The Walled Gardens of Cannington, Somerset
By stickitoffee
You may need to sit down for this ~ with a cup of tea ~ apologies for the amount of photos but I have tried to include a little of everything: colours of the rainbow, traditional scenes, exotic plants, blue flowers and architecture!
These gardens have recently been rejuvenated, they were originally in the grounds of a mediaeval priory but are now part of a college.
the garden is still developing but you can see its origins in the old walls and the gateway
it was a lovely warm day but within the secluded walls and amidst the colour it felt quite special:
vegetables mixed with flowers to great effect:
the combination of hot colours working well:
from the shelter of a seat, looking back down the walled border:
onto the blue area:
agapanthus and cherry pie?
then another hot coloured border:
I think this was so hot it was on fire:
Into the green house or maybe the hot house, the canna was striking:
I believe this is Pingularia Wesser ~ it was like pink glitter ~ I call it Pingu the pink!
A rather exotic purple that I liked but I’m sorry I can’t name:
Onto the Australian garden with the giant eucalyptus:
From Australia to a corner of England (including entertainment!)
Is this a pineapple lily?
I’m not sure what these are called but I think their purple feathers are beautiful:
The mixed planting of texture and colour in the dry border:
Flowers and insects were well looked after and very happy!
What could be better than blue sky and the gently waving grasses:
When the wisteria is out I would think this is magnificent ~ almost worth becoming a student again, as it is the college has a beautiful setting.
These gardens have only been opened for two years and I think they are a real treasure, there is a small car park, tea shop [of course!] and a shop. It is all on the flat so makes for easy walking for those who find that difficult, all in all a lovely place to visit.
21 Aug, 2011
Previous post: Back to the Fuchsia?
Next post: A visit to the field of dreams
Beautiful Sticki! Is this by chance your town?
The college with the wisteria would be quite a sight when in bloom.
21 Aug, 2011
thank you sheila ~ were they easy to grow because if they were I shall have a go!
Lil, i wish i could say it was but no this is an hour and a half away for me. my town is nothing like as nice ~ i dont think i can do a good blog for it?? certainly not one like yours.
21 Aug, 2011
Sheesh, blushing now though I'm sure you could :)
21 Aug, 2011
well i shall have to look very hard ~ probably have to get pictures of garden centres in the town ~ well within a mile and some window boxes or something!!??
21 Aug, 2011
Sounds like a good idea. Based on your other blogs, I expect greatness!! :)
21 Aug, 2011
I really enjoyed the walk with you.The Agapanthus and cherry pie compliment each other nicely.It was a lovely blog and its a pity its such a long way for us to go.
21 Aug, 2011
Fantastic photos there`s nothing quite like long borders in walled gardens, and that shot from a seat looking back along the border is stunning. We go on holiday 10th Sept to Devon wonder if I can get OH to take a detour as we pass through Somerset. You`ve set the pulses racing with this one. Can I also say it was a pleasure to meet up with you on Saturday at the Fuchsia show, I felt a little nervous at first but was relaxed within minutes of talking to you and your husband Michael.
21 Aug, 2011
Close my eyes and drift away, lazy Sunday afternoon. Oh Sticky, I could drift away in your blog. Lovely.
21 Aug, 2011
A wonderful place,Sticki.and a lovely blog and pics..I love theCleome,I tried them once,but failed ,and those hot colours are great..Going on my Faves,in case we are ever in the area..I would love to visit...and the teashop ,of course !Lol.
21 Aug, 2011
thank you everyone, here is their web site if you need directions etc, its well worth a visit!
stroller, it was more than a pleasure meeting you and Terry you were so friendly, fun and chatty ~ i loved meeting you, the only thing is im not married to a michael!! i am giggling because you will wonder what i am on about but his name isnt michael ~ sorry, just made me laugh. anyway, would be lovely to meet again ~ and i had a message from weeding she was sorry not to meet up with us as well. maybe next time?? another garden centre?? did you buy anything??
21 Aug, 2011
Lovely ST - enjoyed it.
21 Aug, 2011
Looks a great place to visit - another one on the list! Thanks, Sticki.
