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Getting ready for April.


I have started weeding the borders in readiness for Victoria’s wedding at the end of April.

At the end of January I spent 10 hours in the front garden, but I have only done about a sixth of it so far.

Part of the front wall border, before and then after.

This beautiful Cyclamen is able to be seen now that I have cut down the Baptisia that was in front of it.

The border in front of the house windows. This has Hemerocallis, Heleniums and Phlox to name a few plants. I did have a lovely Clematis Rebecca but I have lost it :(



after though the Helenium still needs cutting down.

In the last 5 days flowers have appeared on this lovely Iris unguicularis. I didn’t even notice the buds,

Yesterday for 3 hrs and today for 6 hours I have been working in the back garden. Mainly clearing dead leaves and pulling yellow archangel from under the beech tree.

Nearly complete.

There is still a small area left to do but my eldest girl Elizabeth turned up with her dog so I had to stop and play with the dog.
This pot has been left undisturbed for over 6 years now and the A blanda have multiplied a lot. The hyacinths will flower and they are a soft yellow. City of Harlem.

The pond is beautifully clear and the beech is reflected on its surface.

It has been wonderful getting out and feeling soil under my nails again.

More blog posts by seaburngirl

Previous post: It is going to be different this year.

Next post: Getting ready for April part 2



Golly, you have been working hard but I always think gardening is satisfying because you can always see where you’ve been, necessary to stop though when daughters & dogs arrive. Your plants seem much farther along than mine, no sign yet of A blanda, or Hyacinths :-(

5 Feb, 2023


You have really been tidying up your garden and have made a wonderful job of it. We too have lost Clematis Rebecca - it was a lovely deep red shade too. We are not very successful with clematis though. It is so nice to see new growth appearing. Your pond really is crystal clear.

6 Feb, 2023


I am so glad you mentioned soil under your nails. I always think about you when I get it under mine. So sad having to pull out the Archangel - its pretty but it does spread so if you leave it. Are you having the reception at home? You've made a good start on the front garden anyway. I am very jealous of your clump of Cyclamen. I lost mine when we had to cut down a tree that got canker some years ago and i rather lost heart and haven't tried to replace them.Daft really.Keep calm and carry on and don't forget to take a break. Good luck anyway.

6 Feb, 2023


Wow Seaburn. you have been busy! I can't believe how many hours you have worked!
Great to see all the cyclamon too.
It is going to look so good for the wedding.
I agree with Wildrose, your pond is so clear.

6 Feb, 2023


You have been hard at it Seaburn and made a lot of progress, we can all see where you've been, you deserved playtime with the grandpup, I was thinking about you and how quickly the time is passing, now counting weeks until the wedding instead of months, don't overwork in the garden, don't want aches and pains at this late stage and you should have worn your gloves, m'dear, I can remember you saying before your other daughters wedding that you were trying to keep your nails nice, LOL.....

6 Feb, 2023


Your Cyclamen is gorgeous. Its been a lovely sunny day today for a change here, lets hope the weather stays settled for you to get out and continue your labours before your daughters wedding.

6 Feb, 2023


Thanks for the lovely comments and words of encouragement.

Victoria is getting married from home but her wedding venue is The Beverley Barn so shouldn't have too many people coming around the house. But there will be photos as she leaves Stera, and she is hoping the cherry tree on the street corner will still be in flower.

I hope to get all the gardening done by the middle/late March then I'll have 6 weeks to get my nails sorted! Lincs.
They are usually pretty tough and I can always varnish them if they don't quite come up to snuff.

Did a little bit [2hrs] on the rockery today, mainly cutting back the I. siberica near the pond. I can see the little beauty tulips coming up now. We had a sharp frost this morning too.

6 Feb, 2023


You've been a whizz in the garden, Eileen! Very productive indeed 👌
Looks really tidy and smart too. Looks a very pretty iris you've uncovered there. Everything is going to look very springlike and pretty for the wedding.
Lovely pic at the end, just shows how perfectly clear the water is...

8 Feb, 2023

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