Taking time to enjoy the garden.
Over the past couple of sunny and dry days I have taken some time to simply sit and enjoy watching the birds and listening to them singing.
The birds are oblivious to me sitting in the shade of the Grape vine, as long as I sit quite still, so it was lovely to record some that visit our garden.
We don’t use chemicals, other than on the Bindweed that continually comes through from a neighbour’s garden, and there are plenty of water bowls for the birds, along with the feeding station.
The smaller birds love to land in the big Pittosporum, fly in to feed on the Sunflower hearts and fly back to safety. Goldfinches, Greenfinches, Great Tits, Blue Tits, Coal Tits, Long Tailed Tits, and occasionally a Robin, are all visiting this time of year.
Pigeons and Crows are far too big and clumsy to land on the feeders but do like to have a drink. One Pigeon had taken a bath and then sat, all fluffed up, drying off!
The very large Beech tree in a neighbour’s garden is perfect for the birds to rest in and listening to the birdsong was so peaceful. The Sambucus has put on a lot of growth this year and it makes a good contrast to the Privet next to it.
A bird we have started seeing in the garden recently is a Dunnock, a ground feeder who seems to like eating Ants at every opportunity. Excellent as I detest Ants!
A lovely purple Aquilegia has self seeded and is now growing by the vine arbour … I certainly have never planted anything there before!
A pair of Great Tits have been landing on the Grapevine, hopefully feeding on the Aphids, but they fly in and out so quickly that I have not been able to capture a photo of them!
The garden is now looking very Spring like and I have found some plants are really doing well after the wet Winter, especially the Geraniums and Geums.
I do hope you have all managed to ‘sit and stare’ in your gardens too.
18 May, 2024
Previous post: A lovely day in the garden
Next post: If only slugs and snails could read ...
Lovely blog Shirley, and lovely garden too. I can just picture you sitting watching the birds. We sat in the garden last night with a bottle of good wine, listening to the birdsong. It was beautiful! I don’t know how long it will take the birds to visit us, but we did have a pair of sparrows in last week! I don’t think it will take long as we are only about 30m from woodland.
19 May, 2024
That’s my sort of garden! Wildlife friendly with lots of interest. It certainly looks well looked after and it’s well deserved to sit down and take stock. My problem is that I can never sit still for long…. Thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with us.
19 May, 2024
Julia, the Grapevine (Brandt is the grape variety) was planted in 2010 when the patio was built and the builder said it would never grow well! How wrong he was as we have good crops annually, but they are too sour and full of pips for us so we enjoy watching the birds feasting on them in the Autumn.
Karen, you only need to put a feeder filled with Sunflower hearts (not seeds) to find the birds will come in to eat. No fat balls or wild bird seed needed. A bird bath or dish of water would encourage them too.
Ams, it has taken me a very long time to be able to sit without jumping up to pull out a weed, or trim a shrub or anything that 'just needs doing'!
19 May, 2024
Lovely garden Shirley, and I really liked all your photos of the birds that visit your garden, I don't get any of those birds , so it was lovely to see yours.
19 May, 2024
You have a very attractive garden, Shirley. We were at a relative's home a couple of days ago and watched the parent blue tits rushing back and forth to the nestbox, even during the one day when it tipped down for a solid number of hours. They must be exhausted! I am glad you have greenfinches, we haven't seen any in our own garden for about 3 years. Fab bird pictures!
19 May, 2024
Really lovely blog, Shirley, and your garden is looking beautiful ... no wonder the birds love it. Yes, we enjoy just sitting and looking too ... especially when the blackbird comes for his daily shower in the bird bath. Two goldfinches visit regularly, and we have a great tit who has produced babies and they keep him very busy!
19 May, 2024
Thanks so much Callie, we heard a dreadful noise at midday today when a Seagull was being attacked by a Crow above our garden. The Crows have young in a big Eucalyptus tree along the road and ward off any Seagulls who dare to come too close!
