Sunshine :o)
By sewingkilla
Hasn’t it been glorious today? had quite a busy day today spent the morning walking the dog and pottering in the garden, ended up sitting reading then me and Rocky had an ice lolly :o), my grandaughters came round with their other grandma for a while before they go back to their home in Leeds, they had been for a hair cut so looked all neat and tidy…didn’t last long with Eleanor lol,
Got another dress cut out, for Rian this time, she picked the dress she wanted from the pattern and i’ve got some fabric already for it with butterflies on (she loves them).
Took Rocky round to my parents, he loves my father makes a beeline for him! By this time he was panting with the heat and excitement,by the time we got back home he collapsed in his bed worn out lol.
the builder has dropped off a slab for me to see, lovely honey colour
My greenhouse is bursting with growth there are, cosmos ‘Picotee’, Hollyhocks, Delphiniums, Tomatoes, Rosemary cuttings, sweet peas, bacopa supposed to be not growing as much this year or buying as much ha ha ha ha!
The primroses have been gorgeous this year wasn’t expecting much as i split them all last year, the fritallias are out
and the cherry blossom is lovely, hoping for lots of cherries bought some netting as last year the birds got them!!!
Forget me knots are out, and the Mahonia this year is beautiful never had so many flowers on it.
Waiting for the basket flowers to arrive so i can get the baskets planted up ready to be put out later when the frosts have finished. Happy gardening everyone!
8 Apr, 2011
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Hi SK - your look as if you are very well organised with everything. You certainly do a lot of things - I hope your grand-daughter looks nice in their dresses you are making her.
8 Apr, 2011
Nice to see your plants thriving in your mini-greenhouse, SK. You are kept busy with the dressmaking...your fabric choices always sound so pretty :)
Your slabs look a lovely soft colouring...they'll look so nice when they are down. Bet you are so looking forward to a completed job!
Have a great weekend, lovely with all this glorious sunshine.
8 Apr, 2011
Nice to see the plants and the children :) Enjoy the weather
9 Apr, 2011
Plenty to be keeping you busy in that greenhouse, plants seem to thrive at a rate of knots just now.
9 Apr, 2011
Lovely pics of your garden :o)
13 Apr, 2011
Hello sewingkilla,what a wonderful variety of flowers in your garden already, well done. I am glad that you like my photo of the Wisley rockery:one has to laugh if one compares it with the photo of my rockery box attached to the rear wall of my house. Still, I was taught to cut my coat according to the materials available and it does at least allow me to grow clematis up the trellis bit.
We have indeed had some lovely weather in Lincolnshire and although it was not too good today (I hate wind) the forecast looks promising for the next few days. My Lily of the Valley are much earlier this year than last year, so maybe the snow made the plants get their act together. Lost my beautiful Ceanthos which was big and blue last year. Nature is always teaching us lessons!
Regards Felinfan
13 Apr, 2011
Recent posts by sewingkilla
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- Planting
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i like those slabs, i think thats indian sandstone like ours and i really like it.
8 Apr, 2011