Summer at last !!!
By simbad
I’ve just been having a wonder round the garden and amazed at how much is still looking good, thought I’d share with you all :-)
The roses that were a washout in June are brilliant now, yes a lot have black spot but who cares when the flowers look like this
‘Louise Odier’
‘William Shakespeare’
‘Winchester Cathedral’
‘Golden Celebration’
‘Mary Rose’
‘New Dawn’ very kindly sent to me by Dawn from GOY :-)
And this is a real favourite ‘Rosy Cushion’ one that wasn’t ruined by the rain and as you can see still putting on a great show, love it !!!!
Hollyhocks in all different colours
Potentilla ‘Melton Fire’
We have a bee keeper on the allotments at the bottom of the garden, I think I deserve a jar of honey for feeding his bees don’t you ,lol.
Rudbeckia ‘Goldsturm’ and viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’
Lobelia ‘Speciosa’ grew this one from seed this year, of course pricked out far too many so have it everywhere :-)
Lobelia ‘Hadspens Purple’
Cosmos have got going at long last, bit late now :-(
Clematis ‘Korean Beauty’ another grown from seed kindly sent to me by Dawn :-)
Knautia reblooming
Penstemon ‘Tall bi-colour Sensation’
Phytolacca another grown from seed flowering in its first year still tiny yet though this can get veeeeery tall.
Inula ‘Racemosa’ this has loved the rain this year 8ft tall!!!!
Good old helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’
And last but not least daylily ‘Edge of Darkness’ this ones an early bloomer and was covered in buds in early June but didn’t get a single good flower due to gall midge, but its sent up 3 new flower scapes and is reblooming :-)
Well thats it for now still the asters to come so the seasons not over yet ;-), hope you’re all having lots of lovely late blooms too.
9 Sep, 2012
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Brilliant blog Simbad...Love all your flowers...:>)
9 Sep, 2012
Your flowers are looking wonderful and are making up for disappointing you earlier in the summer!
9 Sep, 2012
We had to wait a while Simbad but its well worth it, who cares about the blackspot with those gorgeous blooms, lovely photo`s of the flowers in your garden...
9 Sep, 2012
Superb colour you have there Simbad! They are all looking great. Thanks for sharing your 'late' summer :)
9 Sep, 2012
Stunning display - love everything. Never seen Phytolacca before; the soft pink and green together are so pretty. Enjoy while you can.
9 Sep, 2012
Hiii Kathy. You know I love your garden and plants. So pleased my little additions are adding to your colour. Your plants are everywhere in my garden too, love them all. Funny we should both grow from seed Indian Pokeweed this year, mine arent flowering yet, just white buds. Btw, have your water soldiers risen up from your pond depths this year, just wondering as mine haven't appeared this time.
9 Sep, 2012
A fantastic array of garden plants and Flowers,just love Rosy Cushion wow what a display, must look out for this one, Im sure I can find room for it somewhere lol
9 Sep, 2012
You flowers are all beautiful, and it's nice to have some of them repeating.
10 Sep, 2012
Edge of Darkness has come out real nice. Your best revenge on gall midge - reblooming.
10 Sep, 2012
Aaaaaw thanks everyone for all the lovely comments, glad you enjoyed looking :-))
Tuesdaybear yes the phytolacca was a new one to me too, spotted it on another chat site I go on so had to find some seeds, Chilterns :-), can't wait till next year to see it when it gets a bit bigger it gets to around 6ft, it has white flowers and then in the autumn purple/black berries, I quite like it at this stage too when the berries are still green :-)
I remember you saying you were growing the pokeweed too Dawn, we seem to like the same things :-).
Oh yes the water soldiers have gone mental this year I've pulled huge amounts of them out they even flowered for the first time, I seem to remember mine not always coming to the surface the first couple of years, they're making up for it now, I'll put a picture on in a minute to show you how they've taken over !!!!!!
Oh yes Carole that rose is a must have :-) I have 4 planted together here so 1 wouldn't be as large, I got mine from David Austin roses.
Thanks Wylie, yes it beat the gall midge in the end,lol.
10 Sep, 2012
Thanks for your pond pic Kathy. Looks great.
11 Sep, 2012
So much to see and all blooming lovely, I bet those bees gorge themselves silly.
11 Sep, 2012
Thanks Dawn and Stroller :-) ,
Sedums always a favourite with every bee and butterfly isn't it Stroller, I have several clumps dotted about and yes they're loving it :-)
13 Sep, 2012
Love the roses Simbad...and I always thought your gardens consisted solely of Daylilies LOL! Im glad you posted that pic of Lemon Queen, saw it everywhere while on holiday and darned if I could remember what it was!
You have certainly had the rewards of disappointment earlier this year and it looks like you worked hard! Opening for NGS next year???
Btw, the Tupa has grown well but did not flower this year, but went to Powis Castle (blog) and there it was in the border in full flower!! So looking forward to it next year.
23 Sep, 2012
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Wow !! what a fantastic show, your garden must be a riot of colour at the moment, lovely photos , and those roses amazing at this time of the year.
9 Sep, 2012