BACK GARDEN 15 05 12
By sheilar
You wouldn’t believe there were hailstones here this morning would you?
Who’s the daddy? – I think this is the blackbird chick
First aquilegia to open this year
My first iris – plenty more to come though (hopefully)
French lavender – I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep it, they normally die on me!!
‘Snow in summer ’ – forgotten it’s real name!
Weigela – Florida, flowers profusely right through summer
Lillies of the valley
Solomons seal, they’re full of flowers but you can’t see them as they’re so small
Spindle (eunymous) enjoying the late sunshine
Acer, Jacobs ladder, helleborous and (?)canterbury bells
Pond irises – these grow really tall with bright yellow flowers
Fringe cups (I learned that recently on GoY) lol
Pink saxifrage
Sorry, don’t know the name of any of the following hostas
Hosta #1
Hosta #2
Hosta #3
Hosta #4
Hosta #5
Hosta #6
Hosta #7
Clematis montana – it’s in next doors garden but I’m hoping to train it into mine!!
Thanks for taking the time to look.
15 May, 2012
Previous post: APRIL GARDEN 22 04 12
Next post: FRONT GARDEN 15 05 12
you have some lovely plants, ive got solomons seal too, its such an unusual plant, i like your little boot with the pink flowers in it and you have lots of hostas! i never owned a hosta!:-) well done you:-)
15 May, 2012
All looking great. I think Hosta no 2 could be H. June. Not sure about the others. Those iris and bluebells will look good if they flower together. Thanks for sharing :)
15 May, 2012
Ah poor little bird looks so cold, I`m constantly on watch at the mo cos the babies have to be protected from my own cats, I had to run into my g'house at one stage because the hail was coming down so hard and I was at the bottom of my garden, lol.
Its good to see all the shrubs and clems in flower and the aquilegia is a gorgeous colour, I do like your weigela, lost mine a few years back....
15 May, 2012
A nice variety of plants Sheila :o) Sorry to hear you had hailstones. I hope it improves soon.
I like that big boot lol ...
15 May, 2012
Geat plants in your garden Sheilar...lovely...:>)
15 May, 2012
How lovely :) Love the Wieglia . \we had huge hailstones this afternoon..Suki was mewoing like mad outside!
15 May, 2012
Thank you all for your lovely comments!
Pimp - the solomons seal was only one stem last year, this year it's got eight!! The buddah under the weigela was bought for me by my daughter in memory or our dog when we'd just lost him (6 years ago now) and it's always under that bush as that was his favourite place to lie in the summer.
Just dawn and Hywel - the boot planter is quite large in size but unfortunately the planting space inside is quite small, so plants have to be moved when they get too big. (it's a saxifrage in it at the moment)
Scottish - I've no idea of the names of hostas. I prefer them in pots though - less snail/slug damage!!
15 May, 2012
Lovely plants here and how they brighten up the coldest of May days!!!
Isn't it wonderful when they start flowering again?
15 May, 2012
Lots coming along nicely, the hostas look good except for one, that looks battered
16 May, 2012
Wildrose - they do brighten up cold days. Trouble is, it looks warm through the window but when you go out it's freezing!
Cinderella - that 'battered' one just grew through the soil like that. Dunno what happened to it!!
Meadowland - no secret - they thrive on neglect. I just leave them alone to get on with it. My eldest brother keeps bringing me hostas in pots but I never get round to potting the poor things up!
16 May, 2012
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It's all taking off now isn't it? You have some great plants in there, solomon's seal is one of my faves...getting tired of that rare mystery fringe cup now ;) it's everywhere. I do like your Buddah..buddha under the banyan tree (Weigela)
couldn't believe the size of them hailstones..the dog ran for cover.
15 May, 2012