Mid September in the garden
By seaburngirl
Well September is shaping up to one of those odd months. The weather is fluctuating like mad but at least last Friday was dry and sunny. [It was my 65th birthday but still have to wait for my state pension grrr] Steve and I got out on one of the motorbikes for breakfast and then a late lunch.
The weather turned wet on Sunday and we have had plenty of rain but luckily no flooding near us. Between the showers I had a quick walk around the garden with the camera.
3 from the front garden.
Bears Breeches: Acanthus flowering well, despite me trying to dig it out over several years.
Now after the later rain the herbaceous Clematis ‘Alan Bloom’ is putting on a brilliant show. Until the frosts that is.
This rose just keeps on going. It is Angel Face and is a super plant.
3 from the back garden
A lovely white Japanese Anenome.
under the beech tree 1 of the clumps of Cyclamen.
And an all time favourite, despite being very toxic, is Aconitum carmichaelii
I have clearly not shown the weeds, tired over the hump plants and those that have ‘collapsed’ due to the rain. Where would be the fun in that? :)
19 Sep, 2023
Previous post: A good plant for the insects
Next post: November flowers
Lovely photos & I really like the Rose.
20 Sep, 2023
20 Sep, 2023
I love the Acanthus and have one which I bought early in the year and it has still got the same 4 leaves it started with! Not a clue why it won't grow.
I love your clematis, especially the colour.
20 Sep, 2023
I love the Acanthus and have one which I bought early in the year and it has still got the same 4 leaves it started with! Not a clue why it won't grow.
I love your clematis, especially the colour.
20 Sep, 2023
Nicely coloured flowers there, Sbg. My acanthus hasn't moved either like Rose's, but it's just as well because I think I will take it out to make room for a shrub.
Belated Happy Birthday to you. I hope you were spoiled.
21 Sep, 2023
yes I've not dug mine out either. But I am able to keep it into a space that I want it in.
21 Sep, 2023
Been thinking of getting some acanthus but did read it was a bit of a thug in the garden, is that why you were trying to dig it out
21 Sep, 2023
Been thinking of getting some acanthus but did read it was a bit of a thug in the garden, is that why you were trying to dig it out
21 Sep, 2023
Lovely flowers in your garden, SB!
Looks like there has ben some kind of glich on GoY as several posts are getting posted repeatedly!
21 Sep, 2023
It can grow well if not watched and the roots go deep. Like dandelions if not all the root removed it will regrow Davey.
Yes it has been playing up quite a bit these last couple of days Balcony.
21 Sep, 2023
Belated Birthday Greetings to You Seaburn, xx...
Its certainly is a very weird month, weatherwise we don't know whether we are coming or going, neither do our gardens, we had some terrible days at the beginning of this week, very high winds and torrential rain for three full days and nights, my garden came off all right considering, someof my taller flowers are now leaning like the Tower of Pisa but none broken so I'm leaving them alone, might domore damage if I try and correct them, they still look pretty....I do love your rose, its a lovely shade and really wish that cyclamen liked my garden, I have one little clump of white ones that come up every year but never seem successful with any others.... Lovely blog and photo's..x
22 Sep, 2023
There is a roundabout locally that has Bears Breeches on parts of it, looks really attractive too. The Rose is a stunner, looks just perfect to me. We had a dreadful storm one night, one of the summerhouse doors was taken off the hinges and some tall Sunflowers are looking in need of some TLC now. I hope you enjoyed your recent birthday ... :o)
22 Sep, 2023
thanks for all the lovely comments.
The birthday turned out well in the end. I had hoped for the car and a pretty dress but it was biking gear instead. But we had a lovely Chinese meal with our eldest Elizabeth and her hubby Matthew, so the dress came out for that. Steve doesn't seem to get the idea of wearing pretty things!
The rose was one I managed to get through a GoY member many years ago now.
We have had a week of heavy rain and high winds too and apart from some things being a bit battered everything seems ok.
23 Sep, 2023
Good to know you had a good time on your birthday! 👏 👏 👏
23 Sep, 2023
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Ha, ha, very funny! Your garden looks lovely with plenty of colour still. Agree that the weather has battered the garden with rain & wind!
19 Sep, 2023