April showers - really!
By seaburngirl
April showers to me suggests rain. Yesterday we had hail.
It is so cold this was the photo I took of them this morning.
Having said that the plants don’t seem to mind it at all.
Clematis ‘Constance’ has her first flowers out.
The slugs haven’t found Paris or Spotty Dotty yet.
These Daffs are standing up to the cold and the wind but I cant remember which one they are. But I love their strong yellow.
Delicate looking but this Corydalis ‘China Blue’ is a tough little thing and I now have it in a couple of places in the garden.
Photos of other plants strutting their stuff despite the weather.
Skimmia ‘Kew Green’and ophaloides verna
Two Fritillaries that couldn’t be more different, F melagris and F maxima rubra [thought it was F imperialis rubra but the label it came with said not]
I wont bore you with any more photos. I am pleased with the way the garden is coming together. Lets hope for April RAIN showers and not snow or hail that the country is experiencing at the moment.
Stay warm and safe.
4 Apr, 2019
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Wow! Hail, who would have thought it. We have missed the majority of the rain that was forecast, we are in a spot between two lots of water - the drain and the river and any rain falling tends to follow the water courses.
Love the Fritillaries, both sorts. would love mine to spread and cover the grass.
By the way, you can't bore a gardener with photo's of other people's gardens and plants.
4 Apr, 2019
I too love the blue Corydalis also Skimmia ‘Kew Green both beauties.
They said on the radio weather today it feels much colder than what it actually is I am more bothered with frosts.
4 Apr, 2019
I think the weather has taken a couple of big steps backwards, but your plants don't seem to mind in the least. Like others, I too think your Corydalis is lovely.
4 Apr, 2019
We've had hail too. The £25 plastic mini-greenhouse seems like a really good investment now☺
4 Apr, 2019
Pretty blue corydalis ...
... and amazing hail stones !
5 Apr, 2019
Lovely and different flowers, congrats for your garden
5 Apr, 2019
Lovely to see so many plants flowering bravely in spite of the cold - & the hail!
I bought a roll of fleece on Friday thinking it would come in useful if we had any late frosts - I'm glad I did as I will no doubt be using it during this coming week! :(
7 Apr, 2019
We did have some hail, but thankfully not as bad as that!! the Spotty Dotty is looking good, ours has a couple of nibbles on the lower leaves, but it is now much taller so I am hoping they will escape the worst of the damage....It is still very cold here, fleece back on the tree ferns but temps are set to rise dramatically towards the end of the week! so erratic....
16 Apr, 2019
yes could do with a few april showers now. cold wind still but no frost today. we have had a few hard frosts, even the astilbe has been knocked back and that usually weathers it well.
16 Apr, 2019
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Love the Corydalis it's very blue. Nice garden overall.
4 Apr, 2019