It's been a day of luck and chance!!
By scottish
Upon checking my lotto ticket earlier today, I found I had matched 4 numbers. I won £45 – not a fortune I know but what to spend my winnings on was the question of the day…..
A trip along to the local supermarket (I was going there anyway) to collect my pennies and then into B&Q as it was next door. I wandered around for ages looking at all the plants they had to offer but nothing was taking my fancy. I had decided before I stepped in the door that I was not going to buy for buying sake. How many of you know that feeling – or do I need to ask….lol!
Anyway, further along was where they housed all the greenhouses etc. Too expensive for what I had in mind today – no room for one either. I came to those little plastic greenhouse thingies and having witnessed many a neighbours’ flying off in the high winds, they were quickly dismissed. Round and round I went!! Money does burn a hole in my pocket and if I didn’t spend it on something useful it would only end up getting spent on ‘nothing’
A wooden cold frame caught my eye – I had a good look at it and decided that this might prove useful – I have a couple of plants which would, I think, store quite happily in here over winter. I could also try my hand at trying out some cuttings etc – it maybe a bit too late to try this year but there is always next year.
So here it is – incidently it came with no instructions and I couldn’t be bothered going back to the store to get some – I managed to piece it all together and assemble without any problems.
I added a personal touch by the way of a latch which should stop the lid lifting up in the wind.
A couple of angle brackets which I will temporarily secure onto the deck with screws.
BTW….any tips and advice re cold frames are welcome :)) I’ve never had one before. The £5 change was spent on some treats for the birds.
That was the luck – here’s the chance……
I was out walking the dog this afternoon and I met with a neighbour who is in the process of moving in with one of their parents who needs constant care. As the conversation carried on along his street – I noticed a couple of piles of ‘junk’ as he called it waiting to be loaded onto a van and taken along to the tip by his son in law.
My sharp eye noticed some very dirty old pots filled with soil and dead weeds. What are you doing with those I asked? They are going to the tip – there are plenty where we are going. You know what comes next don’t you? ‘Can I have them?’ I asked. ‘Take what you like’ was the reply. A quick walk (well as fast as Oscar can go) back round to the house for the car. Into the boot they went. Compost and weeds emptied and a good clean out here’s what I got….
As he wouldn’t accept anything for them – I will make a donation to charity on his behalf as a thank you.
I haven’t decided what I’m going to put in them yet – that creamy colour one at the back is solid and weighs a ton! So that won’t be getting moved much!
All in all it’s been a good day, even the weather wasn’t too disappointing!
Thanks for looking xx
30 Sep, 2012
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Thanks Sheila - I've seen how much those stone pots cost - I couldn't believe he was tossing them out.
Did that come over as being 'falsely modest' - I didn't mean it too :).
30 Sep, 2012
No it did not but you know the saying 'A good Scots tongue in your head'. I believe we speak as we find and I'm sure he was delighted that you asked if you could have them. A lot of people would have been reluctant to ask for them because they want folk to think they are above that sort of thing. You know the ones who would not be seen dead in certain cheap shops where the neighbours might see them, but will happily buy in them when away from home. I'm all for recycling. In Australia I believe they have days when you can put your 'junk' out on the pavement and any passerby can help themselves. Time we did that. It is against the law to pick up stuff put out for the binmen in UK its stealing??????
30 Sep, 2012
If. You don't ask you don't get :))
Don't think there is enough days in the week to put out my junk Sheila. My attic is full of unopened boxes since I moved 5 years ago!!
Didn't know that about the bin men. I often used to leave things out at my old house and someone always knocked the door to ask if they could take.
30 Sep, 2012
Great to win some lottery money Angie - yes I had a plastic greenhouse once - cemented it down so the flying off was not a problem but the problem was the zip broke and the plastic teared. Looks a great and smart cold frame - and nice one for spotting the pots and rescuing them look very smart
1 Oct, 2012
Nice one Scottish, good to hear you had a win :-) and a nice cold frame too.
1 Oct, 2012
Hi Angie ... well done on your win, and the wonderful freebie pots ! :o)
1 Oct, 2012
Well done on both counts. Doesnt it make you feel good when you do something like that ! Won't take long to fill the cold frame I am sure.
1 Oct, 2012
It was your lucky day, I love those pots such great condition. Great size cold frame, not too big and attractive to look at.
1 Oct, 2012
A very good day all round then Scottish, you`ve made a good choice with your lotto winnings and those pots are a real find, I think you`ll have to win again now so you can fill them up, lol.....
1 Oct, 2012
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments.
I have been pondering around what to put in those pots - I will be adding some vouchers for the GC to my christmas list and I'll have some fun picking out plants to suit.
