touches, hope your days been good to :o))
12 Apr, 2010
Thanks, Sandra! Good days but without sunshine...:)
12 Apr, 2010
12 Apr, 2010
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wow....thats looks amazing Sandra....what a lovely day u had.....it was so nce to be out in the sunshine..;-)
10 Apr, 2010