Been in the garden today. Yippee!
By seaburngirl
I finally got into the garden today to do proper work. The beds are all showing the dregs of last summer and the new growth of weeds for this year.
I have lots of self sown Hesperis that are taking over so many of those have had to go. This photo shows what is still to get worked and the next photo is the bit I cleared. All the shreddings of last year have been put on to the soil to help keep the weeds down.
There were 3 green sacks. One was a rich deep brown colour and the other two were more orangey. You can clearly see the difference. I noticed there were plenty of worms in amongst the shreddings.
The Acanthus is going to have to come out. That is going to be a job and a half as it is notorious for deep roots and bits left behind continue to grow. I may have to resort to weedkiller. I hope not.
After all the digging etc I then decided to see what was in flower. Snowdrops in some areas are barely up whilst others are doing brilliantly. There seems to be no sensible reason for them flowering at different rates.
This clump was in the front garden.
These are from under the beech tree.
Further along the winter aconites are finally peeping over the Cylcamen leaves. Drops of sunshine in a shady place.
C coum in pots are putting on a good show too.
My hellebores are starting to form fat buds ready for a display later on in February.
The spring snowflake is flowering beautifully.
Daphne is starting to flower but this clematis is heading for the roof and will have to chopped again. OH doesn’t like it getting to the roof/aerial.
This little viola has been flowering all year. I planted it in autumn 2016.
In the shelter of the house this Vinca ‘Miss Jekyl’ is doing really well.
The fish were up for a feed but the pond looks asleep. Blanket weed will be a problem this year. All the fish used to eat it but with only 12 or so young fish it wont be kept in check.
I still have lots of areas still to tidy, this is one of them.
Need a few more dry days before I can get into this area. But lots to do in the greenhouse still. I will have to buy more compost as it has now all been used.
28 Jan, 2018
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That’s great SB to get out it’s rained here in Wales for 5 days on the run !! everywhere in the garden is a soggy mess can’t belive spring maybe around the corner ! but being a gardener I am ever the optimist ?
28 Jan, 2018
That's so rewarding. Your second picture is more like some of ours. One bed was thoroughly weeded just before the wet weather started in late autumn and now looks as though it hasn't been done for a year. We have only one snowdrop so far but a few Iris reticulatas, two of which are in clumps i'd forgotten I'd planted - don't you love these little surprises?
28 Jan, 2018
I am glad that Spring is starting to spring. The rain today is torrential, I could only make out the view from the back window it was so heavy. Some of the back garden looks like a bog.
I am glad its not just me then Stera. I don't like tidying in the autumn as there is so much going on in the garden. But it wouldn't look as untidy as it does.
29 Jan, 2018
It doesn't really matter though does it - the blackbirds enjoy scrabbbling about under the mess. There's a plus to most things...
29 Jan, 2018
Weather isn't too bad here in the South though the sky is dark grey today . The colour seems to put a damper on everything.
Good to see you're going to have a nice show of Hellebores and those Cyclamen would cheer anybody up, SG.
29 Jan, 2018
Its great when you stand back and can see the difference you’ve made in a day isn’t it. I was just thinking today that I would order a cubic metre of mulch ready for when I get around to tidying the Golden border. Theres not too much to cut back, but there are a lot of weeds to get out.
29 Jan, 2018
Those Cyclamen are lovely!
I remember that, Karen, when I used to dig up the allotments, too! But then you could see just how much more there is to left to do!
Even though I may only have a balcony & not a proper garden it is still very difficult to get outside & do anything! Due to all the wind & rain lately I've had to pull my 3 big white troughs on the balcony floor further in from the railings as they were getting waterlogged! Fortunately the pots on the railings can drain freely so I don't have to remove them. Also the leaves help to keep some of the rain off as well.
29 Jan, 2018
You have worked your magic out there and have achieved a very satisfying result for your efforts. Your last photo is very similar to areas of our garden at the moment! Our soil is very wet so it is difficult to tackle very much out there until the rain decides to stop!
Your plants look lovely, especially the snowdrops peeping through the leaves.
30 Jan, 2018
Oh yes Balcony! The wind has been dreadful again hasn't it.
30 Jan, 2018
After what feels, such a long time, it feels so good to get out in the garden doesn't it. I managed about an hour yesterday. Wow, you certainly worked hard and what a difference.
3 Feb, 2018
well it is raining today so I am heading off into the greenhouse to repot last years plants that have been in pots and pot up new plants that have arrived bare rooted.
I am looking for my thermals as it is very cold and damp today. no sun to warm the greenhouse so I need as much help as I can get :p
3 Feb, 2018
Your worked bits look great. Shreddings make such good compost. I have a chomping machine and chop up all my woody clippings. There is never enough, so I go to a stables each year and supplement it with stable manure. A little robin likes to root thro my compost for those lovely little worms.
3 Feb, 2018
I too have robins watching my every move and sometimes I have blackbirds. The garden does have a lot of birdlife so I enjoy supplementing their diet when I can.
3 Feb, 2018
It is a lovely sunny day here with little wind. You have given me the encouragement to get out into the garden too. I have a few bits that need to be refurbished but with all the recent rain it is still too wet to walk on soil. I can sympathise with your struggle to get rid of the Acanthus. It just will not be dug out. I am sure mine will need to be killed off. Many of my tulips have gone walkies and I may see them in a neighbours garden where the squirrels have repositioned them. You have lots of colour and it is nice to know that another growing season is underway.
4 Feb, 2018
Seaburn you certainly made a difference, good luck with the clematis it looks as if it is on the way to the moon! good to see some Spring flowers emerging isn't it?
4 Feb, 2018
You have lots of interest in your winter garden. I hope you get some more days to spend in it.
4 Feb, 2018
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Great, it's should a good feeling to get out there and to make a start. Also good to see what's appearing, so exciting.
28 Jan, 2018