Getting ready for April part 4
By seaburngirl
Well I just have atrocity corner left to do and as the wedding is April 27th I am on schedule. Yippee.
The drive bed has an old suckering lilac in it and quite a lot of periwinkle, so I had to dig down so as to chase the suckers. Though I only spent 4 hours to finish it before the rains came.
We have had a lot of rain in the last 36 hours so the soil was a bit heavy. Mind that does mean I wont have to water in the crocuses I had to lift and replant.
The mock orange is also next to the lilac.
My main ‘worry’ now is will the late flowered tulips be in flower or will they have gone over? I can see I may need a trip to the gc for some ‘fillers’.
23 Mar, 2023
Previous post: Feathered friends.
Next post: Getting ready for April part 5
It must be a relief to have got so far, Sbg. All your efforts are looking good. I hope the tulips come through as you wish.
24 Mar, 2023
I still need to do something with the back garden but that can wait a bit. I am giving myself 4 weeks off from hard graft so that I can grow my nails to a decent length. Oh such vanity!
24 Mar, 2023
That's perfectly legitimate!
24 Mar, 2023
You are making sterling progress, it amuses me that you named it atrocity corner but I know how much work it involves to clear such spots...
Its perfectly understandable as regards your nails, you want to look your best and good looking nails helps with self esteem at any time, daughters wedding is extra special to you,..
Playing silly beggars here now and since writing my blog we've also been having very heavy sleet/rain showers during the day as well as overnight, also turned much colder....
You deserve a treat after all your hard work so go to the GC anyway, saying that I hope your tulips time it right and look beautiful on the day and that its perfect weather for you and all of us..
24 Mar, 2023
You're really cracking on aren't you! You've done a fantastic job of your garden and prep for the wedding in April, Eileen. It'll look really great on the day.
We had a torrential downpour yesterday after lunch. It had been lovely til then. Nice day today though.
24 Mar, 2023
It's a busy time, and you seem to be on top of the work.
Exciting times for you also with the wedding approaching :)
24 Mar, 2023
I have to tackle the housework yet 'Oh Lord!' Though Steve will help and her sister will also pop over.
24 Mar, 2023
Don't go getting all flustered, SBG, it will only add to your stress levels & make you ill before the big day, so calm down a little & take things with a little more calm. You have done a fantastic job up to now & everything is looking really good. 👍
26 Mar, 2023
I'm in good form thanks Balc. I have never really enjoyed housework and tend to leave to a 'critical mass' then have a good blitz. Just need to put stuff away and then dust & vac.
27 Mar, 2023
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Sbg - you have made a remarkable job of your garden and are probably ahead of schedule - you still have 5 weeks to go.
Make sure you leave some time 'just for you' as you are a very important part of the day too!
If your tulips flower too early please don't worry as there will be something at the garden centre to fill the gap.
You have do SO well. x
23 Mar, 2023