Produce Production Line into September
Loads of stuff coming through, what to do with it all? and how to store it for the lean winter months
A few things on the go;
- Dried/Roasted tomatoes in oil (hope it works)
- Tom Soup (the best)
- Grape Juice (wonderful)
- Brine Lacto Fermented Pickles (immune system bolster)
- GNuts (pig lazy)
First up roasted/Dried toms
Had a think about what I would ‘actually’ like to eat and as I like sun dried toms thought I would have a go.
Salted them overnight then put a few trays in the oven when I had it on and left them in there, draining the excess water as I went
First batches of tom soup on the go, any spare gets frozen. Doing it in one soup bowl size blocks
Grapes are quite small but sweet
a few first bunches into the juicer
As you can see lots of pulp n foam but boy tastes wonderfully sweet. Drank it all during one day!!
Mega nice
Quick blog break for a few last gazania blooms
Ok so fancy a bit of LIVE Lacto-Fermentation pickled veg? of course you do ; )
So here we are, mostly all my stuff
Cabbage, Courgette, Peppers, Cucumber, kohlrabi n onion, some carrots and some greens of parsley, basil and dill.
Got the trusty food processor out
So this is using just the juices/water from the veg, abit of water and some salt. The idea is that the lactic acid produced under the brine pickles the veg and the good live bacteria get going in the first couple of weeks.
I start with a grape vine leaf in the bottom (tannins in the leaf keep it crunchy apparently) . Using about two tablespoons of salt per large jar, bit of peppercorns n mustard seed. mixing up a handful and bit of each in a big bowl and add a layer, push it down n add a bit of salt per layer n tiny bit of water over the salt.
Then using grape vine leaves to top it off
n fold them over to keep the veg under the brine.
The top leaf might show a bit of rot but can be discarded.
a nice mix of colours
and there we go, it will either work or it wont.
If it does it will have load of beneficial live bacteria aiding the flora in the gut, vitamin B n Niacin and aid the immune system.
I have heard it said that 95% of the immune system is in the gut.
Quick blog break, whats GNuts up too, hmmm not much
Stripping of the tomatoe plants last leafs but plenty of toms to come
and still loads to come in the small polly
Heres the finished dried toms in oil
The frozen soups and blanched beans go into small freezer bags.
Gnuts last night, this is where she sleeps
Will let you know in a couple of weeks if my pickled veg is working : )
9 Sep, 2014
Previous post: End of August days
Next post: Usk Show - Horticulural section - Prize winner?
I am totally knocked out with so much A day before yesterday I pulled out one small bush, destroyed 2 spades during the process and now I need rest for a week. Spiders will have rest, too.
That glasses with pickled veg look very good.
9 Sep, 2014
O wow Stevie! you've been so busy! Everything looks delicious. And I just love how GNuts has adopted you, lol.
9 Sep, 2014
thanks folks. I checked the jars today and a bit of pressure already so they are starting to cook, fingers crossed.
there will some news on the comings n goings of GNuts soon
11 Sep, 2014
OMG made me tired just reading it......well done.
14 Sep, 2014
Well done on being so productive with your veg Stevie ... I have a few Tomatoes left in the Greenhouse now ... only had 3 Growbags with 3 plants in each but plenty for the two of us! :o)
15 Sep, 2014
Just picked another three trays of toms!!! will need to do alot more soup and anything else I can think off.
Got quite a bit of basil so gonnahave a go at some pesto n freeze a bit (without cheese) as well
15 Sep, 2014
Sounds good to me .....
16 Sep, 2014
Recent posts by stevietheterrible
- GNuts/Gina
17 Feb, 2015
- Last blog of the year n into Winter
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- Front at the end of the season
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- Usk Show - Horticulural section - Prize winner?
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- End of August days
31 Aug, 2014
- Veg patch production line starts, First reds, GNuts invation n Goosey pool
29 Jul, 2014
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Wonderful Steve.
9 Sep, 2014