The sun shone, so I took a short walk round the garden
By sheilabub
Garden, 16th October
Cosmos still flowering profusely, with Cornus Eddie’s White Wonder and Osteospermum
Copper Beech
Shaky sheltered corner (sorry) for bonsai, Acer, Loropetalum
Bonsai for Steragram (in need of a bit of TLC . . . )
Close-up . . .
Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Flame’
Happy greenhouse
Thank you for stopping by :)
16 Oct, 2018
Previous post: Autumn comes early . . .
Next post: Pictures for fund raiser
Thanks Julia:)
Thanks Sue - I’m more interested in cleaning and tidying my greenhouse than the house!
16 Oct, 2018
I love that Cercis! What kind of flooring do you have in the greenhouse Sheila? It looks lovely.
16 Oct, 2018
Thanks Karen. The greenhouse floor is the same as the patio area it’s next to: cream limestone, which luckily doesn’t change colour when wet.
16 Oct, 2018
Your garden is beautiful Sheila, full of lovely autumnal colours :)
17 Oct, 2018
Many thanks Hywel :))
17 Oct, 2018
Lovely :-))
17 Oct, 2018
Cheers Daylily :)
17 Oct, 2018
I just love that copper beech Sheila. I know I said it before, lol! I like it more in its Autumn glory. The whole garden is so colorful.
17 Oct, 2018
well doesn't the garden look lovely in her autumn dress. my plain beech is also going golden and some shrubs are still flowering.
18 Oct, 2018
Thank you Paul; and Eileen - thanks again for the Polemonium - they have flourished and flowered :)
18 Oct, 2018
It really is a credit to you Sheila...looks fab. I love the Cercis, brilliant glowing colour...everything looks happy that you chose to plant it...and a spotless greenhouse! X
18 Oct, 2018
Wow - what a lovely comment Janey. Thank you . . . I'm blushing now, but smiling too, so sweet of you. x
18 Oct, 2018
Crikey Sheila, looking at the first photo you really wouldn't think the garden has just been planted up,it is wonderful. I love your greenhouse, wish mine was as tidy!
This afternoon I sowed 12 pots of Sweet Peas, good to be doing something in the garden.
20 Oct, 2018
Thanks Shirley, I was lucky really . . . several of the plants I chose for that bed were new to me, so I had no idea they would be so long-flowering :)
Yes, good to be outside while it’s still sunny. I do love my greenhouse - so many seedlings so I just hope I can keep them alive till next Spring!
20 Oct, 2018
You've done so well, doesn't seem long since works started around the time of the Beast From The East.
My Cercis is still green and you have a broom in the greenhouse, very posh!
20 Oct, 2018
Sheila, do you have heating in your greenhouse? None in mine ...
21 Oct, 2018
Thank you Dawn. Ha ha - the “besom” is a brilliant present from OH who thinks of things that I don’t! He said that it would reach into corners as it is so soft; he’s right of course.
Shirley, I haven’t needed a heater in the greenhouse since discovering that wooden ones retain their heat very well :)
21 Oct, 2018
Men have an annoying habit of being right haha.
I don’t heat my greenhouse now, I tend to only take cuttings from hardy plants and grow anything from seed in spring, I grew quite a lot one year in autumn and it was a pain trying to keep the seedlings protected from the cold.
21 Oct, 2018
I think that's exactly the 'pain' I'm about to experience, Dawn! I will learn from you, and not be so impatient to sow seeds in future . . .
21 Oct, 2018
Sorry Sheila, fingers crossed for a mild winter.
24 Oct, 2018
yes fingers crossed for you. about 15 yrs ago I decided that the cost of heating the greenhouse didn't stack up against the cost of replacement plants. so mine is also unheated. I don't usually sow annual seed until spring now [sweet peas being the exception.]
24 Oct, 2018
Sbg, exactly what I shall be doing. :o)
25 Oct, 2018
Glad the polemonium flowered for you Shelia Did you dead head them? if not they will also set seed for you.
25 Oct, 2018
Sheila I'm so sorry, I missed the bonsai when I first saw the blog! Thank you for thinking about me. They are shaping up well aren't they?The little Cotoneaster especially is a great shape, a real miniature! I noticed today that my little yew tree has some brown needles in the parts of the stems nearest the trunk, though the new growth looks fine. Not sure whether this matters of if there's something I should do?
25 Oct, 2018
I didn’t deadhead the polemonium, Eileen. They are quite hard to reach as the branches of the Cercis are rather low. They did get very bushy, so I’ll be amazed if there’s any space left to drop seed :)
Thanks Sue, yes, Cotoneaster is a good subject, and I love seeing the miniature berries it produces. I’m sorry but I don’t know much about Yew . . . (I was growing one from a seedling but it was left in our old garden.) As you’ve got healthy new growth yours is probably fine - hope so anyway!
26 Oct, 2018
yew shed the odd leaf regularly so they don't loose all of them at once. so a few old leaves going brown and dropping off isn't a problem Sue.
26 Oct, 2018
The new growth is all fine, its the older needles that are leaving quite longish bare stems before the new needles. Maybe i should have trimmed it in the Spring. Might try cutting one or two back to see it it sends anything out nearer the trunk. When you only have one experimenting is a bit scary!
I have found a seedling cupressus (must be off the dreaded huge ones next door) and might try doing that one - nothing to lose as I certainly don't want a big one!
26 Oct, 2018
In today’s Saturday Times there’s a short piece about trees in pots. Under “Yew” it says ‘Yew is a reliable, healthy looking and easy-to-grow tree, but ensure your pot has good drainage. Add a handful of horticultural grit to the compost and stand the pot on a saucer of gravel - the Yew hates wet feet.’
Hope that might be of interest Sue!
27 Oct, 2018
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Its amazing how mature it looks already! Lovely. And what an incredibly clean tidy greenhouse!!!
16 Oct, 2018