Too cold to garden :o(
By seaburngirl
The morning started with wonderful sunshine but a bitterly cold wind. The strong winds cut through with out mercy so I decided to do a little bit in the greenhouse, then head in doors to do some sewing.
Before I did that I took the camera out.
The promised showers heading my way.
Corydalis Firecracker with the foliage of heucherella Kimono
Beth evans nearly going over but next to a strong small fern.
An un named blue flowered corydalis just starting to come into flower.
I have several other corydalis but I wont bore you with them now.
I also have a lot of hyacinths. They are in their 3rd year for me and I love the less blousy flowers that are produced.
These deep pink ones are taking over from the iris and sit happily next to Tete et Tete.
I love these soft apricot shades and the Iris DS Dijt are complementary to them.
This Kerria can be a bit of a thug but I lovely the cheerful flowers at this time of the year.
The sudden squal made the fish think food was on the go. So I gave them their breakfast. The pellets were all gone in less than 2 minutes.
This male fish is 15 yrs old and he is getting into breeding condition. I love his long tail and dorsal fins. It reminds me of the fish sequence in Disney’s Fantasia,
You can see the next shower coming over from the west.
Two plants that do well at this time of year , the dusky pink hellebore and Pachyphragma.
This evergreen ground cover [Pachysandra] always looks good in the shade of the lilac but it looks even better when in flower.
Well no gardening tomorrow as I am going to patchwork class to learn how to add sashing and batting before putting the final layer on the back. Then in the afternoon it is Zumba.
21 Mar, 2017
Previous post: Completed the other half of that area.
Next post: Busy day again today.
It was nice to see a long view of your garden Sbg -It seems a long time since you showed it before. The corydalis are beautiful. It was nice to see the Pachysandra and Pachyphragma flowering too. te fish look in fine fettle - hope you have lots of little ones and that they don't all get eaten!
21 Mar, 2017
they breed every year and we usually manage to have 4-6 survivors every year. there are some only an inch long, so they are last years babies. the 4 year olds are starting to colour up, they stay brown until then, like the wild type ones.
I don't do many long shots of the garden, not sure why really. the first photo is facing north over the fields. the house is to the right of shot. it means when I am in the kitchen I look out over the pond to the large beech tree. I did a photo of this from the bedroom window a couple of weeks back.
22 Mar, 2017
Lovely- so nice to have a beech tree.
22 Mar, 2017
What a lovely garden SBG, and I particularly like your spring flower bed. Your fish are very lively aren't they? I think ours are still too cold, not a bit interested in food just yet.
22 Mar, 2017
Your garden looks lovely. Your pond is looking very healthy too.
22 Mar, 2017
All looking lovely. The area by your pond is so colourful and pretty. I really like the very pale pink hyacinths. But, oh dear, isn't it cold?!
22 Mar, 2017
thank you for the lovely comments. I love the garden in spring especially. the beech tree is wonderful when the leaves first open but it casts a lot of shade and loads of leaves come the autumn.
its been even colder today. but I've been quilting so I have been busy.
22 Mar, 2017
It is nice to see photos of your garden, you have a good selection of plants,all looking so fresh and colourful, particularly love those pale pink was blooming cold here and this is the South!!
22 Mar, 2017
Your fish are beautiful. I hope batting practice went well - reminds me of Little Leagues!
23 Mar, 2017
Funnily enough it was putting the sashing and batting together that I did. as for any other form of batting not really cricket :o)
23 Mar, 2017
So pretty, and after seeing your garden and reading about your social activities I have had to go and have a lie-down! :O)
23 Mar, 2017
Lovely to see all the colour and plants in your garden.Sbg..I also love the Corydalis,which are plants I've never tried for some unknown reason.. and your long border looks great...your fish look so healthy's been another bitterly cold day here again,but sunny and very windy..dried the washing quickly,which was the only good thing about it !
23 Mar, 2017
I do like the corydalis this is something I`ve never tried growing, I especially like the foliage ... it looks so feathery you wouldn't think it could stand the cold. After a wonderful day of sunshine yesterday which gave me the opportunity of getting some weeding done in the front north facing garden it has reverted to bitterly cold and windy today so its a day doing indoor chores.
28 Mar, 2017
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It may be cold but the garden is looking good.Wish I was as tough as the plants.
21 Mar, 2017