Successful plant sale
By seaburngirl
Our village held a garden mart again this year and as usual I had a stall.
The view from the front of the stall. Not sure how many plants there are
Plants from the left as you look at it. Sadly many are not in flower yet as they are hardy perennials but I always take my RHS book so people can see what the flowers are like.
Plants from the right. Predominately bulbs at this end and luckily some in flower.
The hall kitchen did a roaring trade in tea and cakes and I did succumb to a piece [or two] ;o)
I must have sold well over 100 plants as prices started at 75p and the most expensive on my table £3.50.
One of the other stall holders didn’t do as well but his prices were the same as the local gc but his plants were quite small. This sort of event brings in people from the surrounding villages so know what the gc charge.
I also have less common/older varieities of plants too so that helps my sales. We were open 9-1 and at the end of the event I had taken £155.35. That will go to our local hospice as usual. One never knows when you might need their services.
13 Apr, 2019
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Well Done ! :)
13 Apr, 2019
Excellent, looks like some interesting plants. Such a worthy cause, well done all.
14 Apr, 2019
I'd have bought some for sure. luckily yours buyers were local, I knwo years ago when I tried selling, at local WI market the buyers wanted plants for nothing more or less.
I was selling fuchias, forget the price, but it was at least 75% less than GC still no buyers
I also did runners at car boot, but they went like hot cakes, looking I think I undervalued them
14 Apr, 2019
Well done Eileen,and for a wonderful cause too..all your hard work payed off as usual..I think your full tables looked very enticing ,to get people to buy,plus your value for money prices too..:o)
14 Apr, 2019
Your stall looks very interesting and would have caught my eye, well done Seaburn, that was a good result and going to a very worthy cause...
14 Apr, 2019
Super display and well done for the amount raised. People are fickle Grandadgardener, they would rather pay a high price for something that is beautifully shaped, forced in a greenhouse with a pretty label, than look beyond that and see that the plants will look the same eventually.
14 Apr, 2019
yes that is so true Honeysuckle a few didn't buy the Echinacea as there were no flowers on it. even telling them it would one said that it would just be a green 'blob' in the garden till then. The gaillardia did have pretty labels as a mate had given me his as he had lots from plants he bout last year.
14 Apr, 2019
You had a very tempting stall and you did so well. I bet it is an event you look forward to and the money you raised will be so welcome.
14 Apr, 2019
Superb effort! Your stall always does brilliantly well, and no wonder. :)
14 Apr, 2019
3 of my favorite things - tea, cake, plants. It can't go wrong? So glad it was a success. Congratulations!
14 Apr, 2019
Well done Eileen, all your hard work was worth it.
You deserved your cake(s)
14 Apr, 2019
Congratulations on setting out such an inviting looking array of plants and, of course, raising cash for the hospice.
14 Apr, 2019
Eileen, weren't you glad your "green blob" lady didn't buy from you? Sounds as though there would have been little sympathetic TLC from that quarter!
What a marvellous stall - can't imagine where you stored all those - and a very rewarding result too.
14 Apr, 2019
they live on the back path in front of the greenhouse stera and on the paving infront of the conservatory. OH not that impressed really. But I have to contend with bikes in the outplace so its pretty even really.
14 Apr, 2019
Brilliant achievement Eileen :)
16 Apr, 2019
Pity we dont live nearer, would have been there in a flash, your stall looked very inviting, and at such good prices, you deserved to do well, and all for a very worthy cause.....congratulations.
16 Apr, 2019
Great stuff SBG! You really are a marvel at living a good life. I would love to buy young plants if I knew of a sale. I do sometimes offer free seedlings online locally but being somewhat of a recluse, I don't like people coming to my house.
Your stall looks amazing. Lots of nurturing gone in to that.
19 Apr, 2019
Glad your stall was a success. It looked very impressive.
It's better to under cut the GC's at these events & sell your plants, than price them up & then have to take them all home. I'm afraid people are always looking for a bargain, human nature & the GC's are so expensive, so events like yours are a godsend & all goes to a good cause.
Well done on the amount raised.
19 Apr, 2019
Hi Eileen, must have missed this, but I haven't been on here a lot lately, but well done, both on raising the plants, and the sale of them, I used to grow plants for the summer fayre at my daughters school, and usually sold out within an hour, as the prices were so low, I commented to my brother the other day, that b&q were offering trays of 6 bedding plants at 2 for £6, daylight robbery, and that was supposed to be on offer, I can remember buying a wooden seed tray of 40 bedding plants from a local nursery for half a crown, the tray alone would cost a lot more than that now, even if you could find someone selling wooden seed trays, ooh the good old days, Derek.
Ps, for the younger members half a crown, is equal to 12 and a half pence in today's money, Derek.
2 May, 2019
Well done. It must be very satisfying to be able to hand over donations to your local hospice.
2 May, 2019
Like you,Derek, I still remember buying plants in wooden trays at a similar price. Way back in 1967-71! 😱😂
3 May, 2019
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You did very well at your plant stall then to make that amount of money! Anything that helps out a hospice in today's economic times is very well received! 😀
13 Apr, 2019