Pembroke town show
By sandra
This week we went to the local farm show in Pembroke. The long awaited weighing of the marrow was first on the agenda..
After all the watering and fussing Julian was hoping to beat his personal record of 80lb..and it came in at 84 lb he was over the moon…over 6 stone!
sadly there was no competition in the marrow class.
but the onions were a different kettle of fish. Not knowing how to tie or present the 4 matching ones didn’t help either. but we gave it our best go.
Julians are in the basket on the left covered in a black cloth. we realise now how they varied in shape and that they needed to be picked a week or so earlier so the skin would be darker. One man had entered nearly every section of veg and flowers and nearly cleaned up the prizes. But he didn’t get it all his own way with a few of my neighbours getting in on the prizes.
Farmer on the west side of us won with this stunning Daliah.
And my farmer over the ridge won with these beautiful streptocarpus
And Julian was over the moon when his onion weighed in at 6lb 4oz the best he has ever grown..
Lilly our youngest deserved a prize for her sponge if only the judges had known her plight…the night befor after a busy day in work she returned home tired. After a cup of tea she decided to follow in my mams footsteps and try her hand at the cake section. First sponge not up to scratch she makes another…leaves them to cool and covers with a plastic dome till morning. 7 am I hear her in the kitchen with the mixer going…one if the dogs had knocked her cakes off and eaten most of them…I was so proud of her for
a. not kicking the dog..but with 4 we weren’t sure which one was guilty…
and b. making another…unfortunately it was not as good as the one two that were eaten but she entered anyway. Mam would have been so proud of her.
we think it tasted lovely anyway…
The only thing I entered was the raffle as I was busy with the plant stall but was delighted when I won first prize of a hamper that included a bottle of wine..
needless to say we celebrated when we got home. Julian toasted the marrow with the tankard he was given for the heaviest onion..
he always makes me laugh…
and youngest son Jack showed off his muscles
All in all a wonderful day out..:-)
8 Aug, 2014
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Congratulations everyone, it looks like you all had a fantastic day. As for Lilly, I would have wept if I'd been her, she deserves a prize for pluckiness...if there is such a thing lol!
8 Aug, 2014
Well done all of you, great times with great memories :O)
8 Aug, 2014
Wonderful day and well done Julian (and Lilly - better luck next time!You get a first for courage and stickability anyway which count for more in the long run)) That's got to be a record onion, ahd J looks just as pleased about it as he deserves! and that marrow - what are you going to do with it now?
8 Aug, 2014
Lilly says thanks for the messages...
Stera the last time we had one this big we made 40 bottles of wine for eldest daughters wedding..maybe i will do it again in case Lilly decides to get married some time soon..:-)
8 Aug, 2014
Yes well done, I do feel for Lilly, top marks for still entering, is she pals with the dogs again now, I hope you didn't share that cake with them after the show..Julian sure looks happy with his result and I sincerely hope your young lad didn't have a whopping headache after posing for his pic.....
8 Aug, 2014
And well done Jack too !
8 Aug, 2014
Congratulations to you all ... even the ones who didn't get a prize --- you deserved one :)
9 Aug, 2014
Loved this blog, always good fun entering the competitions, good one Lily...typical greedy dog!! It looked scrumptious to me!!
Congrats to all..
9 Aug, 2014
40 bottles! Wow, that must have needed a lot of demijohns!
9 Aug, 2014
As usual I asked my question on the wrong page. Wow 84 lbs! That IS huge! Congrats to Julian for the marrow and the onion. ( Not to be outdone by his spouse with winning the hamper! ;-)) Life is good when you can have days like that~ helps confirm the best efforts and all the days of tending the crop with loving care. Oh yeah.. and wine to toast each other!
9 Aug, 2014
thanks guys it was a lovely day and Lilly has forgiven Reggie for the cake incident.
Stera I rounded up my whole friends and families collection of demijohns...2 from here 3 from there and i swapped some tomatoes with a neighbour for some too, to make the last lot so it will be all systems go when Julian is ready to say goodbye to Joleen...she has a name
10 Aug, 2014
lol ! :D
10 Aug, 2014
A good name for a potential alcohol producer - named after the publican in the Archers?
10 Aug, 2014
No Stera...that would be after Dolly Parton who we saw this summer. It seems Joleen 2 is putting in an appearance, only small for now but if the weather stays warm she could put in a challenge..:-)
10 Aug, 2014
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Well done everyone ... especially Lilly for making the replacement cakes !
8 Aug, 2014