By sheilar
A look around my garden
We dug out all of one border in the front garden (except two roses) as it was full of what we think was ‘meadow hue’ which was a nightmare to get rid of. The roots were compacted down to about a foot under the surface and most plants seemed to have difficulty growing. It took us two weekends to clear this but started the planting up today. I realise it needs more plants yet, but this is how it looks so far.
Next to the fence is photinia (little red robin), further along is a hebe, skimmia, cyclamens and heucheras, snow in summer, pansies, oh and about 200 various bulbs that were dug out and had to be re-planted!
Close ups of 3 new cyclamen
Bizzies still flowering profusely!
Old red rose (name unknown)
Tall hebe
The following are in my back garden
Two clematis growing together. I accidentally chopped one down and two grew back! One must have been dormant then somehow decided to start growing.
Ville de Lyons (second flowering this year)
Unknown clematis (any ideas anyone?)
Bit blurry, sorry
First ever bud on The President (two years old now)
Geranium (originally a house plant)
Patio rose
Climbing rose
I took so many photos today that I’ll have to put the rest on another blog. Hope you weren’t too bored and I’ll maybe put the rest on tomorrow. Thanks for looking.
15 Oct, 2011
Previous post: MARBELLA PART II
It's not one I have Sheila, but it might be Minuet...it's lovely isn't it. btw..."I accidentally chopped one down..." lol...welcome to my world! :))) Lovely blog. I do hope you have managed to get rid of that weed, it sounds horrible!
15 Oct, 2011
btw, don't worry about 'boring' us...if we were the kind of people who were bored by photos of plants we wouldn't be on here! :))
15 Oct, 2011
Thanks for your comments Cinderella. Karen, the people we bought this house from said it was gypsophila but somehow we thought the flowers weren't right. I traced it with the help of GoY and found it was 'meadow hue'. I pulled it out every year and it kept coming back, but this year OH decided to dig the b****r out for once and for all as it smothered all other plants. As the bit of garden it was in is directly in front of our sittingroom window, we decided we'd rather have some pretty plants there. It was a total nightmare to remove as the roots were so deep and were like electrical wiring to remove. I still think it'll try to make a comeback as you can't always get all the roots out.
15 Oct, 2011
I don't know that wee one either, but it looks very dainty, a wee sweetie! My hubby accidentally chops down the Etoile violette every year when we are taking down the golden hop, I think the poor thing just holds it head out now for the chop when it sees him approaching with secateurs! It doesn't do it any harm, but it never gets a chance to grow any taller than about two ft!!
Your garden is full of lovely plants Sheila, and so many roses! It's really colourful! And I'm not in the least bit bored, I love looking at gardens!!x
15 Oct, 2011
Wow! Sheila, you have some beautiful plants in your garden. All this hard work and you will be needing another holiday. Where did you get the Sedum from. I did bring some with me when I moved here but it died. Now that I know it's name I can get some more. If I remember the insects loved it. You keep on writing, not one bit boring . Just so glad I found this site. How do you manage to upload such clear photos and how do you get the correct size settings for you camera? I have over 27,000 photo files but their sizes are far too big for here.
16 Oct, 2011
You impressed me very much Sheila. I did not know before you were a better gardener than me. Any way I admit defeat. I am......bored!!!!!! LOL.
16 Oct, 2011
It looks lovely Shelia - a lot of great plants - your cylamen are very pretty. The rose is a lovely red - lost all our roses for the year now, the hebe has la lovely colour - maybe the one I also have , same as the geraniums - such pretty colour
look forward to more pics Sheilar :)))))))))))))))))
16 Oct, 2011
Lovely Sheilar :) I love the Cyclamen too:))))))
16 Oct, 2011
Unknown clem I think definately Minuet. It's so pretty.
16 Oct, 2011
Thanks for that Lulu....I thought so. :))
16 Oct, 2011
Yeah! When they aren't on the golf course! ;))
16 Oct, 2011
Yeah...or many other sporting activities we could mention! ;)
16 Oct, 2011
Thanks for your nice comments Libet.
Tommy - I got the sedum from a neighbour but I've seen it in major garden centres. My camera is set on automatic so the photos are the right size for uploading. It's a new one (bought this year) and it's a Nikon 'Coolpix' from Argos.
Costas, I'm not really a good gardener - you haven't seen the plants I've 'killed'!!!!
Paul, thanks also for your comments. I saw the cyclamen and had to have them. The rose is now in it's last flush for this year, there are no leaves left on it! and the geranium I'm going to take cuttings to overwinter for next summer (presuming we're going to have a summer!)
Thanks also to Pixi, Lulu and Meadowland (I especially like the spotty cyclamen)
16 Oct, 2011
My last camera was a coolpix Sheila...it has a brilliant macro funtion...great little camera.
16 Oct, 2011
Yeah Karen, I'm quite impressed with it but still got a lot to learn. My close-ups tend to be a bit blurred.
16 Oct, 2011
Yeah, don't try to do that on auto...put it on macro and keep very still! :))
16 Oct, 2011
I think I'm taking them too fast, it's got a setting where it takes a few seconds to bring the subject into focus, by which time I've already taken the shot (blurry). Still practice makes perfect and I'm still practising!
16 Oct, 2011
Your garden photos are lovely look forward to seeing some more.
16 Oct, 2011
I for one have enjoyed your blog Shiela, its lovely to see how your hard work has turned out (hope its permanent - we have been trying for years to get rid of bind weed but still keep finding it).
Shall look forward to photos of your new border next year as the plants mature.
16 Oct, 2011
Well done, Sheilar, on clearing out the flower bed of weed ... it's a long, boring task! ... I love the first Cyclamen ... do you have a name for it at all? ... :o)
16 Oct, 2011
Thanks Clarice for your kind comments and apologies to anyone I've missed!
Stroller, we too had bindweed in the back garden, nightmare to eradicate but got it in the end.
Meadowland and Shirley - unfortunately I don't have a name for the speckled cyclamen. It was in a pack of four from a local greengrocer and was just marked indoor/outdoor cyclamen. Meadowland, I bet you're so excited about the fencing!!! (we're easily pleased aren't we?) lol
16 Oct, 2011
Oh Sheilar don't be shy. You are a very good gardener and the results are here for us to see.
16 Oct, 2011
That splashed cyclamen is lovely and the clematis looks like it will take off next year...Mine wilted twice!
16 Oct, 2011
I love this blog and that speckled Cyclmeni lovely.
16 Oct, 2011
Looking good Sheilar, lets hope those pesky weeds have gone now, be good to see the plants thrive now without being choked.
Smashing pics...
16 Oct, 2011
Your border in the front looks nice now. A job well done :o))
You've got lots on colourful flowers still in the garden. Sorry I am late catching up again lol
17 Oct, 2011
Thanks again everyone for your nice comments.
17 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog Sheilar and the cyclamens are beautiful.
18 Oct, 2011
Thanks Rose. Just been to B&Q - they're selling off loads of cyclamens, some are 10p (not in very good condition) some are 25p and 50p. I bought a red one for 25p and a white with purple rings for 50p - not bad eh?
18 Oct, 2011
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Well done Sheila, it all looks very nice. Lots of colour.
15 Oct, 2011