Good, Bad and AMAZING!!
By spritzhenry
YESSSS!!! The temperature was 10 degrees today and the white stuff has been disappearing fast! I can see green out there for the first time for ages. Isn’t that good!
This was about all that was left by this afternoon.
So it was time for an amble around and to remove the fleece from the vulnerable shrubs to check for casualties. What would I find out there?
My Lophomyrtus ralphii looks great! The fleece worked there. No damage at all.
So does the Loropetalum chinense ‘Firedance’…
The other Loropetalum chinense has a little frost damage on the tips of the stems – but that’s easily remedied – in a few weeks’ time, when I see which leaves die back, out with the scissors!
My new Hebe ‘Louise’ will survive, too – she’s looking a bit sad, but she’ll be OK, I’m sure.
That’s a relief – that Pittosporum ‘Silver Magic’ that I was worried about is fine as well! I’m glad I fleeced it, though.
This is a surprise – I didn’t think that my Scabiosa ‘Chile Black’ would survive!
And here’s a peep inside the coldframe – all is well. The plants seem to be thriving, just waiting to be planted out. They’ll have to wait until the soil warms up a bit, I’m afraid.
Oh dear – even covered in fleece, my Astelia banksii looks very unhappy. I don’t know if it can survive this kind of damage.
My other Lophomyrtus ‘Little Star’ was supposed to be a hardy shrub – it has lost some of its brightness. I’ll just have to hope that it recovers.
But several of my Erysimums are really dead – this was ‘Bowles’ Mauve’. That will have to go!
And the worst damage was mostly my fault – I didn’t get round to cutting the Lavateras back half-way last autumn, which I do normally, so the weight of the snow has almost flattened one of them, and broken several branches. That’ll teach me!
I think I’ll dispose of the older one which is quite badly damaged.
I simply can’t believe that Scabiosa ‘Blue Butterfly’ has emerged from frost, ice, snow and more snow – and is still flowering!
I have a small unheated lean-to greenhouse as well as the ones with the heaters….and in there are more plants that overflowed from the coldframe – fine, I expected them to be all right. But also in there are four pots of Osteospermum – and all of them have not only survived, but are still flowering happily!
Also in this greenhouse is a large Argyranthemum plant – and that’s still in bloom as well! Our temperatures went down as low as – 8 degrees, the water butts were frozen solid – so just how have these plants managed it?
That Vinca ‘Jenny Pym’ was blooming away until the frosts and snow arrived – I saw that the flowers had closed up then – but today they’re open again as though nothing had happened!
And my faithful Coronilla valentina has emerged safe and sound from its covering of snow – still in flower. How amazing is that?
15 Jan, 2010
Previous post: Geraniums - AGAIN!
Next post: Off on a Tulip hunt!
10 degrees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lucky girl. Your plant's are looking remarkably good. My Astelia is still going strong so your's should be ok.......
15 Jan, 2010
thats great spritz ,most have survived you never know in a few weeks the others may perk up i think your hebe is lookig good considering it was a new plant,your flowers in your lean to look grand and have done well, good photos too, i am dreading to see how my plants have done still cant see most of them,i bought 3 rose bushes 2 weeks ago and forgot to bring them indoors just noticed them today under garden table in pots so hoping they will be ok ...:o)
15 Jan, 2010
Wonderful Barbara...just great that so many have done so well and even flourished..sorry that some look a bit ragged, but I bet they will come round..
I found a little primrose blooming in my rock garden this morning during very high winds. It has almost stopped raining now, I am going to go out and get a picture soon... :)
15 Jan, 2010
delighted that so many have survived. I had forgotten about my bronze osteospermum. I bet that is a goner. I will have to look into a coronilla that is amazing.
hoping for a similar outcome tomorrow in my garden.
15 Jan, 2010
Isn't it wonderful how some plants can survive the worst conditions and pull through. I'm glad so many are still growing in such hostile weather. It's a good job you fleeced them up. Pitty about the ones that didn't make it but maybe even those will recover after a while. It's nice to see the place looking back to normal aswell isn't it.
15 Jan, 2010
the more i think about it... sad losses are its an excuse to go buying more :o)))
15 Jan, 2010
Thanks - yes, on the whole I was surprised how well my plants have done - it was definitely worth fleecing them up, though. Don't forget that I have a greenhouse packed with vulnerable plants as well! Thank goodness I did that - all my Coprosmas would have died for certain.
I have an Enkianthus campanulatus on order, Sbg - so I'm not a bit upset about losing that Lavatera!
15 Jan, 2010
amazing that some are flowering barbara after that cold cold snow, shame that you have lost some though, mine seem ok but will have a proper look at weekend, you will just have to go shopping again barbara ;o))
15 Jan, 2010
I'm very pleased for you Barbara , it's amazing there's not more casualties , we still have a thick layer of snow in my garden , I checked the greenhouse today , I had to water a few plants as they were so dry , I have been told not to water them very much in the winter so i'm not sure if it was the right thing to do , I think I have lost at least a couple of clematis cuttings that were doing well before .....fingers crossed most plants look healthy .........
