A slight case of confusion?
By steragram
Some of us like our own bed. Others have not made up their minds…
Shelving the decision
A basket case?
Any dream will do…
Clean out of her head
And what do we do when she really needs a litter tray???
3 Feb, 2014
Previous post: Thrilled with these!
Next post: I keep forgetting...
That is so funny!!!!!! As the owner of 3 cats I do know how comical they are but have to say although ours do sleep in the sink and the bath at times, I've never known them to use the litter tray except when kittens and first introduced to one, lol.....Mind you she looks perfectly at home........
3 Feb, 2014
My cats find the oddest of places to sleep too - despite having numerous beds, they never sleep in them.
3 Feb, 2014
lovely pics and a beautiful cat!
3 Feb, 2014
We cats have to do what we have to do don't we Rowan =^..^=
I have my favourite sleeping places too. One of them is on the landing, where the central heating pipes go under the floor boards :o)
Bella =^..^=
3 Feb, 2014
Hywel our Tipsy does that, trouble is its right outside Sherryl's bedroom door so she gets trodden on, lol..........
3 Feb, 2014
lol ... but I don't suppose it makes any difference :o)
3 Feb, 2014
Thanks everyone - its good to know she's not the only one!
Bella,you are quite right, and I think you have found a good place there - I have never been able to find any warm spots on our floor. However the bath soon gets nice and warm when I've been on it a while. I have only just discovered this nice tray - I did not know it was called a litter tray, I thought it was a new bed. I like your signature - how do you do the ears?
3 Feb, 2014
Above the no 6. Press 'shift' like you would do for a capital letter, and you get ^
3 Feb, 2014
Oh yes, so you do. Let me try now: =^..^=
I had a bit of a struggle to get the eyes right as I was trying to put them on a new line. It was easier than I was trying to make it! Thank you Bella, sleep well!
3 Feb, 2014
Lovely photo's Sterra i like number 3 best :0)
3 Feb, 2014
Oh thanks for asking that, I've always wondered how to do the cat, lol......
3 Feb, 2014
Thank you Steragram. I shall sleep until 5 o'clock, and then yell and yell until Hywel lets me out :D
3 Feb, 2014
Lol, "That's the way to do it!"
Tell him you really really need a cat flap and promise him you won't let anyone else use it. I love mine. =^..^=
3 Feb, 2014
Thank you both Sues
Have we got too much of a good thing here??
3 Feb, 2014
I have got a cat flap Rowan ... well two actually (one from the outside into the conservatory, and one from the conservatory in to the kitchen) but I don't open them on my own. Hywel ties the outside one open with some string during the day, and in the night he closes it.
The flap on the conservatory/kitchen one has broken off, so it's just like a hole in the door :D
4 Feb, 2014
... different cat just came through the flap ..
whiskers a bit ruffled .. ;o)
4 Feb, 2014
lol :o)
4 Feb, 2014
Lovely pics stera, cats find the most odd places to sleep dont they. :))
4 Feb, 2014
Lol great pictures made me laugh, love the basket one.
They do sleep in some strange places don't they, our Symba likes the bathroom window sill in the sun at the moment, well he did till I heard a loud crash the other day he must have rolled over and fell off ooops, now its my sewing box in front of the radiator,shelf in the airing cupboards another favourite lol.
4 Feb, 2014
What a funny blog and comments lol! I love cats and these pictures are delightful. :):)
4 Feb, 2014
Sterogram ... what a delight given me the first chuckle of the day.
4 Feb, 2014
Lovely blog & aren't I glad that so many of us love our cats. Rowan is definitely a basket case, tho' this moving around & sleeping in different places harks back to when they were wild. It's a strategy to keep fleas under control
4 Feb, 2014
Awwww....how sweet is that! Love it! :)))))
4 Feb, 2014
Lovely blog & pics. And count me in as a cat lover!
4 Feb, 2014
Love the photos ... makes my cat look positively boring as she usually sleeps on a cushion on the sofa or the spare bed ... :o)
4 Feb, 2014
LOL Stera.
5 Feb, 2014
No wonder the Egyptians worshipped them! Cat's aren't owned, they merely allow humans to serve them - lol and only until they work out how to operate tin openers and door handles for themselves ...
6 Feb, 2014
Your comments are a joy - thank you! I like the sewing box Simbad! Ro's latest is pulling books off the bottom shelf of the bookcase to try to sleep in tha gap, - didn't work though she tried both bookcases in the sitting room and gave up. And then I got sidetracked putting them back and sat on the floor reading...
Bella you really should learn to use that flap! =^..^=
6 Feb, 2014
Hywel won't teach me =^..^=
7 Feb, 2014
Come on Bella, learn by yourself!! I wish I could show you...^..^
Feverfew, only just noticed your comment about keeping fleas under control. Believe me, it didn't work...
7 Feb, 2014
Well, what an absolutely gorgeous cat.... she has definitely landed on her paws with you!! Fabulous pictures - and I've learnt how to sign cat =^..^=
hee hee!!
11 Feb, 2014
I think you're right Millie. Her latest is playing with a ping pong ball in the bath - much better than the floor as it keeps changing direction. Keeps her happy for ages.
Yes the cat sign is brilliant isn't it?
14 Feb, 2014
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Really funny pics :o)))
3 Feb, 2014