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Sunny afternoon at the end of October


It’s hard to believe that it’s Hallowe’en this evening, when it’s so mild and sunny in the garden today. It’s lovely to walk round and see the plants which are still flowering, at the same time as autumn colours on foliage and the first tiny point of a Narcissus bulb appearing in the lawn!

Hibiscus trionum

Verbena ‘Sissinghurst Pink’


Acer Griseum

Great White Cherry (Prunus Tai Haku)

Geranium sanguinem with Melica grass

Aster Lady in Black


Cornflower seedlings in the greenhouse

Malva Gibortello seedlings

Looking forward to seeing these in flower next year . . . the seeds were sent to me by Ray at Plant World Seeds to make up for my Malva Sylvestris not having the flower colour shown on the packet – thanks Ray!

OH has just raked up five barrowfuls of leaves, so needs a sit down and a cuppa, but we’re just grateful to be outside on such a beautiful day.

Happy autumn gardening everyone!

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Excellent Autumn blog Shelia and yes it's ever so mild 16 deg with no sense no sunshine but certainly very verŷ mild.

Enjoy your cuppa

31 Oct, 2014


Hi Sheila ...Yes... weather is warm and sunny today...
and your garden is looking pretty :o)

31 Oct, 2014


Many thanks Scotkat and Terra! 19 degrees here, so lucky.

31 Oct, 2014


Love the colours of the Verbena and the Cotinus ... so pretty. I have spent a couple of hours, with breaks in between working, removing the moss from the block-paved patio with a long-handled wire brush tool. No cardi. required as it's so warm!

31 Oct, 2014


Hasn't it just been a wonderful warm day Sheila and a perfect gardening one.....there are some lovely colours right now in your garden, I love your Great White cherry
how the leaves hang like plums just before they fall. If I had more room, it would be the first tree I would've planted here. As it is, I have to make do with my Snow Showers and Kojo no mai.....:))

31 Oct, 2014


quite colorful

31 Oct, 2014


Kojo no Mai is a cracking plant though Janey...spring and autumn, it's superb! I love it's almost purplish autumn tinges, and it's very early spring flowers. Then there's the excellent zig-zag stems during winter....a brilliant plant! Must agree though...Sheila, you do have some wonderful trees in your garden. :) the tree I don't have and would like is Acer Griseum. With Prunus serrula a close second! But who has that much space? To have all the trees I want I would need about 20 acres! I love, love woodland!!

31 Oct, 2014


Oh so do I, preferably with a stream running through it - we can all dream! Sheila you still have some real beauties there.

31 Oct, 2014


Lovely to hear from you Micky, Shirley and Bathgate.
Janey - Kojo no mai is lovely too!
Karen - you do have room for a woodland area! We have a Prunus serrula too . . . they don't grow too huge.
Thanks Sue - very kind - and wouldn't a stream just be the 'icing on the cake'?!

This is by way of a brief 'farewell' to you my friends . . we are about to escape November, and meet our two little granddaughters in Wanaka, New Zealand, where it will be Spring, and we'll hopefully enjoy the lakes, snow-capped mountains, and maybe even cherry blossom! x

31 Oct, 2014


You are leaving a beautiful garden filled with autumn colour behind you but you are in for such a treat!
Hope the travelling goes smoothly and hope you have a wonderful time with your family.

31 Oct, 2014


Bless you Chris - thank you very much :))

31 Oct, 2014


Enjoy Sheila! :))

31 Oct, 2014


Oh, yes Karen, I love Kojo no mai and snow showers and they fit my garden nicely...:))

31 Oct, 2014


Oh, have a fabulous holiday Sheila and enjoy your family time XX

31 Oct, 2014


Lovely blog Sheila, you have some great colour in there.Enjoy your family time in New Zealand. Safe journeys there and back....very envious!

1 Nov, 2014


Many thanks Karen, Janey and Gralew . . . I'll be fine once we get there, have started taking deep breaths already and trying to relax!

1 Nov, 2014


Lovely Sheila. Looking forward to pictures of many New Zealand plants . Have a great trip.

5 Nov, 2014


Thanks Klahanie. This morning we walked round Christchurch, and it was so sad to see all the ruined buildings - a huge amount of damage was done by the earthquake in 2011. Rebuilding is going to take years. The outskirts don't appear to be so badly affected.

In a day or so we'll visit the Botanic Gardens and I'll certainly do my best to take some good photos.

5 Nov, 2014


Sorry to hear about the extend of the damage Sheila. On one side the Nature is beautiful but on the other it can be very brutal and destructive, does not it?

5 Nov, 2014


That's right Klahanie. If there are any Goyers from this part of the south island in NZ, my sympathy goes out to them.

6 Nov, 2014

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