21 Aug, 2011
Great blog sticki....enjoyed your pictures and your descriptions. Glad you had a good day out. :)
21 Aug, 2011
thank you sheila, wagger and scottish, yes it was a very nice day.
21 Aug, 2011
Ohh!, lovely place Sticki! I don't think I would get any studying done if I went to college there, and those walled gardens are magnificent! The straw flowers, umm? y'know, the...heli-whats-its, really do look on fire! Oh! Oh! I remember! Helichrysum! I used to grow these when I was tiny to give to people for Christmas presents, I'm sure they were just thrilled! Lovely blog Sticki!
21 Aug, 2011
thanks libet ~ i think it may be that at least some of the courses are agriculture or horticulture, I went a couple of weeks ago but there were students working in the garden.
i like those straw flowers ~ are they also called everlasting flowers?
21 Aug, 2011
Yes! You're right! I'd forgotten that! Oh, if only we were younger, we could go for a horticulture course together... think of the fun we'd have! Gorgeous place for a college!
21 Aug, 2011
What a lovely thought!
I expect they have mature students! Trouble is I don't think of myself as very mature!
21 Aug, 2011
Thank you for sharing this, have just enjoyed my early morning tea looking at it!
22 Aug, 2011
Lovely Stickitoffee - love the flower beds - the red colours were awesome - great displays and the grasses were wow !!!!! Notice a gorgeous euphorbia in the pics too :)))))))))
22 Aug, 2011
Thanks Jen and Paul, it certainly has a lovely variety of plants, a treat for everyone I think; only about 20 minutes from the motorway?
22 Aug, 2011
22 Aug, 2011
Lovely blog Sticki:)
22 Aug, 2011
Lovely blog on a beautiful place, Sticki ..... it is a Pineapple Lily (Eucomis) and I'm still smiling at Pingu the Pink ... lol!
22 Aug, 2011
thank you nana and shirley ~ sorry i cant do all these latin names but i could remember pingu!!
that pineapple lily is nice isnt it ~ quite fancy one of those ~ wonder if you can eat it too!!??
22 Aug, 2011
STICKI! I am shocked, horrified, amazed, all those - if you had only told me you were going to you realise that this is my home territory? Our house is less than 5 miles up the road from where you were. We had our Sunday lunch in a pub with a view of that church tower yesterday. :-((((
Did you look in the Plant Centre? They often have a good selection at reasonable plants there.
22 Aug, 2011
oh spritz ~ im sorry i had no idea! you certainly live in a very lovely area. did you also go to the wild flower meadow ~ that wouldnt have been too far ~ other side of the M5.
i didnt even know this place was here! Tet also very kindly invited me to call in on the way back but i had my mum with me so we had a piece of cake and a cup of tea and set off again up the motorway after cannington!!
i did look in the plant centre ~ it was very good but i didnt buy anything ~ for once!! only because i was going away at the end of the week ~ it was a bit of a busy week ~ youngest son got married on the saturday.
but now i know where you are next time you open your garden i might be able to make it!!!
22 Aug, 2011
That would be lovely. :-)) I'll remind you next June! No, I haven't been up to Tetbury yet. I'm a bit busy at the moment - and also, I wouldn't want to leave Henry that long.
22 Aug, 2011
thank you, yes please remind me!
the wild flowers were in south petherton i think
it was in the daily mail:
sorry henry isnt too good.
22 Aug, 2011
Did you want some Cleome seeds Sticki - I must have a few hundred of those too!
22 Aug, 2011
yes please meanie ~ didnt realise you had those ~ i definitely want to try those!!
23 Aug, 2011
Another envelope with a few hundred seeds on its way!
23 Aug, 2011
thank you meanie ~ that is really generous.
good thing i have been sorting my pots out ~ you could run a gardening business alongside the mechanics??
23 Aug, 2011
Hi Sticky, Yes my friends the robins are O.K. not so sure about the eyebrows. Perhaps I pruned back a bit too hard. Thanks for the directions. Will arrange it with my daughter as she loves gardens too. Xx
23 Aug, 2011
i hope you enjoy it too! the good thing about gardens is they change all the time ~ so you will get a different view when you go!!
