Out like a lamb.
By seaburngirl
March was a typical month in some ways. In like a lion, with gales and storms in the front half of the month, that gave way in the last week or so to warm sunshine.
I have been able to get on with the front bed and much to hubby’s delight I have planted at least 15 plants.
There are plenty of spring bulbs to give colour and then the Brunnera gives the garden a wonderful blue.
Towards the far end there is a lilac tree that is full of buds, even the suckers have buds.
Right at the far end there is an Amelanchier in full flower.
There is still the front part to weed but there are too many tulips in the way. But I just know there is going to be a bucket of bindweed in there. The rowan is also full of bud. It looks as if it is going to be a good year for blossom.
Yesterday I tackled the corner by the shed and removed several Telima grandiflora to replace them with Paris quadrifolia, a painted fern and a Podophyllum ‘spotty dotty’. I also found a bit of a Lamprocapnos : that’s Dicentra to most people but hey its changed its name again. [not an April fool joke either]. They are all placed around a yellow Ashwood seedling Hellebore.
I then moved along the border towards the conservatory and decided to remove the buttercups and enchanters nightshade.
I thought the bindweed was a problem but I do believe Enchanters nightshade might be the even worse. The rhizomes are thinner and even more brittle.
The beds I have been working on through Feb and March are looking a lot better now the plants have started to put on a show.
front border bed:
Atrocity corner
Bed down the side drive
I have lots of photos but I will add them to my photo page or this blog will go on for ever.
2 Apr, 2019
Previous post: Just short of 300 miles.
Next post: April showers - really!
Wonderful progress SBG - looks as though you waved a magic wand over it! Congratulations if you mananged to remove all the enchanters nightshade, lol...
I think Dicentrea as was will still be Bleeding Heart to me...
2 Apr, 2019
thanks Derek but I notice seedlings appearing in these beds again.
Stera premature congrats re the ES ;o) I notice it is quite widespread through that border. :o(
still bleeding heart to me too but for the HPS group sales you need to use the botanical name where possible.
2 Apr, 2019
Enchanters nightshade, it popped up in my garden a few years back, none in the area so goodness knows how it arrived
It is such a pretty flower, and I was unsure about it, I took a sample to RHS Wisley & they identified it for me [I'm a member], they also told me we are not alone, it is rampant at Wisley as well, in the wooded area on Battlestone Hill apparently
3 Apr, 2019
You have done well Seaburngirl its all looking great love that show from your Amelanchier it's stunning your grass looks lush.
I have the same trouble loads of bindweed from the church and buttercups from the neighbours garden. I ve read if you continue pulling it when it first appears it kills it off as it saps all its energy then watching you tube I ve seen people cover the whole area with carboard then place dirt or an old carpet on top to keep out light. I would be wasting my time as mine comes from the church who does nt bother keeping it under control.
3 Apr, 2019
I find it comes from next door too. I pull it when I see it but come august I spray with roundup as it takes it down to the rhizome. this kills off that small section. as for the enchanters nightshade I don't mind a little bit but it is becoming a problem. it was here when we moved in and I didn't do anything about it. got rid of the dog's mercury and ground elder though.
3 Apr, 2019
Your garden looks very good now, Eileen! Even Atrocity corner is looking good! 👍😀
March has certainly been a very changeable month this year - more than normal I think!
All that warm sunshine in March persuaded me to put out the Geranium cutting that occupied our windowsills during the winter. Now with the cold & frost in April I'm having to give them some protection or I'll lose the lot!
3 Apr, 2019
Yes it says if you can get the leaves sprayed nearest the root it kills it quicker. That's good you managed to eradicate the ground elder and the dog mercury.
3 Apr, 2019
Gosh you have worked hard seaburngirl,and I enjoyed your blog very much.
3 Apr, 2019
Know what you mean about things in the way when it comes to weeding. I have just spent all week pulling grass seedlings out, blade by blade, all in the creeping speedwell and even worse amongst the Grape Hyacinths! I think this is the first year that I have actually attempted to completely clear the grass from in amongst it all, usually it gets skimmed over very hastily. I had never heard of, or seen, Enchanter's Nightshade and looking it up on a distribution map, it seems I am just in the open space area around The Wash in Norfolk, where we don't get it. Glad of that if it's as bad as you all say, I have enough Bindweed and Ground Elder to play with without something else invasive!
3 Apr, 2019
Oh creeping speedwell is the bane of my life just now. Can't keep up with it, its everywhere. Clear one bed, move on to another and by the time that's done the first one's full again.
3 Apr, 2019
I have that too but at least it pulls out readily with no hidden bits and it does have a pretty flower.
4 Apr, 2019
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Hi Eileen, your garden is looking fantastic, I wish mine was as neat looking, I just can't seem to get going in it, Derek.
2 Apr, 2019