Oh my aching back!
By sewingkilla
Well what a busy day suffering now with my back though, its had enough i think! Cut the grass this morning before the sun came out didn’t think we were going to get any, but lo and behold it came out and was warm and sunny :o), dug over the border loads and loads of flipping dandelions, wish the neighbour on one side liked gardening :o(
i potted on the dwarf lilac i bought last week haven’t decided where to put it yet and as we are having the top end of garden gravelled/patio i want to wait and see where to put it.
Tied in some clematis they seem to have grown over night! dug out some more flipping dandelions, and dead nettle has appeared this year all over :o( so dug that up, by this time i was flagging rather so fetched an ice lolly for me and Rocky, well he’d been busy pulling out the dandelions from the rubbish bin i was using!!
Tired now, just me and other half tonight daughter out at a party……peace bliss…..
9 Apr, 2011
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Well done SK. You have done so well to get all that done. The sunshine makes you want to get something done doesn't it. Love the pic of Rocky with the ice lolly
9 Apr, 2011
Your garden is looking lovely all spruced up and not a dandelion in sight [fingers crossed] I have been doing the same so commiserate with the aches and pains, but the end result is certainly worth it and Rocky is enjoying his reward for doing his bit lol
9 Apr, 2011
You've certainly earned an ice lolly...at the very least, SK. I hope after a good night's sleep you will not be feeling the pain in your back so severe.
There will be so many advantages when you have the gravel down....I must say that your garden is looking very well loved and cared for. Well done.
9 Apr, 2011
Looks great and so does the lolly!
9 Apr, 2011
A well deserved lolly. Its lovely being able out get out again and enjoy a bit of sun.
9 Apr, 2011
It just makes you feel so much better seeing lovely sunshine. Hope it keeps shining a lot longer.
9 Apr, 2011
Nice to see the sunshine and shadows in your garden SK its all looking lovely. A bit hard on the back but well worth it.
9 Apr, 2011
By the neatness of your garden you have certainly earned that lolly.
Have a good long rest to ease that back.
9 Apr, 2011
garden looking very neat SK, you have been busy, i hate dandylions to, had loads last year but up to now ok,
rocky is loving that lolly :o)
10 Apr, 2011
Enjoy the peace :)
I know what you mean about clematis. Mine seem to have grown about 2 feet since yesterday lol
10 Apr, 2011
I echo Hywel...
peace is a wonderful thing to enjoy if you can find it ...
your garden looks tidy and pretty :o)
13 Apr, 2011
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Your borders are looking good Sk, I think you deserved that ice lolly after all your hard work, and it looks as if Rocky was enjoying his lick too!
9 Apr, 2011