1 Oct, 2012
Now that is what I call a good day too! :o)..Fantastic pots,and also can't believe they were throwing them out..great you were in the right place at the right time,eh?
hope your new cold frame comes in handy,..and not to put a damper on it(no pun intended),:o) just watch out for condensation on the inside of the lid,as it looks like glass? .If it has no vents you can open for a bit of air, it might drip on your plants,and they might go mouldy...sorry Scottish,but you did ask..I would hate for you to lose them..
1 Oct, 2012
You could get some bulbs for your pots?? Tulips, daffodils, crocuses on top? I'm a bit biased at the moment though because I've been flicking through some catalogues and there's too many I want ... but I've run out of pots lol ;o))
1 Oct, 2012
What a great day! Sure you'll have fun with that cold frame, and it's not too late at all to take cuttings . . . good luck. :)
1 Oct, 2012
Great pots - what a good thing you were around to rescue them. Now more temptation deciding what to put in them!
1 Oct, 2012
Well done, Angie!
I'm not going to say anything about having five numbers come up on the very day that I didn't do the lottery... Haven't done it point! lol!!!
I know that you'll do those pots proud, hen...
...and look forward to the results - from them and the cold frame! x
1 Oct, 2012
The wide mouthed pots will be fine planted up for winter with eg pansies but if you are planting the green pot I'd put a plastic pot inside in case the rain soaks the compost and the pot breaks if the compost freezes. If you are not too busy I'd give your lovely new cold frame a coat or two of wood preserver if you have not already done so. This rain is making a real mess of wooden items. I would also put it on a frame of 2" by 2" wood frame so that if it does get soaked and starts to rot it will only be the small frame you will need to replace.
2 Oct, 2012
Bloomer - thank you for your comments re venting. Now I know what the piece of wood was for?????????? I deduced that is was just as a bit of packaging. I've since dug it out the bin - so I have a means to vent now.
HB - It was a good day. The green one is my fav!
GG - thanks for suggesting bulbs. I already have around 8 pots filled with bulbs for spring and others underplanted with bulbs - so will pick something different for these.
Sheilabub - thanks for tips re cuttings - I'll have a go at something - I'll do some research and find out what I can do at this time of year.
Steragram - you've hit the nail on the head - what to plant? :))))))
Karen - cheers Hen!! Mum had 5 numbers up a good few years back - we got an extra holiday out of it. It was from her favourite numbers and we did discuss that there was no way they would come back out again but she still does them 'just in case'.
Sheila - great minds - I was going to give it a coat of Cuprinol today but it was too wet. I have found a pot that fits perfectly into that green one - so solved that problem. Thanks x
2 Oct, 2012
This is a really happy blog Scottish ... congratulations on the Lottery winnings and the subsequent new cold frame ... how come I never see folk with such lovely pots to be re-homed??? ... :o)))
2 Oct, 2012
Looking forward to seeing those pots and the cold frame bursting with plants soon.
2 Oct, 2012
Thank goodness for that, I felt I was being quite negative about your new cold frame..I didn't mean to be..I have visions of you rummaging in your bin ! Lol.
2 Oct, 2012
Well done on acquiring those pots - the green one is my favourite too - and hope it's money well spent on the cold frame. I've been pondering about getting one for ages; will watch its progress with interest.
3 Oct, 2012
Shirley - thank you. I'm not usually that lucky a person - a one of me thinks :))
Sheila, it's got a few things in already - no cutting though, just a few things I had lying about the garden which suffered with the wet - they were put into pots and are making a comeback. I've also divided some primula vialii.
Bloomer - it wasn't a negative - Its all a learning curve :)
TB - Thanks - As you can see above I've a few things in there already. I will keep you updated with progress and whether or not is was money well spent.
5 Oct, 2012
Lol! And when you've done all that... can come and help me put up my greenhouse!! :)))
The way things are going, Nigel might not be home in time for the first frosts!!!
5 Oct, 2012
I like your frame very much. I hope you'll be able to put it to good use next year.
Good job you saved those pots ... I can't understand why they were just being thrown out like that ...
6 Oct, 2012
Karen - If I had any leave left I'd gladly come over and help. You know that's my kind of project :)))
Hywel....nice to see you back to your old self :)) I couldn't believe what I was seeing either. Maybe as they are downsizing in a way and the fact that looking after an elderly person 24/7 it's practical for them. I hate to think what went away in the previous trips and I didn't ask as I wanted to get away with these before they had second thoughts!!
6 Oct, 2012
19 Oct, 2012
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I think you doubled your money if not trebled it with that last haul Scottish. Well spotted and I'm glad to see you put recycling first and false modesty nowhere.
30 Sep, 2012