Projects a la 2014 update... of update.... sort of
Just a few pics followin on from the last two bloggets
Bought 3 poppies for a tenner, bit pricey for me but decided they looked so nice, a few buds to come
Red Orange n Yellow…to come
And the last few pics of the Scilla peruviana, a nice hit this spring
small blooms
Kaia guarding the arch n queen vic planter
Kaia with chuks n Gnuts
Sadly this is the only safe distance for Goosey now ; )
Gnuts still coming over for milk or when she smells sausages
Small projectet for next year, a willow fence
a willow fence
Lets hope she roots up, hopefully should make a ice windbreak
Bit behind with me toms, but hey I gotta polytunnel so they’ll be up n running soon enough, got about 80 plus on the go
and lets finish on a polygonatum
and first of the big bloom clems
stay tuned
7 May, 2014
Previous post: Projects a la 2014 part1 (b) ; )
Next post: State of play in May + bonus Anguis fragilis
I like your Solomon's seal, such a dainty plant. You'll soon have a lovely screen with that willow.
8 May, 2014
I know those wilow fences, it looks nice.
8 May, 2014
Hang on a mo, stop with all this summer-housing , i'll stick with a fence for now ; )
I've heard the Solomon seals' root is very good for you, lots more stems this year so will give it a large pot next n maybe try n eat some
cheers folks
8 May, 2014
The poppies and scilla are lovely, Stevie, and it's great to see all the animals as usual. I bet the willow fence is going to be lovely too.
8 May, 2014
Catching up on all your blogs in one day Stevie, lol..
I'm jealous as well, the Scilla is gorgeous, I envy you the Solomons Seal also, I cannot seem to keep it going here, obviously not found the right spot yet but will do one day.
One can tell you like your cooking with all those toms, you'll have chutney coming out your earholes come autumn, lol.
There's a local nursery near us that sell off pots of plants for a quid, one just has to prick them out and grow them on, real bargains Stevie, saves a fortune, they also have a bargain polytunnel, you can pick up some really good plants that just need a bit of TLC., you have plenty of room with your polytunnels so can't really go wrong with yours..
That willow will make a good screen, my son-in-law bought and erected a living arbor for my daughters birthday, only planted it beginning of April and its already full of leaf its going to make a smashing shady spot for her by her pond, I have some pics on my phone must pop them on and show how well its doing, I have a huge weeping willow at the bottom of the garden, I take long stems off it and weave them around for my sweetpeas and have even mended my hanging baskets with them, like you I'm into the recycling, lol...
Nice to see your pals all enjoying the sunshine...
8 May, 2014
Thanks you two, cheapest around here is 6 perennials for a tenner or if i buy one these days its £1.50 up the market. I am mostly however getting given bits n pieces n splitting me own. Not got room for much else though
9 May, 2014
Hi Stevie, poppy seeds are much cheaper to buy you know!! but those plants look in great condition. Do you think Scilla is best grown in a pot, I have one in the border but it hasn't flowered this year or has something eaten it? Slugs probably when it was so wet. Might did it up and pot it. Love that willow screen, they are selling willow in pots at our garden centre some of which are £150 !! what a joke, they seem to be this years must haves. Lol not at that price though.
10 May, 2014
ah yes will definately save these seeds : )
I am told they cant cope with the cold nor frosts but mine had the luxury of the poly
I guess thats why they are popular on Scilly
Got me thinkin now maybe i should make something out of willow for next year n sell it ; )
10 May, 2014
Go for it Stevie, then you can sell them on your sales table. Maybe put some willow in pots and tie them like a 'sweet pea' frame, know what i mean? Sort of wigwam style, try them out. :)
10 May, 2014
If you happen to want to make willow structures that don't take root, shaving off the bottom couple of inches of bark prevents it. (Learned this making plant supports with the wildlife Trust kids group)
10 May, 2014
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I love those poppies- but noticed they don't last long:(
That Scilla is a nice show Stevie (do I sound bit jeloeous? lol)
Hope Kaia got some biscuits after guarding your plants ;-)
And Gnut her milk.
Well done with the willow fence - have to cut some branches next winter and start weaving something - not sure what yet;-) Small summer house sounds like a nice project :)
Haven't seen those watering cans in your pictures for a while - glad they're back, lol.
8 May, 2014