my pond is coming along
By sanbaz
today is lovely and sunny but rather chilly here in blackpool so after spending the morning with my son buying paint etc for his flat i came home to do my bookwork,,,, nah i thought get out there and enjoy the sun and get them rocks and pebbles around the pond, so i got going and knew i wouldnt have enough so pinched the slate rocks from around my rockery slop i did last year, i can always replace them later,i had enough large rocks but not enough pebbles so a trip to GC at weekend, i could go now but ive had enough for one day, so here`s a couple of pics to show you how its coming along, ive also asked a question about planting if anyone can advise me in the question section plez
the side thats not been done yet will have a flow of water cascading from slope all being well, so help from hubby with that one at weekend if sunny, he will get pump/filter going for me, hope your all having a good day to xx
7 Apr, 2010
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thanx Gb, its getting there thankfully, once rocks and pebbles in place, then water cascade, then just planting and i will be thrilled :o))
7 Apr, 2010
Looking rather good. I really like the stones!
7 Apr, 2010
thanx andy, will need another 3 bags i guess and a couple of flat stones for water cascade , so not to bad :o))
7 Apr, 2010
Its coming along beautifully San !!
7 Apr, 2010
Pleased your getting it sorted Sandra. Its surprising how many rocks and pebbles it takes, if you`re anything like me you `ll be swapping and changing things around for quite some time,especially as your plants start to fill out, mind you thats the best bit,lol..........
7 Apr, 2010
thanx Alice and sue, i feel better now ive got to this stage, baz just got home and i asked could we go get some more pebbles, but he said "what now" lol so thats a no hahah "MEN"
7 Apr, 2010
Perhaps after he's had some tea, Sanbaz! The pond and area is looking so good now, you have done well.
7 Apr, 2010
thanx Gee, he said weekend boohoo lol
7 Apr, 2010
its coming along well sandra.........
7 Apr, 2010
its looking brilliant San, love your stones
7 Apr, 2010
your pondd looks really good! You must be proud all your hard work has produced something so pretty. Looking forward to seeing it all finished too :) We've had horrible grey drizzly day today here in bedforshire and I was working, so no garden time for me :( never mind, there's a whole summer ahead!!
7 Apr, 2010
thankyou holly, yorkshire and emma glad you all like it, i am proud,, proud that i didnt let it beat me :o))
7 Apr, 2010
Fair play Sandra it's coming a long a treat - looking forward to seeing your progress - love the pebbles it's incredible how may it takes (get yourselve down the beach :) )
7 Apr, 2010
lol angie, cant do that anymore , you can be arrested , that would be just my luck hahah
7 Apr, 2010
Have to agree with everyone its coming along brill.:)
7 Apr, 2010
The end is in sight...and then its just the beginning ! Lol
7 Apr, 2010
good to see it comming along so well after previous will be even better this time:-)
7 Apr, 2010
thanx carol when its all done you can come and see it ;o))
thanx jane lol ;o))
cheers viv i think its better already being alot more rocks and pebbles ;o)
7 Apr, 2010
Nearly there Sandra looking forward to final pics.
7 Apr, 2010
cheers stroller i cant wait to see water running ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
Oh it will be lovely Sanbaz when finished well worth all the hard work, well done send some pics when finished,nothing beats the sound of water in a garden:~))))
7 Apr, 2010
cheers mobee im pleased with it now ive redone, next year it should look alot better when plants have stablished ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
well this looks like it will stay put . it will look lovely planted up.
7 Apr, 2010
cheers sea,,, ive started to plant up again today, coming together now ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
That's looking grand now San! The pebbles are lovely, I really like that look at a pond. The cascade will finish it off perfectly too. Can't wait to see the finished pond soon.....shame you have to do bookwork!!
7 Apr, 2010
It is looking fab and no chance of that one leaking. You have done a great job and shame on Baz not taking you to GC even if he has been at work lol Just joking Baz all the best Sue
7 Apr, 2010
thanx karen i didnt do my books lol i stayed in garden till dinner time, then did books grrr,,its all coming together, you must do one ;o))
lol sue think he will get them tomoz for me, poor over worked man lol ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
7 Apr, 2010
lol karen at least you wont make my mistake if you do ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
wouldn't count on it!!lol
7 Apr, 2010
lol karen ;o)
7 Apr, 2010
Yup! ;)
7 Apr, 2010
It's coming along nicely now, :-)
7 Apr, 2010
cheers balcony its getting there :o))
7 Apr, 2010
Thats looking very good Sanbaz.
7 Apr, 2010
cheers Drc,, will make a pebble slope to into pond at one end ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
Its good to know you have started, your second attempt on your Pond!!
Well done San, i knew it would not take, you long, before starting again.
`Its looking good.....Glad you are smiling again : >)))
7 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much freesiaperson, yes i am smiling again ;o))
7 Apr, 2010
Gosh you worked hard moving all those stones and what a great result your back ok? fingers x'd for sunshine at the weekend :o)
7 Apr, 2010
I'm glad to hear your pond is coming along nicely now after that unfortunate incident. The pebbles do look lovely :o)
7 Apr, 2010
cheers neelan i was sufering the next day but fit again and looking forward to finishing at weekend ;o))
cheers hywel will take a pic when waterfall up and running ;o))
8 Apr, 2010
Great. I'm looking forward to seeing it :o)
8 Apr, 2010
8 Apr, 2010
I love the stones too Sandra, you pond is going to look smashing! :o)
8 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much sandra :o))
8 Apr, 2010
The pond is coming along well Sandra. We had a sunny day here today also -have to make the most of it - better than doing bookwork! :-)
8 Apr, 2010
The pond is looking great already - you'll be so proud of that hard work going into it. I've dropped a few hints here, but Paul 'suffers' from selective deafness lol !!
9 Apr, 2010
thanx richard much better than bookwork, but i did get the books done later lol, all will be finished weekend with a bit of luck ;o))
thanx kat,, you need to shout then he will hear you haha :o)
9 Apr, 2010
what's the book work Sandra - you know me Mrs Nosey parker ?
9 Apr, 2010
my books for work angie, nothing exciting lol
9 Apr, 2010's the end of the tax year....I know, just been sorting mine out!
Pond coming together Sandra...looking good! :-))
9 Apr, 2010
yes potty i hate doing them but has to be done afraid :o(,
did a few more rocks baz got me, different from others so ive moved and mixed them all around so they all blend in :o)
9 Apr, 2010
Sandra, the pond is looking very good! Looking forward to your next pics...with plantings. I'm sure it'll be beautiful! Like the pebbles...
9 Apr, 2010
thanx uma hope to get it finished this weekend as surpose to be lovely weather here :o))
9 Apr, 2010
Just catching up for ten mins and saw this one. Looks good San! Your hard work is paying off:0)
Off to read the next one now.
10 Apr, 2010
cheers Dan hard work catching up ;o)
10 Apr, 2010
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What beautiful stones, what beautiful reflections in the pool already !
7 Apr, 2010