15 Jan, 2010
Great to see you have plants still flowering despite the adverse weather.
15 Jan, 2010
Plants seem to recover so quickly,it always amazes me to see the buds lifting there heads even before the snow has gone.........
15 Jan, 2010
glad your things survived Spritz, my Beetsons Gold seems to have survived as well, but I can see casualties too, looks like a visit to the GC soon :))))
16 Jan, 2010
We've had 10 degrees lately too :-)))
So far, my only casualty has been the Aeonium that Grindle gave me :-(((
What have yours done Grindle ??
16 Jan, 2010
You will have to wait till the spring Barbara...that's the real test of winter damage to plants :0))
16 Jan, 2010
I've kept it in a frost free greenhouse Louise, with very little water and although it's lost it's black colouring, the plant's fine. If yours is dead, I'll do you another cutting in the spring when it starts growing again :)
16 Jan, 2010
I'm keeping my fingers crossed, Bs. Last year it was obvious at once which plants had succumbed to the cold, though. :-(((
16 Jan, 2010
Oh, and Grindle, my Beatson's Gold looks absolutely fine, too! Isn't that strange, one Coprosma being so resilient!
Amy - yes, some of my greenhouse plants have had a little water now and then as well. :-)
16 Jan, 2010
glad your snow has gone, its so nice to see the plants again...... nice to see you still have things in flower.......will have to wait and see if all my plants come back again in the spring...... most look ok......
16 Jan, 2010
Good - I'm keeping my fingers crossed about the new plants I put in during the autumn. I'm hoping that they've survived - but I won't know until I see signs of growth.
16 Jan, 2010
PLeased most of your plants etc are fine, my garden not to bad tomorrow i'm going to look in greenhouse see whats happened.
16 Jan, 2010
Good luck, Carol!
16 Jan, 2010
Thanks Barbara :o)
16 Jan, 2010
Amazing how tough some of these plants are Spritz! Most of mine didn't get any cover and ....well...... I guess it's off to the GC as soon as it's warm enough to plant again!
16 Jan, 2010
Hm...More of the "bad" than the "good" in our garden..and forget the amazing ! Though the overgrown ivy is as tough as old boots ! Lol
16 Jan, 2010
too early to tell for me. somethings do look very sad. the woody salvia has snapped so i hope it will resprout from the base. lost most of my pelargonium cuttings too.
16 Jan, 2010
Oh dear. Things have been really affected this winter, haven't they. I'm about to try to kick-start my fuchsias back to life this week - but I'm not at all sure that most of them will respond! :-((
16 Jan, 2010
Lost lots of cuttings too..sadly this took us so much by surprise. Hopefully a lesson learned for next year...bring them in earlier !
16 Jan, 2010
What a pain, Ray! When you succeed with rooting cuttings - then lose them, it seems such a waste. I sympathise.
I don't think that my first attempt at taking cuttings in my all-singing, all-dancing propagator has been exactly a success. :-((( I have a lot to learn in using it still. It's great for germinating seeds, but I haven't cracked soft tip cuttings.
I could do with some lessons, I think - a one-day class would be a help if I could find one somewhere!
16 Jan, 2010
Took lots of cuttings of our white lysmachia..some members had requested them..and all succumbed to the hard frosts Spritz.But if original plants survive wil take more cuttings EARLIER next year...and will nurture ! Hard lessons learned............
16 Jan, 2010
Was that L. ephemerum or L. clethroides. Ray? I planted two L. ephemerum in the autumn - I shall have to take a look tomorrow to see if they're OK! Fingers crossed...
L. clethroides is a very hardy plant - no problems there except its thuggish behaviour!
16 Jan, 2010
Not sure Spritz...will take a look at label tomorow !!
16 Jan, 2010
I think you have been very lucky to have so many plants surviving and so few casualties -8 is cold to say the least, sorry about the astelia do not give up on it I bought mine back from the dead last year, bought it inside this time (kept in pot now) most of the damage has been done by snow breaking down shrubs (weight) will have a better look tomorrow when it stops raining.
16 Jan, 2010
My Ephemerum looks ok Spritz, so yours should be fine, if not let me know.
The corokia 'frosted chocolate' looks like it might have survived too :)
17 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Dd. That gives me some hope! What did you do to the Astelia to 'nurse' it back to health? We are lucky today - it's sunny out there after 5 mm in the nght - so I might be able to get outside this afternoon (church this morning). I shall be delighted if I can! :-)))
Grindle - that is another 'good' if not 'amazing' that your Corokia is OK! I'll take a look at the new L. ephemerums and let you know. Thanks.
17 Jan, 2010
They are L.Clethroides Spritz...checked today.Old stems gone over but can see small new shoots at base ! Sunny today but soggy and damp in borders so just did a quick check ! Lots of lovely bulbs starting to poke through !
17 Jan, 2010
My L. ephemerum plants look OK, thank goodness.
