Veg patch, the first chapter (and some DIY for Bampy)
Hello peeps
this is just a small blogget to document the early stages of my veg patch.
Its does contain some sublime pallet DIY (in 3d).
Will do another when it starts to offer up some bits n bobs.
The blank canvas (of dirt 19Feb)
Dug out three threnches. This was a good way to get rid of the deep weeds as well, march22
Garlic fort knox (to protect my young plant from the chickens) basically anything lying a round ; ) early april
Old bits not bobs I had stuck in pots so i decided to put a couple of currants and old grape vine out
That is a bit of raspberry there …honest
Put tats in one whole row
My neighbours bit and beyong that is the new larger pen for her pygmy goats
We also have a lovely pond for a couple of ducks here with wild irises
shot this aways (from end of april)
This strip i am sharing with a friend for some onions green beans radish carrots and beetroot. we (I) have netted it off to stop the chickens on this one. The next shots are from a couple of days ago.
and more recently my Garlic is doing well and broad beans coming up
and just look at this (Bampy) 1 old pallet cut in half with some extra wood from an old bed got from the tip and hey presto a raised bed for my asparagus and fennel
some mint and sage
just put in some jerusalem artichokes
did another patch of tats with ones I was going to throw away cus they looked rubbish but hey here you go
And the piece de resistance the DOUBLE super pallet composter with yes hinged doors ; ) bampy eat ur heart out
and if this doesnt get nominated for ‘best gate from a pallet for no real reason other than to do DIY for its own sake’ I dont know what will. Actually this is the second line of defence just in case the goats escape so I guess it does have a purpose. It just looked like it should be a gate.
and as you can see the pond is too dry :(
I turn this bit over for the chickens, which they love to scratch around in, and it takes there mind of scratching around in my veg
and the goats say hi too
27 May, 2011
Previous post: Woodland traipse about catching a few bluebells
Next post: National Botanic Garden of Wales - a few shots
Brilliant Stevie.....Hard work rewarded with good fresh food.........and well done on the recycling too....and I just love your guard dog goats ha ha Brilliant blog...........
27 May, 2011
WOHA !! pallet paradise & veg patch heaven S the T!! Seriously ol bean, you've put some time & effort into your projects, sterling stuff I might add!!
Your bamboo cane & net anti chicken construction match's my raspberry net protection efforts & who doesnt like pygmy goat's for neighbours? been hankering for a brace of these little imps for years.
Re-cycled spuds work a treat, potted up a tub of well sprouted leftover's & they are looking fine.
The garlic protection project made me laugh, I recognise the re-cycled de-assembled green plant shelves, well worth it, garlic is always No 1 for growing every year here.
And now to your composter's & raised veg bed. Hat's off to ya !!
Not the jealouse type me, but talk about P -allet envy !!!!!! Even your blogget is bigger than mine ( he snigger's )
Look out for my counter attack blogget, (this could get ugly ) Gotta larf eh !!
28 May, 2011
Thank MM n Milky,
not sure the goats guard anything though lol
I knew you'd be impressed lol, i'm expected nothing less than a new bungalow made out of pallets, or a fully working car!!
Yes the garlic fort knox bits n pieces are from a poly shed I had (£30) which was ok for a couple of years then gradually became more bamboo n string. The chickens do like to come in an scratch the earth for worms and if its not protected they just scratch over anything. You might think the patch is a bit scruffy but they like pecking at grass n dock leaves so I leave lots.
The pygmy goats are nice but the fencing needs to be good all the way round else to be sure they will try to eat anything on the other side. The gate were left open recently and in no time at all they mullered a couple of new apple trees.
However the goats belong to my neighbour and she is actually thinking of finding a new home for two of them. The leader of the pack is a bit of a handful. I know she has a place in mind but if your are interested I can ask!
looking forward the the pallet comeback blogget+
28 May, 2011
It's an emphatic 'no' to the goat offer, been married 36 years & I want to make it to 37 LOL !!!
I also declare this 'National Pallet Week' not enough use is made of this excellent free resource. Photo's to follow.
28 May, 2011
Hi goaties ! :)
It must be very satisfying to have an alotment.
29 May, 2011
well Hywel, with animals about its really a matter of just getting to the stage where you can actually reap what you sew!! Its would be great to be able to plant everything you like but here it would take too much effort to constantly protect everything. I would love to have a proper allotment but this will do for now.
31 May, 2011
That's good then :)
1 Jun, 2011
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I love your blogget and your goats are bery beautiful. I hope they don't escape. Everything here is made out of pallets (although we did have to buy some wood for a pergola as pallets aren't long enough lol) so I appreciate all your DIY especially the gate which does look like a gate. Everything looks great, you should be getting some good crops. I look forward to more photos.
27 May, 2011