The mystery plant :-)
By simbad
I posted a picture a week or so ago of a plant I’d grown from seed, which I collected in a park in Hammersmith on a weekend away, didn’t have a clue what it was, but it looked interesting, huge clump around 3ft tall,I sowed the seed and fingers crossed, that was 2009 and today the first flowers opened, I got 3 plants and I assume they’re some form of beardless iris, seem to have the same habit as my iris Chrysographs, 2 plants have dark blue flowers like this
but the other one is really strange and lovely I think :-), seems to have lots of extra petals compared to the other plant, hope its not just a fluke and all the other flowers are the same
The seed for both was collected from the same plant.
26 May, 2012
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Good going, getting them up from seed. I have got seed from last year, germinated and showing about an inch of growth. Guess I'll have to wait awhile to see any results! I hope they look as good as this.
26 May, 2012
Well done Kathy and what lovely suprises for you;0)
26 May, 2012
A double - that is nice. Is the next step to cross the two and hope for a blue double?
26 May, 2012
Odd how the plants are different but both lovely. So exciting growing from seed. Same with cuttings, I often forget where the cutting came from.
26 May, 2012
Thankyou everyone, I've been down the garden to look at these many times today :-)
Ojibway I grew iris Chrysographs from seed last year and it has a few buds this year, so you never know maybe next year :-)
Now that would be lovely Wylie, the 3rd plant hasn't quite opened yet but by the buds I'm assuming its the same as the blue one above, now wouldn't it be exciting if it was double :-))
I know you love growing your seeds too Dawn,you're right its sooooo exciting:-), can't wait till all the daylily crosses flower for the first time, especially after seeing all Wylies beauties :-))
26 May, 2012
Both of them are gorgeous Simbad....wish I had the patience to grow from seed! :)
26 May, 2012
Good going Simbad..
26 May, 2012
Love the double one... wonder what surprise the third plant will have ...
27 May, 2012
The leaves look like it's a siberian...I have Blue Flag which looks similar in flower and leaf. I have some seed from them that I would pass on if you want them. Maybe you can get a breeding plan going. P.S.: I forgot to say how wonderful this is! congratulations...
24 Aug, 2012
I've just searched your pictures for the Blue Flag Lori, I'm nosey aren't I lol, I have a yellow in the pond but not seen the blue, its gorgeous, would love some seed if its no trouble please, if you'd like some of the verbascum seed I could send you some, or if there's anything else you fancy I collect seed from most perennials in the garden :-)
Glad you like the iris all the other flowers opened like this too so I'll be keeping my eye on it next year to see how it developes, think you're right about it being a siberian.
24 Aug, 2012
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Isnt it strange how things from the same plant can be so different. The second one I think is beautiful.
26 May, 2012