A beautiful final day for a horrible year
By seaburngirl
2020 started with such promise didn’t it? Then we watched the spread of the coronavirus across the world and here at home.
But look at today blue sky and sunshine.
Facing west at 8am this morning.
Many of us took solace in our gardens and shared our experiences on this forum. I have greatly appreciated the friendship from the GoYers.
At this point I must say thanks to those that actually manage the site for us. I know there are times when it doesn’t go quite as well as we’d like it but to be honest I couldn’t organise a site like this. So a big thanks to them.
I was woken up by a tapping sound this morning and when I got down to the kitchen there were blackbirds tapping on the glass waiting for feeding.
Overnight we have had a very hard frost [-4C in the greenhouse at 8am] and the pond is now frozen over. The moon, just off full, was setting over the fields and the sky was a lovely pale pink.
Once properly up and snuggly dressed I took the camera out to see if there were any ‘pretty’ pictures. There are a few which I rather like.
Acanthus leaves
Echinops seed head
a young growth of ivy.
We did have some family highlights.
Victoria graduated after a 4 yr course in Wildlife conservation and she got engaged to her lovely boyfriend Dan. Our eldest girl Elizabeth got a puppy in May. A Doberman cross and in May she was still tiny.
By Christmas she was fully grown.
In the family I have been the only one to get covid 19 and thankfully as previously mentioned not too seriously.
I hope we all have some good parts of 2020 to remember but I truly hope 2021 is better.
Two of my favourite plant photos of 2020
Oriental poppy close up.
wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year
- 31 Dec, 2020
Previous post: Well I wont do that again!
Next post: If you do some gardening.....
Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy 2021 !
31 Dec, 2020
Happy New Year Eileen. I hope it's a better one.
I'm glad you've had a nice day :)
31 Dec, 2020
Yes it’s been a tough year, let’s hope for a better new year, I think we are all blest to have such an exciting and rewarding interest in gardening that is so good for us both physically and mentally, especially in times of troubled water when it can really free the mind and lift the spirits, some nice pictures you have taken, like the moon and Acanthus, and I too would like to say thanks to those behind the scenes for what they do for this site and a happy new year to you.
31 Dec, 2020
Lovely blog Seaburn, I really enjoyed seeing your highlights, it has been a really tough year in more ways than one, some friends are sadly no longer with us but we do have memories to treasure, we're still here and have to keep our spirits up and hope we soon see a light at the end of the tunnel....Happy New Year to you and your family and Best Wishes for a Healthy and Happier 2021...xx
31 Dec, 2020
First I would like to wish everyone a happier New Year 2021 than the one we are leaving today. I wish you all a safe 2021 & that you avoid becoming infected with the coronavirus & that you get the vaccination soon. :)
Glad to hear that you are no worse off, Eileen, after your own encounter with the virus. I hope you will not suffer any more from your illness. I wish you a safer 2021 & a complete recovery. Glad also that no-one else in your family came down with it. :)
With regards to those who work to keep GoY running it is so easy to forget that these sites don't exist without someone in the "boiler room" to keep things running so I also would like to thank then for their work & wish them a happy & safe year 2021! :)
31 Dec, 2020
Thanks for sharing, and lovely to have good news of your daughters. May 2021 be a much happier one for you all!
31 Dec, 2020
Many congratulations to Victoria - quite a year she's had!
And congrats to you too for inspiring her all along the way.
I love the closeups of the poppy and cornflower!
Best wishes to you all for a happy and healthy 2021 - we can but hope!
31 Dec, 2020
I enjoyed your blog., SBG, it's good that we should be reminded that each year has good things in it as well as the bad. It went out with a beautiful day and the new one has come in here with a sprinkling of ice and snow - the first this winter.
Happy New Year to all.
1 Jan, 2021
Good to hear you recovered, Eileen and you have no signs of the ‘long covid’. Roll on this vaccination programme - although it will take some time.
Thanks for sharing your past years ups and downs, thankfully there’s a lot of positivity!
Happy New Year to you and yours, best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead!
1 Jan, 2021
I am pleased this blog has been enjoyed. it has been so bleak lately hasn't it. I felt the good family news could be shared.
Happy and healthy New Year to you too.
1 Jan, 2021
Happy New Year Seaburn and I enjoyed looking at your pictures!
I am pleased you are feeling better now!
Take care ! xx
2 Jan, 2021
Happy New Year to you and your Family too ,Eileen,I agree,it's been a roller Coaster of a year for us all,in one way or another,and I'm so pleased you recovered well .
Your blog and pictures say it all,and Congratulations all round to both of your Daughters, for their futures..You must be so proud and happy for them.:o)
I also would like to thank the persons ,or person,behind the Scenes of Goy,for us all to still be here,and able to chat to all the lovely friends we have made,especially at this awful time.
I appreciate being able to share stories,memories add Photo's etc,whenever I feel like some company,or some Humour,with lovely people Thanks to Goy..:o).
2 Jan, 2021
Hear hear!
2 Jan, 2021
Well said Balcony and Sandra - so true 🙂.
3 Jan, 2021
Happy New Year Eileen. It can only get better from here I suppose. You reminded me what I need to get this spring - Echinops! I've always wanted these. Is it also called globe thistle?
3 Jan, 2021
yes it is Paul. The one I have is E. ritro 'Veitch Blue'. I have had it for many years and the bees love it. Later the birds enjoy all the seeds too.
Happy New Year to you too.
4 Jan, 2021
Thank you
4 Jan, 2021
A very Happy New Year to you SBG. Like you say 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year. I'm glad you're over your own brush with Covid. So many have not been so lucky. Congratulations to Victoria and Dan I hope they will be very happy.
We are due to move house in the spring and then I am also hoping to get a puppy or a rescue dog.
Here's to hoping the vaccine let's us get back to some sort of normality as soon as possible
4 Jan, 2021
Happy New Year to you all! Unfortunately the PM has told us that from tomorrow, 5th January 2021, we will be in full lock-down once more until mid February at least!
So, another date to write down for history! Boris Johnson looks to have aged a great deal in the last few months. He wanted the top job in the country but I imagine he must regret having had that desire come true as he will go down in history as the only PM to have ever had to order three national lock-downs in under a year!!!
4 Jan, 2021
Thank you for sharing with us your news( both good & bad) of 2021. Lovely to hear of your daughter's graduation & engagement. I wish them both well in the future. Glad that you are ok too. Nice photos & a cheerie blog to start us off into the New Year, with the help of whoever it is who runs GoY for us. I keep looking ahead to sunny days in the garden, well, they are bound to come eventually.
Best wishes to all Goy friends for this year.
4 Jan, 2021
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Happy New Year to you too! Thank you for sharing your ups and downs, a Coronacoaster year!!
31 Dec, 2020