Well - I have had really good service.
By seaburngirl
We often talk about our experiences of online plant sales. Usually not too complementary. However my daughter ordered me some herbaceaous plants from Parkers {I usually find their bulbs are good but in the past I have had mixed results with herbaceous perennials.} and I must say they are on the whole excellent. I got Paeony ‘Pink Hawaiian Coral’ and all 4 bare rooted plants have at least 3 firm buds. There were some strong patio Cannas and several perennials such as delphiniums, penstemons etc.
There were also 20 mixed hostas. Now 2 packs of 5 hostas were very mouldy and very disappointing. I rang Parkers and explained the problem and they have replaced them free of charge. No quibbles just an apology and they turned up 5 days later.
I am glad I rang rather than seething about them. They had been bundled up and held together with an elastic band. They must have been quite wet when first lifted. The other 10 have firm roots and a strong bud or 3.
I have spent 5 hours in the greenhouse potting everything up except for the Canna’s. I’ve put them into a box of sawdust until there is a definite improvement in the weather.
Also a bonus of 10 free Lily muscadet and 6 Phlox paniculata.
There are times when my daughter buys me plants I wouldn’t normally due to the cost.
The paeonies are retailing at £10 -£18 depending on the seller. These were only £3 each and so healthy looking.
A firm pleasant complaint clearly works :o))
3 Feb, 2018
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That's what I found before but this time I cant fault the service.
3 Feb, 2018
Siris! Nice to see you.
Sea burn, like you, I’ve had good and bad and in the past they’ve replaced dried up bulbs, no quibble. If as an example the plants arrive as a root ball we know what to do but a lot of people must be perplexed. I keep purchasing from them so I’m happy, I usually find a 10% discount code online which works too ;-) and their free gifts are super.
Enjoy your new gifts :)
3 Feb, 2018
I buy bulbs from Parkers but nothing else.
I'm also going to sing the praises of Eurobulbs (they sell bulbs in the green). Ordered more snowdrops two days ago and they turned up this morning. But boy, did I get numb fingers planting them in the cold and rain!
3 Feb, 2018
Hi Sbg, I frequently buy from Parkers, but 1 of their nurseries is quite near to where my Granddaughter lives, so when I visit her, I sometimes call round, that way I can see what I'm buying, but well done for complaining, they need to be told when plants are not satisfactory, if nobody tells them, they will never know, ??, Derek.
4 Feb, 2018
Well done your daughter sending you flowers you can enjoy for many months and probably years. Well done you for getting in touch to let them know of your disappointment. If we all took your no blame stance maybe more companies would not feel ashamed to admit they sometimes make mistakes. Well done Parkers for sorting out the problem. Happy gardening.
4 Feb, 2018
Thats good news. I haven't gone back to them after a very disappointing experience when the replacements were no good either. I wold be tempted by their plug plants but don't want the large quantities they are offering. I hope your plants do well for you - what a lovely present!
4 Feb, 2018
I'm pleased to know you're happy with on line purchases. I have always had good plants from ordering on line too.
4 Feb, 2018
You did well in complaining! Feedback is always important - especially if it is constructive!
5 Feb, 2018
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I am glad you were pleased with your daughter's thoughtful gift, my dealings with perennials from Parkers have been otherwise.
3 Feb, 2018