I'm with Hywel on this!
By seaburngirl
We got an invite to go over for tea at our daughter’s today at about 2.30. What has this to do with Hywel you may well be thinking. Well Hywel was saying how sport gets in the way of everything especially the tv schedules.
Today is the start of the tour de Yorkshire [a cycle race trying to be tour de France!] and the route takes in our village. The village is effectively shut to all traffic from 2.45 to 4.30 so that the men can race through the wonderful Yorkshire countryside. Not that they will notice it of course. So we are stuck until then. So daughter’s early finish from work to spend time with us has been thwarted and we will no doubt end up sitting on the M62 in the rush hour.
grumble grumble grumble. Perhaps I am just out of sorts today but I really do feel ‘bah humbug’.
The only good thing about today is we have had some heavy showers that will do the garden no end of good. Hoping for dry weather tomorrow so we can go out on the motorbike and meet up with friends for lunch.
Sport yet again disrupts normal goings on.
2 May, 2019
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Hi Eileen, this sort of thing has annoyed me for years, usually it's football that rules supreme as regards tv programmes being disrupted, I think whoever plans the programmes, imagine that every person in the country is mad about football, I for 1 have no interest whatsoever in the, ''beautiful game'' as they call it, plus they always have to have at least 3/4 of an hour of discussion before the match even starts, and then afterwards they have to have an inquisition into the result, so a match that should last 1hour and 45 minutes, including half time, can turn into a 3 hour loss of programmes, [then of course, we have to have the ''highlights'' after the news.
I also have the road closure problem, there is only 1 road to where I live, but even that is closed off for the ''tour of tameside '' run, so I can't go out, or get back home, but at least that only happens once a year thank goodness, Derek.
2 May, 2019
I agree with you regarding the football, so much waffling goes on, and so many commentators for one match, a wast of money, makes me furious....never enoyed football, although OH is keen, but even he turns it on at the last minute....
2 May, 2019
I understand how you feel. We have the same thing here for the New York Marathon, Macy's Parade, etc. The truth is - these events bring in untold millions in tourism, hotels, theatre, restaurants, etc. They all do very well. I just roll with it, take it in stride. Tomorrow's another day.
2 May, 2019
Sometimes I have to endure two football matches in a row! Actually, as I get older I am less and less excited by sport in general. All this news about Caster Semenya and the inter-sex issue is quite depressing. Apparently there are agents in Africa going hunting for children of indeterminate sex so as to exploit them to make money in athletics. And there we are...its like everything else in our world now...its all down to money. People only want to make money from it. And the sums made are absolutely obscene. Having said that, I watched a frame of Snooker today...quite enjoyed it...quite meditative and serene. And then the commentator mentioned the half a million for the tournament winner...sigh.
2 May, 2019
Glad you had heavy showers as compensation. We had a short-lived but welcome storm . . . thunder, lightning and RAIN - finally!
2 May, 2019
I know the feeling where sport is concerned Seaburngirl I live close by the Richo Arena CCFC club also the London Wasps Rugby who now own the ground you have to have a permit to park in my lane or get fined £70.00 so I miss out on visitors coming to visit as they don't know when any thing is on at the Richo like with the Olympics too or the pop concerts that take place there too as any one can park with a permit in my small lane even if they don't live here so parking space out side my house is rare my son has to park else where when visiting as it is . Even my hospital physio therapist nearly got find parking in my lane when seeing me.
I know what you mean about rush hour on the M62 been in it many times when visiting my daughter its horrendous when I first went up there I thought they were mostly mad men drivers even my son in law who was born and bred up there gets angry with a lot of the drivers up there on the M62.
Agree with Dottydaisy we don't get many garden programs as it is compared with sport and other types of programs. Yes we may be out in our gardens they may think hence why we don't get many but there are lots that love garden programs that can't get out to do gardening I find this discrimating against the disabled the elderly and sick people who can't get out.
2 May, 2019
I tend to agree, although Bathgate, I also agree with your opinion in regards to income from tourism etc..
2 May, 2019
Yes Kate and Bathgate tourisum and money spent in the city town villages is all they care about with these events even with out Motofest where they all come to race around our ring rd. I alway thought money was the route to all evil so all our councils have turned into the 👿 lol.
2 May, 2019
the only 'perk' we had was they filled in the pot holes. not for us but so the cyclists don't come off and sue the council.
They did that last year but they needed doing again as they were just temporary measures. Our village doesn't get any monetary gain as there are no hotels/cafes etc in the village.
2 May, 2019
Being an ex-runner, I come from the other point of view SBG. Drivers have 364 days per year of uninterrupted use of the road, so a couple of hours for "other users" is not unreasonable
2 May, 2019
true Andrew and I don't begrudge other road uses most of the time but I don't get to see my family often enough. The cost of this event and the money made doesn't help our local community.
we often have the village closed to traffic for local 10K runs and cycle races for the local groups. These don't bring in any money and don't restrict parking so the village isn't disrupted apart from a 45 min closure.
3 May, 2019
I'm not interested in any sport whatsoever but do know the money raised from many events is welcome to both country and charity organisations, luckily I don't have to endure any football now as hubby watches on his own upstairs, I understand your feelings though Seaburn and would feel very resentful if I was trapped in my own home because of the road closures, as regards it interfering on the telly I would simply turn over to a different channel or not bother turning on in the first place, in this day and age if I want to watch a garden programme that badly I'd go online and find one, you could say that would be one that I'd already watched but as GW has once again messed up and spends most of the programme repeating itself I would probably enjoy the older programme more anyway.
.Hoping your weather is better than ours is today and you get your ride out Seaburn, yes we desperately needed the rain but it didn't have to revert back to winter temps to deliver it, lol....
3 May, 2019
Not ever one Lincslass have online services as they either can't afford it or would nt know where to begin a lot of oaps where I live also middle age have no on line services.
3 May, 2019
I do know that 3d, I was speaking for myself,I'm also OAP and like you do have access to online....
3 May, 2019
I understand exactly where you're coming from. I live on the Tour 'D Yorkshire route and I'm fed up of the disruption it causes to those of us not in the least bit interested. I realises it's good for the economy, but... As for the TV programmes which get shifted or even cancelled altogether...it's so unfair I feel. Why can't they have a 'sport' channel like they do for 'Drama'?
3 May, 2019
3d - you can watch online for free (assuming you have a TV licence!) at www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer
3 May, 2019
I got soaked this afternoon in a very heavy shower with a strong, cold wind!
I got an email from the Met Office blog yesterday &, amongst many other things, they said that the old county of Huntingdonshire, now part of Cambridgeshire, received less than 1cm (1/2 inch) of rain in the whole month of April!!! It was the driest part of the country during April! Yet in the shower this pm I'm sure more than 1cm fell in the 15 mins it lasted!!!
3 May, 2019
Yes I can Lincslass thank you
😊 but I know many others can not as they can not afford on line services and others have a clue how to use or work pc or new phones they are to scared incase they press the wron thing. I was nt thinking of me but others less fortunate.
3 May, 2019
I'm sorry to hear of the disruption to your village. Some people think it's all right to disrupt everything for something they want and will make any excuse for it. They try to justify themselves by saying it's 'only a few hours' or 'only one day' . They don't seem to care that other people have things to do in those few hours or on that day. Everyone has to fit in with their arrangements no matter how inconvenient it is.
5 May, 2019
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It annoys me when they cancel gardening programs for Snooker......even my sports mad OH gets cross!
2 May, 2019