Out of Action!
Oh dear, guess how i spend Easter Satuday afternoon? In A&E, alas.
One minute...
Spring wildflowers
We went down to the beach this afternoon as the tide was right out and the sun was...
Fossil forest
We went down to Newgale this week to see the newly exposed 10,000 year old forest...
I keep forgetting...
....to Like blogs, even when I really really do. so sorry folks, so busy enjoying...
Search for colour
The sun shone for a nice change so I went hopefully hunting for a bit of colour....
For the sad ones...
To all those who have suffered loss of loved ones recently, and those with other...
Help contacting Fran
I just received a spoken text to say she's arrived, but will need another van load!...
Fran's news
Just had a text from Fran to say she now has a firm moving date-6th December. Hope...
What happened?
I was writing a comment on Jane's Nursery rhyme blog, watching the keyboard instead...