My garden in March
By scottish
I see from reading all the blogs this evening – we all seem very pleased that spring is on it’s way and our gardens are starting to come to life!
The start of the year was all fence mending for me and since then I have been attempting to put a long border down the entire length of the garden. I haven’t quite finished that task – although it seems to be turning into a chore! I don’t know if it’s an age thing or the fact that I set myself up with too much to do for the first quarter of the year!! I’m hoping to have all the hard labour completed by mid week. The hardest part, lifting and disposing of the turf, is now complete so it’s all down hill from here..yippee!!! :)
I am of course eternally grateful that the weather has been great and other than a couple of drafty days – it has been dry. I remember setting out last March to digging out the borders on the other side of the garden and was up to my elbows in mud – so a vast improvement there :)
In between all the hard labour – it was time to start tidying up the rest of the garden and moving a couple of things around.
As a precaution to all the bad weather we were promised – I decided that I would mulch some of the garden with small bark chips and protect some of the other plants with straw. For no other reason than that I would have something to compare results for future winter proofing of the plants.
Here is what I have found – the plants that were protected with either straw or mulched with compost have faired reasonably well – everything showing signs of life and are just starting to poke their heads above the soil.
The border which had bark mulch on it is a bit of a disappointment. All I have found is that it seemed to me that all I provided in the garden was a winter stop off hotel for slugs!!!! Yes – the whole area was a mass of slumbering slugs. Now, being the gardening novice that I am – can anyone offer me advice……
Was this because of the mild winter and the fact that they didn’t die off as I had expected them to do or would this have happened even if it had been colder?
Here are a few pictures – showing that spring has reached my garden too!
Primula – Miss Indigo – one of two new primulas this year
Primula – Don Keefe – the other new primula
Almost – drumstick primulas getting ready to raise their heads
Alchemilla and Aquilegia sprouting up from the offending bark mulch
Acer palmatum ‘Eddisbury’ the bark of this acer has been spectacular this winter – just beginning to put on some new leaves
This paeony is way ahead of the others
Dicentra spectabalis ‘Alba’ foliage looking lovely and fresh
Chionodoxa forbesii ‘Pink Giant’ with Choisya in background
Lupin foliage looking so much better after a bit of slug control
I had to move this Aconitum first week in January – was very frost for 3 days following the move – didn’t expect it to survive
This Heuchera has looked great all winter and you can just see the new leaves coming through
Corydalis elata another one the slugs were munching on
Other than the Camellias – I expect these 2 to be the first shrubs to flower this spring
Leucothoe ‘Royal Ruby’
Exochorda ‘Niagara’ smaller than ‘The Bride’
My favourite flower in the garden this week….
Camellia japonica ‘Elegans’
My visitors in the garden this week…..
Didn’t see one single ladybird during the summer so was most surprised to find her basking in the sunshine.
This was a lucky shot – no skill involved – thank goodness as I was down on my hands and knees and I don’t think I could have found the energy to chase him around the garden.
Thank you all for popping by and reading my blog :)
12 Mar, 2012
Previous post: For Paul - my fern for ID
Next post: A lucky shot!
I can scarcely believe how far on everything in your garden is:- beautiful pictures! We are only now counting the cost of all the hard weather - so much has perished, and we are going to have to set our minds to re-populating empty areas.
12 Mar, 2012
Scottish it was such a pleasure strolling around your garden with you .
Its such a joy when we see everything start to sprout.
12 Mar, 2012
Looking great henny! What do you put down for slugs? I found 10 on my path yesterday! :(
12 Mar, 2012
Lovely garden Scottish, everything are waking up now, lovely. :))
12 Mar, 2012
What a mass of gorgeous plants . . . everything looking great Scottish, and so early!
12 Mar, 2012
Lovely to see all that fresh new growth Scottish. The last photo is lovely...all the different colours and textures and of course the bee flying in! :) Hope the slug problems are settling down now. I use a water in slug killer occasionally. Organic I think, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is called ...sorry!