Thank you Ange, I do love the emerging flowers in the Spring together with all the new lush foliage on the trees and shrubs. How lovely to have seen the busy Bluetits.
Sheila, many thanks for your kind words. Blackbirds are a joy to watch but since our new(ish) neighbours cut down the huge Bay tree in their garden, we haven't seen a Blackbird at all and I really do miss that. We were in the sun house earlier and saw a jet black Butterfly, no idea what it was, stunning though!
19 May, 2024
I loved your blog Shirley and your garden looks lovely.
I love to just sit and watch the birds. The blue tits nested in the box for the first time this year and was a joy to watch them going in and out.
It was one of Rick's favourite things to do. He would sit in the conservatoy and watch them.
I have hardly ever seen a green finch, I don't know why, but get all the other birds.
19 May, 2024
Lovey blog, Shirley! Nice that you could sit back &just enjoy your garden for a short time. Most of the time we find ourselves too busy to take time for a rest.
Although we don't have a garden like most people I enjoy watching the birds, too. It's pretty rare for a bird to actually enter the balcony but they visit our "lawn" (the patch of grass outside the balcony that the council gardeners cut for us every few weeks!) We get blackbirds, starlings, crows, rooks, thrushes (when there are any!), sparrows, magpies, as well as pigeons. We often get so many seagulls you'd think we lived on the coast & not 100 miles in land!
However we practically never see any of the finches or tits mentioned. 😥
19 May, 2024
what a lovely blog and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
We have a large beech tree and it is a nightly roost for wood pigeons, but they do drop a lot of mess underneath.
we also get plenty of birds but as for sitting listening that is difficult as there is building works all around us again :(
20 May, 2024
Rose, I wish our birds would take up residence in the nesting box. I mean it's all cleaned out in readiness for them!
David, you mentioned Thrushes, now that's a breed I haven't seen for many years in our garden.
Oh no Eileen, what is it, new houses or industrial? The next village along from ours can hardly be called a village now as there are so many new houses built on prime agricultural land with a further 200 due. There is a meeting about it tomorrow evening but I doubt the villagers will persuade the company to decline building them ... :o(
20 May, 2024
Lovely blog, Shirley! Enjoyed your pics, smashing captures. I have to agree, you can’t beat relaxing in a comfy chair in the sunshine, watching the birds and bees, butterflies too…busy busy…
It’s so therapeutic, a joy to see. I’m enjoying a pair of blackies visiting the back garden - I’m sorry your blackies went when the neighbours chopped the beautiful tree down, next door to you.. :-(
We tend to see tits of all varieties, robins, the odd magpie, crow and wood pigeon - although the last 3 are up on the bund. We have visiting dunnocks and sparrows - the latter OH refers to as ‘manky sparrows’. I’d rather a sparrow than a messy wood pigeon myself.
We have a wren or 2. One in particular loves the large umbrella shaped juniper - Eve seems to be annoyed by the little wren - not sure why, but she really doesn’t like it! 😂
20 May, 2024
Kate, I'm with you preferring to see a sparrow than a wood pigeon! The pigeons seem to think my garden is their 'courting area' as they are forever trying to do what comes naturally in full view.
How lovely to have a wren or two, such sweet little birds and so funny that Eve isn't so keen on them!
21 May, 2024
Your garden is pretty and colourful Shirley, it must be very pleasant to sit in it.
I don't look at birds, I have a phobia of them, but I've heard lots of Cuckoos this year, some days they can be heard from early morning right through to late afternoon.
24 May, 2024
Hywel, well done for looking in on this blog as I know you aren't a fan of garden birds! The Crows must have fledglings now as the adults are attacking any bird that dares to fly near the tree their nest is in. I don't think I've heard a Cuckoo for many years.
25 May, 2024
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Well what an enjoyable blog...I could almost picture myself there with you.
The birds are a joy at the moment aren't they.
How lovely to have visiting Dunnocks.
Your grape vine looks very strong Shirley...is it productive?
18 May, 2024