Not without that...or that...Part 2.
By spritzhenry
When it comes to plants for shade, there seem to be rather a lot in my garden that stand out as absolute ‘must-haves’.
First may I introduce you to the Omphalodes family.
Omphalodes verna is the first to flower – the plant grows close to the ground, and creeps along with its pretty blue flowers glowing in a shady corner very early in the year.
When the early dwarf Narcissi come into bloom a month later, Omphalodes verna is still flowering and makes a lovely contrast with the golden flowers. That’s it in the far corner. Pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’ is at the front of the photo – another plant I couldn’t be without!
A short while later, another Omphalodes with an even longer name but larger flowers starts blooming.
Omphalodes cappadocica ‘Cherry Ingram’ was called after Collingwood Ingram (1880–1981), ornithologist, plant collector and gardener who was an authority on Japanese flowering cherries and is still widely known as ‘Cherry’ Ingram.
I don’t know who called this Omphalodes ‘Starry Eyes’, but it suits it, doesn’t it!
I have a pale lilac one, as well. However, there are a lot more ‘shady’ plants that are ‘must-haves’ in my garden.
This is such a simple flower, so perfect.
I can’t imagine my garden without Hellebores! I can’t choose between them – they’re all so beautiful…so I’ll just show you three very different ones.
I can’t imagine being without my double ones…
Take a look at this stunning black one.
I can’t do without Brunneras, either.
This one is ‘Jack Frost’. When it’s not flowering, its leaves shine out from under the shrubs.
And this little jewel is a Hepatica nobilis – a bloom you need to see close up to appreciate…
…while Lunaria annua (‘Honesty’) stands tall. It’s one of those plants – you know – once you’ve got it, it’s there each year.
I’ve had the mauve one for years – this year, I grew some white ones, and I hope they return, too.
Digitalis (foxgloves) are wonderful shade plants – stately, tall again – and yes, they’re biennials, but they also seed themselves – not always where you’d like them to, admittedly. I grew this clump from seed – they germinated very easily and I had too many!
Geraniums for shade? Oh yes – dry shade, too. What would I do without them?
Geranium macrorrhizum makes a good clump – it’s easily controlled if it gets too large. This one is ’Ingwersen’s Variety’.
The G. phaeums also love shady places. This white one is my favourite.
What other plants do I really value for my shady areas?
Well – I have a very attractive grass, actually a sedge, called Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ which is wonderful as it’s evergreen with cream edges to its leaves, and it will thrive even in deep shade.
Oh, and how could I forget Astrantias! Looking like little pincushions, the flowers come in white, through shades of pink to deep red.
This is Astrantia ‘Roma’.
I must stop – but there’ll have to be a part 3!
There seem to be so many plants I wouldn’t want to be without. I’ve missed out Dicentras, ferns, Tiarellas, Heucherellas, Hostas, Convallaria, Aconitum, Actaea, Anemones and…and…I’ll just have to add a photo of my favourite Tricyrtis – ‘Tojen’. Definitely another beautiful plant for shade, this one.
16 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Exciting!
Next post: Not without that...or that....part 3.
You're adding to my wish list - again, SH. Must do some background research on some of these to see if they might survive up here.
Lovely plants. Look forward to Part 3.
16 Nov, 2011
some lovely plants spritz, thank you ~ a very helpful blog.
16 Nov, 2011
Thank you all - I'm glad you enjoyed it! Part 3 will be along, I assure you. ;-)
I don't see why not, Ojibway.
Sheila, I do agree with you about the black Hellebore. :-)
16 Nov, 2011
That's given me a lot of ideas for a north-facing bed....hope some of them like it 'cool' as well as shady. Great blog Spritz.
16 Nov, 2011
Yes, I'm sure most of them would be fine. Good luck with your plans. Thank you for the nice comment!
16 Nov, 2011
Im waiting to see the Mellitis Spritz, mine has taken and is doing well under our cotoneaster..should flower this coming year! Also btb, so is the fleabane and anthemis we bought from you.
16 Nov, 2011
Oooh - that's another one I missed out, isn't it! Melittis grows really well in part-shade. :-))
Now stop guessing what's coming next, could just be right! lol.
16 Nov, 2011
lovely blog and some excellnet photos. gorgeous plants :)
16 Nov, 2011
Yes, all very beautiful Spritz. The Hellebores especially....not too long now until they perform for us once again!
17 Nov, 2011
Some lovely plants there. I really like the Carex 'Ice dance', will be on the look out for that one.
17 Nov, 2011
How lovely, SH. You are adding to my wishlist, too. This year I have tried and failed to germinate hellebores (Yours are magnificent), astrantia and foxgloves. The hellebores I would have expected to have done particularly well here, too, as the wild ones are everywhere in the surrounding woods and banks in early spring. Maybe I'll try a different seed merchant next time. I don't seem to have much success with T & M.
17 Nov, 2011
Love Omphalodes and Hellebores and your Carex. Hope your white Honesty re-appears: I have the white one with variegated leaves, and that sowed itself around last year (sorry, I've already given away all the seeds :(( ).
Thanks for the gorgeous photos!
17 Nov, 2011
Added to my favs Spritz, smashing blog and lovely photo`s.
I know there are going to be more that I`m able to put a proper name to when you are showing your plants, plus ideas for my shady area.
Pleased to say two of my Hellebores have made a comeback this year which has really pleased me, thats down to advice from you, many thanks..
17 Nov, 2011
Really interesting blog
17 Nov, 2011
The above comment is mine by Iciar, someone has given me a new identity..
17 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog, you have most of my favourite plants there, unfortunately have grown and lost Starry Eyes three times now!! we have very little shade in this garden, all the above are absolute must haves, looking forward to the next blog..........
17 Nov, 2011
Lincslass, I'm so glad - I do try to help if I can. :-) I wonder how your comment appeared under another name?
Sheila, I grew some variegated Lunaria from seed this year, so don't worry. I've planted them all over the place!
Gattina, my Hellebores started to seed themselves this year, and I've potted up quite a number, it's a shame I can't send you some. They might need cold to germinate. I agree about T&M, sadly. :-( Don't give up.
Dd - Omphalodes really thrive in shade or semi-shade - were your plants in too much sun?
Thank you Karen, Sbg, Anne and Clarice.
17 Nov, 2011
I guess they must have been.....the only shade we have is acidic so we grow Camellias, Acers, Pieris, etc....
18 Nov, 2011
My soil is neutral - I haven't seen it written anywhere that they don't like acid soil. It's a shame if you can't grow them, though. :-(
18 Nov, 2011
Tojen is just sooo special!
18 Nov, 2011
18 Nov, 2011
Lovely pics. Love those Hellebores.
22 Nov, 2011
Thank you, Angie. :-) So do I! lol.
22 Nov, 2011
love the black helibore Barbara, lovely blog :o))
19 Dec, 2011
Sorry, Spritz, I hadn't seen this blog of yours before today & I see since then you published part 3! I'll go & see it in a few minutes.
I love to read about all the plants you have in your garden & to see all the lovely photos you put on here for us to enjoy with you!. Thanks for such an interesting blog! :-))
19 Dec, 2011
How nice to hear that from you - and thank you. :-)
No apology needed - I can't keep up with everyone's blogs either!
19 Dec, 2011
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Excellent, interesting blog Spritz. I particularly like your hellebores, the black one is so dramatic!
16 Nov, 2011