23 Aug, 2011
Wow lovely place to visit Stickitoffee.......Thank you so much for sharing it with us :-)
23 Aug, 2011
very welcome ~ thanks Louis.
23 Aug, 2011
Loved the blog, this is not far from me , you have inspired me to make an effort to get there .
23 Aug, 2011
oh im glad you liked it valadel ~ hope you manage to get there ~ it was a lovely surprise for me!!
23 Aug, 2011
Val - NB. I live up the road from Cannington! :-)))
23 Aug, 2011
make it a party val and spritz??
23 Aug, 2011
Why not? I'll put the kettle on. :-)))
24 Aug, 2011
oooh lovely, no sugar thank you!
24 Aug, 2011
OK - sorry, no garden tours today, though - it's tipping down. :-(
24 Aug, 2011
i was so pleased when i thought i saw it raining but we must have had all of 20 drops and its stopped again. next door have a large well established rhodedendron but even that seems to be suffering from the drought.
24 Aug, 2011
Am working on it folks ! :0))
24 Aug, 2011
excellent val ~ shall i make a cake??
24 Aug, 2011
Yum yum!
24 Aug, 2011
Hi Sticky, re my picture of Campanula. Thank you for your kind comment but I must apologise as I was actually practicing adding Photos and put that in error. I WILL get it right eventually. Still enjoying all your blogs.
25 Aug, 2011
Doesn't matter at all, I think you learn lots on here - I'm still learning!
25 Aug, 2011
Fabulous blog and photo`s Sticki, I nearly missed this one,( blame gremlins, hopefully sorted now). Shame its too far for me as I do love to visit walled gardens.
Thankyou for sharing...
27 Aug, 2011
thank you lincslass, i would like to visit lincolnshire too!! the motorways dont go the right way do they?!!
i like walled gardens too ~ wish i had one!!
27 Aug, 2011
What a fantastic blog...and a spectacular place...I loved the different coloured borders..This was so nice to walk around with you, thank you for the tour..
5 Sep, 2011
very welcome flori ~ its a lovely place if you ever get the chance to go.
5 Sep, 2011
21 Jun, 2012
oh hello Junna! thank you, it was a lovely place, I had nearly forgotten i had been there!!!
21 Jun, 2012
Don't forget that we're only 4 miles away if you come again, Sticki. :-))
22 Jun, 2012
oh thank you Spritz, thats very kind, i would love to see your gorgeous garden!
22 Jun, 2012
Not up to standard at the moment, obviously, but not too awful. ;-)
22 Jun, 2012
much better than mine!!!!
22 Jun, 2012 haven't seen the rampant bindweed which I can't reach at the moment! took advantage, didn't it. :-((
23 Jun, 2012
slugs and snails took advantage while i was away, they must be hugely fat now, the amount they have eaten!!
in my last garden we had ground elder ~ horrendous stuff.
23 Jun, 2012
I think that's worse that bindweed - I have two friends who suffer from g.e. and they can't get rid of it. At least with bindweed you can pull it off even if it comes back, which of course it does!
24 Jun, 2012
the worst thing about the ground elder was the more you pulled it off the more it grew and any soil that i moved around the garden seemed to create more!!
24 Jun, 2012
Horrible stuff. My two friends just live with it. :-(
26 Jun, 2012
It was a very small garden, given half a chance it would have been all ground elder, it was a north facing garden, not altogether easy! Mind you I know a few more plants that would have worked now I'm on here!
26 Jun, 2012
We all learn from each other, don't we. :-))
27 Jun, 2012
i rather think i still have a lot more to learn ~ i think thats one of the things about getting older ~ you realise how much more there is to learn!!!
but yes spritz we all learn from each other! :-)
27 Jun, 2012
Just as it should be!
28 Jun, 2012
28 Jun, 2012
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Thank you for the tour Sticki - what a lovely place, and you do take gorgeous photos. The flowers that you weren't sure what they were called . . pretty pink, white and purples are Cleome; I only know that because I grew them from seed for the first time this year!
21 Aug, 2011