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Christmas cross stitch for Hywel


These are some of the lovely cross stitch cards that my daughter-in-law has created for us at Christmas.

Perhaps there will be another this year … I hope so!

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They are lovely Shirley, but I wouldn't have the patience!

8 Dec, 2023


I do these for my girls and the first one for Elizabeth was 1992 and Victoria's was 1997. I have only missed 1 year 2007 but I don't know why. Ran out of time I guess. They use them as tree decorations.

yours are lovely and I am glad you keep them.

8 Dec, 2023


They are very pretty Shirley, they're well made and something special to have at Christmas :) A lot of thought has gone into making them.

8 Dec, 2023


Those are beautiful ,Shirley,what a thoughtful Daughter in law you have,It must have taken her ages to do those..:o)

8 Dec, 2023


very talented

8 Dec, 2023


Thanks everyone for your lovely comments on these cards.

I have added a further photo to show that daughter-in-law's Mum is equally talented! This card came in the post today and has been carefully sewn, using white thread to form this pattern. My word, the needle must have been a slim one!

8 Dec, 2023


Beautiful work & a very talented young lady!

8 Dec, 2023


Thanks David, she has a lot of patience, must be in the genes as her Mum is the same!

8 Dec, 2023


Julia, it will become part of my collection in the new year!

9 Dec, 2023


That's very pretty Shirley, you will have quite a collection over the years.

9 Dec, 2023


They are lovely. I would hate to do it myself so always appreciate it when others do, & are so talented. When I sometimes receive a cross stitch card I can’t throw it away, so have some small ones stacked away!

9 Dec, 2023


Hywel, a great amount of time is spent making the Christmas cards and the results, I think, are worth every minute!

Josie, the only craft I have ever been proud of doing was making a patchwork quilt for a double bed.

9 Dec, 2023


Julia, I started making it back in 1978, the year we were married and it lasted many years until a cat of ours took to sleeping on it, then scratching/sharpening claws upon waking! Needless to say, it was ruined ... :o(

10 Dec, 2023


Oh they are so pretty, Shirley!!! Very special too, aren't they. Handmade with love, I'd say.

10 Dec, 2023


Kate, I agree with you!

11 Dec, 2023


The comment from Sattaking, regarding gambling, is neither requested nor required on this thread. I have flagged it at 13.48 today.

11 Dec, 2023


I flagged it as well at 16-03!

12 Dec, 2023


These are beautiful, shirley-tulip and I hope there is another in the pipeline for you again this year. Cross stitch sounds easy but I know, having tried it, that it isn't, the effect is gorgeous though. I belong to a local Trefoil Guild and some years ago now one of our members started making decoupage cards for each of us on our birthdays. Sadly she lost her battle with breast cancer almost 3 years years ago now. I couldn't bear the thought of the tradition she had started dying out too so I offered to take it on. The first year I turned my hand to decoupage too but realised I hadn't enough designs to do more than one each, so the second year I tried stitch cards. They proved very popular so I made more this year. However it is quite time consuming so I'm looking for something simpler to do next year, somehow I don't think it will be cross stitch!

23 Dec, 2023


Xela, thanks for sharing your story. I have no artistic talent whatsoever ...

24 Dec, 2023

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