12 Mar, 2012
Thank you all for your lovely comments - they really are much appreciated. I am looking forward to seeing what the 2nd year in my garden looks likes.
Paul - cheers mate :) I would have used the lawn edger except my brother borrowed it last year and keeps forgetting to bring it back - my spade had to do the job. My heuchera could well be a tiarella - I was given this as a tiny wee cutting from the guy who cuts my hedges. Any chance you could post a pic of it's leaves as I could be wrong in thinking it's a heuchera.
Gattina - the weather here in central Scotland has been superb - for a change mind you. It's such a shame you have lost so much - I do hope that what you have lost is easily replaced and you don't get too downhearted.
Kath - thank you - it is great seeing everything growing again!
Pixi - I had put down some beer traps but they were not attracting them fast enough. Resorted to some slug pellets placed underneath up turned saucers resting on some stones and similar contraptions made out of pieces of tree bark. These seem to be doing the trick - slugs give me the heebeegeebies!!!
Meadowland - can you buy composted bark? Or do you make your own? I have began raking it all up and disposing it in the council bin. What is left I will work into the soil in the hope that it will do some good.
Michaela and Sheilabub...thank you for your comments :)
Karensusan - thanks for your lovely comments too - I will have a look for the water in version of slug ''killer'' - I have resorted to pellets but have them hidden under things so the birds don't pick up the dying slugs and I have been going around the garden with my tongs and a tub of salt on a daily basis - thank goodness it hasn't been raining or it would have been 100s times worse I'm sure :)
12 Mar, 2012
Your garden looks great Scottish.
I have saved to favs cos you have some lovely plants there :-)
12 Mar, 2012
Great blog & pics Scottish your garden is certainly waking up.
12 Mar, 2012
I'm going to put slug traps in fatboy next doors garden! its just a jungle lol
12 Mar, 2012
I'm going to put slug traps in fatboy next doors garden! its just a jungle lol
12 Mar, 2012
I'm going to put slug traps in fatboy next doors garden! its just a jungle lol
12 Mar, 2012
12 Mar, 2012
lol Pixi. That has also happened to me several times :o)
I'm sorry to hear about the slugs Scottish. If it's any consolation my garden has lots aswell, and I didn't use any bark. I think they are just there. They've been munching my helliblores and narcissi.
Good luck with your new border project. It will be nice when you've completed it.
Lovely to see your spring flowers emergimg, and I'm pleased you saw a lady bird. They are very rare here these days aswell.
12 Mar, 2012
Enjoyed your blog and pics :o)
13 Mar, 2012
Lovely blog Scottish, your garden is very forward indeed!
13 Mar, 2012
Thank you all. I'll look into that Meadowland :)
13 Mar, 2012
I might go out late at night and catch them all! Wee Bu^^rs they are!
13 Mar, 2012
Everything is so early in your garden, and no holes in the Heuchera, we have lots of green caterpillars and sawflies, must have over-wintered and now munching their way around our garden!!
13 Mar, 2012
Pixi be careful late at night slug may remember my story last year when I came home from work at 3am I went out with torch to find them. A neighbour thought I was a burglar and called the police!!!
DD...I found lots of green caterpillars today whilst cutting down some honeysuckle. Some things have been munched though! Thank you for your nice comments and I'm sure all our plants will look good in a few short weeks :)
14 Mar, 2012
That is hilarious!
15 Mar, 2012
Beyond It sure was afterwards....I was so embarrassed :)
16 Mar, 2012
lol Well it wouldnt be 3am! hahaha
Maybe 10-ish! lol
16 Mar, 2012
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Hi Scottish first of all gorgeous photos - many plants that I have !! like your primulas especailly white one!!! haven't seen the mollis as yet here. We have Tiarella like your Heuchera - gorgeous!!! The turf was a real hard job , remember taking it up with a garden edger - hard wet and dirty - yuck :)))))) Looking great your plants Scottish - look forward to seeing your border
12 Mar, 2012