A lovely mild day - at last!
By sheilabub
So I took my camera for a stroll, for the first time for many weeks.
Tete a tete
Yellow Hellebore
Hellebore Anna’s red
Nandina ‘Obsessed’
Tete a tete
Hellebore ‘Niger’
In the greenhouse: Pelargonium Rembrandt
White Pelargonium, possibly Mona Lisa
Sweet pea seedlings
Then I repotted some cuttings, but didn’t take photos! Pleased to have 6 Dwarf Lilac, 3 Penstemon Frederick Hahn and 3 Physocarpus Diabolo. What a satisfying morning, and OH distributed some manure as mulch as well :))
I hope you’re all having a good 21st February too.
21 Feb, 2021
Previous post: For Anget, "smiles"
Next post: Spring flowers
Thanks Ange ... it was so great to get so much done, and together!
21 Feb, 2021
Thanks for sharing, Sheila. You’ve lots springing into bloom in your garden! I’ll bet you enjoyed getting out and taking the pics!
21 Feb, 2021
Yes I did Kate, thank you! Although my pics are never very good, there’s so much to look forward to.
Are you completely better? Hope so 🙂.
21 Feb, 2021
That’s good! Plus, your pics look just fine to me 😊
I’m still not 100%, Sheila, but, getting much better gradually. Thank you. Xx
21 Feb, 2021
Sound like you had a very satisfactory day. We did fence mending, trampled on a lot of plants, pity but needed doing.
21 Feb, 2021
I can really tell how much you enjoyed being outside together and getting some jobs done. We are not quite there yet because of another wet day, but tomorrow is meant to be a lot better.
It is so satisfying to make improvements in the garden and actually be able to do something worthwhile.
If the weather allows I want to put a row of double primroses by our fence and take some pots of bulbs outside at last - they have been sheltering in our porch and deserve to go out now!
Let's hope we have a few days to enjoy now!
21 Feb, 2021
Thanks Chris ... exactly. As they say, gardening is good for you!
22 Feb, 2021
It's really lovely to see many plants now coming into flower! I saw my first Daffodils of the year open in our granddaughter's school this morning! There are Crocuses blooming in the church I attend gardens as well as lots of mini-Daffs with well advanced buds that will open during this coming week!
Even on our balcony we have mini-Daffs with buds also about to open! I don't have any Crocuses this year having planted them all in the church gardens the year before last. I also planted my mini-Daffs from that year in the church gardens as well.
22 Feb, 2021
Your delight at achieving some work in the garden and greenhouse shines through!
Sheila, I really seem to have lost a lot of interest in my garden right now - most unlike me. It's possibly because I only manage to do a few jobs and then become so tired, all down to cardiac issues, which I found so frustrating. Oh well, hopefully my 'gardening mojo' will return . . . :o)
22 Feb, 2021
Yes Balcony, it really lifts the spirits to see so many Spring flowers blooming (or about to!).
Thanks Shirley, but that sounds so frustrating for you. Maybe a little at a time is enough? I was inspired by a lady in our gardening group who said she “does 15 minutes a day” and I thought ... ok, I can do that! Take things gradually, sit down a lot, and know that you will feel better when the sun comes out 🙂. x
22 Feb, 2021
All looking lovely Sheila. Your Sweet Peas are well on. I think I'd better sow mine now, though as I haven't a greenhouse I guess I've plenty of time before they can be planted out. They seem to catch up anyway. Lovely
Helebores you have.
22 Feb, 2021
Thanks Klahanie - I love Anna’s Red too ... named for the garden writer Anna Pavord. You might know her books?
Thank you Feverfew. Yes, you’ve plenty of time for your Sweet Peas ... mine can’t be planted out before late March, and I’m not sure it was a good idea to sow so early, but I’ve never grown them from seed before. Got carried away!
23 Feb, 2021
Isn't it nice to get back out into the garden Sheila? Your spring flowers are much further on than mine, but not to worry they'll catch up! Your Sweetpeas look extremely healthy. I bet you'll have a lovely display when they flower.
23 Feb, 2021
Thank you Julia 🙂.
23 Feb, 2021
Sheila, I shall keep 15 minutes at a time in mind. Yesterday OH got very frustrated as the hose connectors/tap/Karcher machine would not play nicely and he gave up on it! It needs new tap connectors apparently which is not my remit at all! I emptied out the small summerhouse, vacuumed and de-cobwebbed it before feeling exhausted so at least that's one Spring job out of the way!
23 Feb, 2021
Isn't it great to get out in the garden after all the bad weather and it really cheers you up to see all the spring flowers. Every year I have left my pelagoniums out in their pots in a sheltered position, but this year after the frost and snow, I have lost them!
You have a lot of colour in your garden now Sheila !
23 Feb, 2021
Oh Rose, that is bad luck. I guess it was a much more severe frost than we’ve had in recent years. I hope you took cuttings? Thanks ... it’s an optimistic season!
Now Shirley - that was doing too much! Well done, but do be kind to yourself and rest little and often 🙂.
23 Feb, 2021
Yes Sheila, I shall have to heed your advice! :o))
23 Feb, 2021
Good idea to stick to 15mins at a time Sheila. You can get tired without realising it and then waste a lot of time sitting around to recover...that's what happens to me anyway.
But its so hard isn't it, when every little job leads on to another one. I did for myself loading up the wheelbarrow with composted leaves a couple of days ago. But don't you find there's something so satisfying about wheeling a barrow full of the good stuff and tipping it on the veg patch?
I love your yellow hellebore. I bought one a couple of years ago but it just sits there and doesn't flower...
23 Feb, 2021
Oh Sheila if only I'd listened to you at the weekend. I spent nearly all Sunday pruning, cutting back, raking and hoeing. Result? Bad back for the past 3 days! Will I never learn? Probably not lol!
24 Feb, 2021
Oh Waddy ... it’s so easily done. Once we start it’s so difficult to stop! And the milder weather was just too tempting - we’ve all been there 🙂.
24 Feb, 2021
I know. Richard kept telling me to stop, that I'd done enough for now. Stupid aren't I? Feeling better today, but still got the odd 'twang'!
25 Feb, 2021
Thanks Yorkslass ... we’re all as bad as each other! Sorry to hear about your yellow Hellebore though.
25 Feb, 2021
The snow cover here began to recede. That's all I have for the moment.
27 Feb, 2021
That’s something at least Paul - things can only get better.
28 Feb, 2021
We are all finding it increasingly difficult to put off for much longer sowing seeds, repotting plants, transplanting plants around the garden, visiting a GC (if you can find on open, that is!) as the days get longer. A burst of sunshine & we're raring to go! I know I certainly am!
Today I potted up some Tradescantia zebrina cutting! First "gardening" I've done in months! 😂
2 Mar, 2021
That’s great Balcony ... just a little bit of gardening makes us feel better 🙂.
2 Mar, 2021
Thanks Sheila - slowly things are thawing and warming up.
6 Mar, 2021
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Very cheering pictures, Sheila. Spring is creeping up. The garden here is sopping so the clearing has stalled. I had to laugh - only a gardener could get excited about chucking muck around!!
21 Feb, 2021