Ray - I dug up a couple of roots of the L. clethroides for a member - that might be easier and quicker than taking cuttings if you have a good clump of them??
Yes - I did a lot outside this afternoon again... more casualties, sadly, but nothing too precious. My snowdrops won't be long - I can see a bit of white appearing! :-)))
17 Jan, 2010
You may well be right Spritz..will wait and see what Spring brings.Think we due more bad weather so touching nothing yet !
17 Jan, 2010
NO - I've got my fingers in my ears - NO, NO!! Lalalalalala...I can't hear you!!
Seriously, why do you think that, Ray? Because it's still January, or have you got a secret source of information? Break it to me gently please.......
17 Jan, 2010
LOL Spritz....they are only saying "parts of the country" from mid week onwards.! Knowing the way things work it will be us so and so s in the North that "cop it" so relax..I hope !
17 Jan, 2010
Can I take my fingers out of my ears now, then? LOL. Phew! That's a relief!
Not for you, I hasten to add.....if you do get more, I am really sorry.
17 Jan, 2010
No problem Spritz..we northeners made off tough stuff !!!
17 Jan, 2010
Just as well! Me? I'm a soft wimpish southerner with thin blood! LOL.
17 Jan, 2010
LOL..we will take it on the chin then Spritz...then moan to you !!! LOL
17 Jan, 2010
You're welcome to! Let's just hope that NONE of us get any more of that white stuff. Nasty.......shudder!!!!!!!!!
17 Jan, 2010
LOL...had enough now,northener or no northener !
17 Jan, 2010
Of course you have in your line of work, Ray, especially - let alone Jane travelling to work, and your own garden!
17 Jan, 2010
Decorating next couple of weeks have no time to do through the year..Poor Jane struggling with these temps..and has to be in work at 8 o the dark...Roll on spring !
17 Jan, 2010
I remember it well, Ray - going in the dark, and coming home in the dark. Not good for morale! I hope she got some daylight over the w/end - preferably sunny daylight!
17 Jan, 2010
Lovely today Spritz..sunny...Jane wrapped up warm and checked out the garden...Had a lovely hot stew and dumplings for tea !! All geared up for the week ahead !!
17 Jan, 2010
Great. Give her my love, please. xx Off to bed now!
17 Jan, 2010
Will do...night night........... x
17 Jan, 2010
17 Jan, 2010
Spritz I dug it up and took all the dead leaves away and then re-potted it and kept it sheltered, it was so small and now it is fine, but will not chance it in the garden again, I hope we dont get any more s... but the forcast is not good, still, they have been wrong before? Just checked our weather report -2 with heavy s... on Wednesday.....I don't believe it.
17 Jan, 2010
Well done spritz its nice to see that all your tender loving care has paid off for most of your plants, look forward to seeing some more great pics come spring.
18 Jan, 2010
Thanks, Dd for the advice. I shall have to take action, I suppose, but our local forecast is not quite as horrific, so maybe we'll be OK down here....I hope!
I'll do my best Stroller....can't wait for more flowers to appear!
18 Jan, 2010
Looks as if you will miss the white stuff, Spritz but we're expecting another 'dump' here tomorrow. Thursday should be milder so maybe it won't last long.
19 Jan, 2010
I do hope not, Wagger. Horrible stuff. I think we're in for a lot of rain here over the next three days.
19 Jan, 2010
Lovely blog :)
My Vinca is still flowering away too, its amazing I've never ever seen it like this.
Unfortunately my main casualty is Coprosma (Pacific Night) :( I'm sure I've lost it, all shrivelled up and several leaves have come off. I will wait until spring to see if there's any sign of life, but I'm not hopeful. It made it through the previous 2 winters, last winter was actually a bit colder here but the length of freezing temperatures was a bit longer this time and thats obviously what did it.
19 Jan, 2010
I am sorry - having lost all mine except one last year, I do sympathise.
My Lophomyrtus is looking worse every day - I'm afraid that's on its way out. :-(((
19 Jan, 2010
Goodness, so many plants I have never even heard of! I just wanted to say don't worry too much about the pittosporum. I have the same one and it never gets any cover and never seems to be the least bit bothered! Sometimes I think plants are hardier than we are led to believe! Still, well done you for going to all that trouble. Mind you, when you've taken the trouble of finding such rare and unusual ones you don't want to lose them do you?
1 Feb, 2010
p.s, absolutely freezing here today. Are you under snow again?
1 Feb, 2010
No - thank goodness! We don't often get any here - it lands on Exmoor and the Quantock Hills, but we are near the coast, so it stays away normally, i'm glad to say.
Thanks for telling me about the Pittosporum. :-)
1 Feb, 2010
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15 Jan, 2010
The very centre of that Astelia still looks quite healthy from where I'm sitting. You seem to have come through relatively unscathed, just the odd few. I'm not looking forward to what I find when everything thaws out completely though I don't have such tender specimens as you, Spritz.
15 Jan, 2010