Finally got some 'proper' gardening done
By seaburngirl
Since retiring in September I have been trying to do renovation jobs on most of the garden. But family commitments, the weather and other events have meant that apart from pottering in the greenhouse I have done very little outside.
But that changed on Thursday, despite the heavy rain we had on Wednesday night. I tackled the ‘climbing rose/wisteria/clematis Victoria’ pruning. These all grow up wires on the side wall of the house. In previous years OH has had to take down ivy etc. This bit of the garden isn’t too wet as the soil is partly protected by the house and there is quite a lot of builders rubble in this bed.
West end of bed, Crocosmia [unknown variety] and Hemerocallis a semi double orange.
Middle region of bed wisteria rooted here as is the clematis
East end of bed where Rosa ‘New Dawn’ is rooted.
Out came the loppers and thick gloves and the pruning began. There was quite a lot of it as I didn’t do it last year. Just to be awkward the rose had grown through and looped the tv ariel cable so I used the ladders by myself for the first time ever. OH normally does ladder work but he has an injured foot so I braved it.
[12ft off the ground]
All stems tied in, just the self seeded Mahonia to dig out along with a rather large nettle, about 2square foot of Solidago and an assortment of weeds such as hairy bittercress.
There are 2 paeonies starting to show red tips as well as an Epimedium ilexifollium and a thalictrum. The Anemone japonica is staying put and there are new shoots on the perennial pea that will scramble up the wisteria later in the year.There will be other things in there from previous years, but I will have to wait and see if the show.
The edges re cut and the bed top dressed with compost.
I then planted some crocus, tulips and daffs to give some early colour before the other plants take over.
I noticed at the far west end the snowflake is starting to open a flower.
18 Feb, 2017
Previous post: The veg cage update
Next post: Completed the other half of that area.
Well done, I would not have been able to cope with the ladder! you have made such a difference, very satisfying work when you can see a light at the end of the tunnel...
18 Feb, 2017
Welcome to retirement. It is harder than being at work. You've done a grand job on the garden.
19 Feb, 2017
Sometimes you have to wonder, how you ever found the time to go to work!!! Derek.
19 Feb, 2017
Still doing the same stuff just at a more genteel pace and I guess in some cases more thoroughly. :o)
Still hate housework etc though.
19 Feb, 2017
I'm with you on that 1 Sbg, Derek.
19 Feb, 2017
sadly so is my OH. if we know we are having visitors its 'all hands to the pumps'. surprise visitors get the apology of 'tomorrow is housework day' is that naughty or what? :o))
19 Feb, 2017
You have done a remarkable amount of work clearing up all that & doing pruning, etc. you really deserved a rest!
19 Feb, 2017
Naughty? its a brilliant idea! And the best of it is that its never tomorrow is it?
19 Feb, 2017
Oh My!!! .. Seaburn, reminds me so much of myself, thats exactly what I would have done when I first retired, of course its not allowed now, not as strong as I used to be, (sigh) I get told off for even suggesting doing things like that but still climb the ladder to do my pruning, just not as high as 12ft up lol.... As to the housework, well the way I see it is simple, the garden comes first, I can clean up and polish when its either too wet, dark, or as you say I know visitors are coming, no its not naughty, anyone turning up unexpectedly has to take me as they find me, failing that I can show them where the dusters are kept, which is what I tell the family, mind you they wouldn't dare say anything as they live here as well, lol... Enjoy your retirement Seaburn, its brilliant doing things at your own pace and not having to keep an eye on the time....
19 Feb, 2017
Looking fab SBG you have done a fab job....Love a bit if spring chopping back and clearing....all ready to go now...
I'm having to learn to take it a bit slower too
Lincs after my sciatica episode last year...I have a little helper friends son Bob...he's nearly 14 and he's a god send....get him 3 hours at a time...don't want to wear him out too soon....he knows nothing about gardening..being 14... But he's keen....
20 Feb, 2017
the good news is that my 'tight hip' problem has resolved itself so it is now pain free. so been digging in the front border to remove couch grass. Ive done about 1/3 now but still lots more to go.
So sorry that you are experiencing problems girls, lets hope mild warmer weather will help ease the discomforts.
20 Feb, 2017
You did a brilliant job SBG. Well done on the ladder..neither me or OH is fond of leaving terra firma, although He does brave it when necessary and I hold the bottom and pray he doesnt fall on my head!
20 Feb, 2017
in the past he has stood on my fingers as he comes down the ladder.
20 Feb, 2017
Yes, me too!
21 Feb, 2017
On nice days I could work outside for hours on end, so why is it on wet, cold days I can't find the same enthusiasm to work indoors?!!!
You have achieved a lot outside already and have lots to look forward to.
21 Feb, 2017
Well done u on a bit of digging SBG...that's my next target... Got the day off grannying today but the weathers nasty so it's going to be a shed and greenhouse day.
22 Feb, 2017
after a lot of rain last night I suspect it will be too wet to dig today. but it is Wednesday and that is a 2hr patchwork quilt class followed this pm by a zumba class. so even though the sun is shining I will be busy for most of the day.
Sandra that sounds productive. in my case all plants in the greenhouse are either all 'touched up', not ready to pot on nor ready to go outside. I sort of did a lot of that on Monday afternoon after the 2 hr knit and natter/stitch n b...h session in the village hall.
fine in bad weather as long as housework isn't the order of the day :o) wildrose.
22 Feb, 2017
You've certainly had a good go at that. It's satisfying, tidying up areas that need it this time of year.
22 Feb, 2017
Looking at the wonderful job you`ve done has made me realise what a short time I`ve got to get the pruning done on our Wisteria but its the thought of going up that ladder that puts both OH and me off, he kindly suggested that if we opened the bedroom window and tied a stout rope to the end of the bed rail and then round my waist should I slip of the ladder I would merely dangle .. you can guess who got no dinner that
23 Feb, 2017
oh stroller that made me laugh. such an image there :o)
23 Feb, 2017
Stroller the image of u hanging out the
24 Feb, 2017
You mean you're not going to five it a go???
24 Feb, 2017
Brilliant tidy up Sbg. I suppose you would turn down the offer of a job in my garden now you are so busy being retired.
Stroller tell us when the big event is going to happen and we will take time off our retirement to ensure the beeb turns up to record the drama. We have been retired for 26 years in October and quickly progressed from ladders to easy to erect light weight scaffolding. OH has lots of aeriels to attend to every time the wind gets up to gale force.
7 Mar, 2017
As I said to Stera in my latest blog, when my garden is sorted and finished I will start on hers then yours.
by the way are gardens ever finished??? ;o)
7 Mar, 2017
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My word, that's a really great achievement in a short time!
Glad to hear you survived climbing the ladder.
18 Feb, 2017