Picton castle & gardens Pembrokeshire
By sandra
May is the month of plants sales in Pembrokeshire..I have been all over the county with my plants stall this month. This weekend I got to go to one of my favorite places Picton castle. Its about 30 mile from me and the plant sale was over 2 days. This morning as my stall was set up yesterday I got there early so I could walk around the garden with camera in hand….
the sights and the smells of the rhodos and cameilias where amazing….
I love the succulent garden..it now has a couple of mine growing there. I gave a workshop on care for aeoniums which ended with us doing some gorilla gardening. I gave everybody some aeoniums seedling which they all enjoyed dotting around the space,,
the fernery is a great wonderful grotto of greenery not to be missed..
the childrens area is awash with sculpture and localy made benches
this one is as big as a double bed!!!
hope u enjoyed the tour…x
22 May, 2012
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What a lovely place!
23 May, 2012
The tour was great Sandra, lovely photographs....
23 May, 2012
great tour sandra and pics, hope the plant sales have gone well for you to :o))
23 May, 2012
thanks guys..:-)
Sandra sales have picked up this year..thank goodness..x
23 May, 2012
Such an interesting place Sandra. I love aeoneums, and the castle looks lovely in its grounds. I hope the plant sale went well :o)
23 May, 2012
Its always a pleasure to be the Hywel. This year we had glorious weather which brought lots of customers out. Our Tomato plants were a hit with the customers as were the succulents. Good time had by all. There's another one over 2 days in August.
23 May, 2012
Thank you Sandra. Lovely blog.
24 May, 2012
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Absolutely loved your tour!!! Thanks Sandra :)
23 May, 2012