The Scree (Pebble) Area.
By siris
After I reduced the grass area to a small circle, with the hole for the rotary washing line in the centre, I found washing swiped the Iris in east facing border. Not good for the Iris or the washing! What to do? Create an area for small plants, an alpine bed.
Looking from the stepping stone, under which is the hole for the rotary line.
The little bridge crosses the small kidney-shaped pond. Bottom pond (biggest)with goldfish, to left, and top pond behind the black Mondo Grass. The solar panel is to pump water from bottom to top pond when needed. The bucket pond is to contain my mini Waterlily, which needs shallow water, so would get lost in the ponds. It has never flowered and I’ve had it so long I can’t remember what colour it’s supposed to be. Any advice?
The stepping stones go to Crinedendron corner.
Now some of the little things.
Sempervivum Bronco, several other unnamed red leaved ones.
Starting to flower
Cobweb type.
Several Dianthus
And Rhodohypoxis.
Delospermum, i had several in the front, but lost 2, then moved the remaining 3 to my newly created scree, but one is dying away. The flowers only open when it’s sunny.
Papaver burseri, a little alpine Poppy, grown from seed.
Erodium cheilanthifolium, a small alpine. There’s SweetHeart a bigger version futher back……
….with some larger succulents
Sedum Little Dove and Fuchsia procumbens, to trail over the rock.
and hardy Crassula sarcocaulis
Lots of self seeded Linaria
Just weed out the ones I don’t want or if they are in the wrong place.
Just a few tweaks and I will be happy with it….maybe.
19 Jun, 2020
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I really like what you have done in that area Siris, could spend a while relaxing and admiring there, it looks a treat and full of interest, I like alpines and have lots of dotted around but have never put any of my succulents in the ground, I tend to keep mine in pans and pots, then they go into one of my g'houses through the winter months, looking at yours I might try some as I now do have lots of backups...Lovely blog and photo's,...
19 Jun, 2020
Thanks Amy.
LINCSLASS, I do put an open sided Perspex cover over the scree area in winter. It's winter wet that kills alpines not really the cold, except probably some succulents.
19 Jun, 2020
ooh the garden looks wonderful. I also have several un-named succulents. Sadly often sold with the only bit on the label saying 'succulents' not for human consumption.
19 Jun, 2020
Looks fab, Siris! Well done! I have several succulents on my rockery at the bottom of the bund. I have to admit just leaving them as they are during any sort of weather. They are quite sheltered mind you.
I’m not au fait with water lilies despite having a couple in small pond..maybe you could try repotting it? Or it may be time to give up with it and get another?
I’m sure there will be many more people on here with a wealth of experience and they’ll help. ;-)
20 Jun, 2020
Thanks Kate, I'll probably just leave it to furlow there. The birds like to drink from the bucket as the fish pond is netted against Crows taking the Goldfish.
20 Jun, 2020
Sounds a good plan ;-)
22 Jun, 2020
A smashing idea.....and lots of little treasures to look at when hanging out the washing....
9 Sep, 2020
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Loads of interest there Sue ,they all look very happy and blooming !
19 Jun, 2020