By sheilar
A work colleague asked me to bin an almost dead, wrinkled orchid for him. I asked him if he minded if I took it home to see what I could do with it. I didn’t know anything whatsoever about orchids, except they’re allegedly quite easy to cultivate, but thought I’d have a go.
Firstly, I removed it from the pot of water it was floating in (!!!), trimmed most of it’s roots and let it dry out for a week or so in a light (but not direct sunlight) postition. Then I sought advice on how to care for it, my neighbour has lots of them and she is not a gardener, so I thought they must be easy to grow.
This is it now, approximately three months later:
I think it’s gorgeous and … didn’t I do well!! lol
20 Sep, 2012
Previous post: AUGUST 14TH 2012
Well done you.....a lesser woman (meaning me) would have promptly gone to the bin with it. Big pat on the back Sheila :)
20 Sep, 2012
Wonderful, must be very grateful to you :o)
I hope Tetrach sees this,as she is toying with the idea of getting one..really easy to care for,aren;t they? lovely two tone colour too..
20 Sep, 2012
Oh Sheila its beautiful....Has your colleague seen it?...:>)
20 Sep, 2012
Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm really chuffed with it. Motinot - I took a photo on my phone to show my colleague and actually offered him it back, but he declined (said he'll just get another from Ikea, already in flower!!) but he was really impressed how I'd brought it back from the dead. He didn't know where he'd gone wrong (he said) as he'd placed it in full sun and filled the pot to the brim with water!!! (two big no nos with orchids)
20 Sep, 2012
Oh No! a sure fire way to kill it off..I bet you could almost hear it sigh in relief when you adopted it :o)
20 Sep, 2012
Yes you did very well indeed ! ... and I'm glad you rescued the orchid. It's beautiful :o)
20 Sep, 2012
stunning plants arent they, so perfect they dont look real sheila, well done :o))
20 Sep, 2012
lovely work there Sheila - like the colouring and veins in the leaves
20 Sep, 2012
You did do well with it and what a pretty one it is. I am trying hard to keep 2 alive at the moment after months of beautiful flowers.
20 Sep, 2012
Thanks all - I'll have to seek advice on what to do after the flowers have faded - any advice anyone??
20 Sep, 2012
Brownie points there! I love 'rescue' stories of plants!
21 Sep, 2012
I do too, its a beauty and so satisfying to save it from word of warning though I think they are addictive.... :0)))
a friends had stopped flowering an I took it rather than her binning it....well I,ve now got six, all on repeat flowering and I love them....the miniature ones are lovely too and reflower well
21 Sep, 2012
i cannot believe i read this sheilar ,my mrs has brought 1 home from an elderly lady who was throwing it in the bin ,i think its the same type as yours , its looking heatlhy now but theres no flowers on the stem ,,do i cut the stem off or leave it to get the flowers to return ? cheers pete
21 Sep, 2012
Its lovely Sheila, I `m afraid I cannot grow them here either,I`ve tried and follow all instructions religiously to the letter but still lose them, which is a shame as I do like them....
21 Sep, 2012
The flowers will drop off,Sheilar..and although many cut the stem down to a lower node,I have never been successful in having another stem grow from that point..I then wait till it goes brown,and cut it off at the bottom..
You should then see new leaves growing after a while, a slow process,so don't worry..and eventually,a new stem should appear...mine only starts up again about the same time each year..around late May/early not in flower all the year..but some seem to be able to have repeat flowering on theirs..I also spray the leaves with a fine mist,when I water it ..hope this helps..take a look at a blog and pics from Spritzhenry,a while ago now, titled' Awkward Orchids'..very imformative..:o)
21 Sep, 2012
I agree Spritz advice is what got mine going again. One of mine has a flower bud appearing at the end of the old stem, it didn't go brown so I left it alone, allthe others have gone brown and been cut off.....
21 Sep, 2012
Great job Sheila!
21 Sep, 2012
Thanks everyone (again) for your comments and compliments. Pete, I dunno what you do after the flowers have gone - looks like you just leave 'em alone and they sort themselves out. I'll have a word with my next door neighbour, see what she does with hers after flowering as she always seems to have them in flower. I've just noticed today on mine, there's another stem out of the side of the main stem, with what looks like two flowers buds forming!!??
21 Sep, 2012
Gosh it is doing well, have you fed it at all?
21 Sep, 2012
No Pam. Just tap water!! I do intend getting some orchid 'food' for it though.
21 Sep, 2012
Good idea,Sheilar,it will love you for it..I only use tap water too..but not stone temperature is better..but between you and me:o) ..I sometimes take the chill off in the Microwave for quickness ! Lol...a quick 10/20 seconds does just fine ....
21 Sep, 2012
Great Sheilar its beautiful.
You are a big softy Bloomer, Lol.
22 Sep, 2012
Does anyond know or should I ask Spritz, my cousins orchid lost the flowers and as the stem hasn't died left it, she showed it to me today and what looked like a new bud forming at the end of the flower stem is two tiny new we leave it and see
or chop them off?..any ideas please?
22 Sep, 2012
Only when it comes to plants,Willinilli ! oh,and our grandson :o))
22 Sep, 2012
I can't help you Pam,sorry..It's never happened to mine..all my new leaves come from the centre of the other leaves..Might be a good idea to ask Spritz..or someone else might see this who can help..It would be interesting to know..
22 Sep, 2012
Orchids do their own thing with regard to what carries the next blooms. It can be a new shoot, generally from a a leaf axil that slowly grows over a period of about 3/12. Sometimes an old flower shoot goes a reddish colour even before the last flower is dried off and fallen. These are going to die, so cut off low down. A flowering shoot may give signals that it is going to carry on the good work by making buds or new shoots anywhere along the stem. If it stays green but is 'resting', shorten to about 3 leaf notches in the stem and wait to see what the plant decides. Maybe a repot with fresh orchid compost might be in order if nothing stirs and the pot is full of root. I have a real veteran with lots of aerial roots with 11 old dry stems. Not a pretty sight but it blooms well.
26 Sep, 2012
Interesting information there Dorjac!
27 Sep, 2012
Hi Sheila .. well done .. brilliant :o)
29 Sep, 2012
Hello Sheila,
How's your orchid doing?
6 Jan, 2013
It's now finished flowering Tommy and when the flowering stem bit went totally brown, I cut it off!! It's doing OK since the chop!
13 Jan, 2013
Really pleased you managed to get your orchid into flower again Sheilar. I have 7 old stagers with 4 in bud, one about to bloom. Three of them are on strike or just making a fresh leaf. Bit of orchid feed might spur them on. I'm afraid I'm very lackadaisical about how I treat them, but they don't seem to mind. I know their habits and they thrive on the kitchen window ledge
13 Jan, 2013
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You certainly did do well Sheila, I have had no luck with nearly dead orchids at all. It looks lovely now.
20 Sep, 2012