A visit to the field of dreams
By stickitoffee
A few weeks ago I was able to visit the wildflower meadow planted in Somerset this year and photographed in the newspaper [I think someone else on here also visited]
As we now have pouring rain and a thunderstorm I thought I would take the opportunity to put a few [?] photos of ‘the field of dreams’
You will see the dark sky in one photo ~ I was lucky enough to arrive in between two heavy showers but the sun came out while I was there.
Come for a walk through the meadow or sit back and smell the flowers:
If you like music to accompany your viewing the following is a link to ’Tchaikovsky’s Waltz of the Flowers’
If you would like to read more about the meadow with details of many of the wild flowers that were sown the link to the newspaper article is below:
26 Aug, 2011
Previous post: The Walled Gardens of Cannington, Somerset
Next post: The Artist of Gloucester and her garden
Love it - so colourful - looks heavenly - I see the stormy clouds brewing in one picture too
26 Aug, 2011
What a fabulous place and such wonderful photos of it too Sticki. So warm and summery looking. Many thanks for sharing them on this dismal evening :o))
26 Aug, 2011
Thats beautiful,I believe they have to plow it all before they sow all the seed,
bit of artistic licence as well few things there i have never seen in an english meadow
26 Aug, 2011
thank you drc, paul, lily and brian; i think they did plough it all ~ in fact i remember thinking it was quite strange for the flowers not to be amongst grass; sadly there has been a bit of trouble in the past few days ~ someone has damaged the hedge that protects the meadow.
i agree bjs ~ i was a little surprised at some of the plants.
im sorry some of the pictures look a bit similar ~ as you can imagine I took a lot ~ its hard to pick them out but when i looked through them [bit bigger size than you see on the blog] these seemed to represent the views fairly well.
thanks again
26 Aug, 2011
So that's the meadow! Thanks for showing us how beautiful it is, Sticki. I shall have to try to get there next year. :-)
26 Aug, 2011
This is lovely, Sticki, you cam almost feel the warmth of a Summers day by looking at the colourful flowers. ... Thanks for sharing your pics ... :o)))
26 Aug, 2011
Isn't it gorgeous! It's amazing how many cultivated flowers they've planted in there and it still looks wild! The wee Mexican hat and the zinnia are really bright, and sunny, it's lovely of you to put this on! Thanks Stick!
26 Aug, 2011
Great blog and loved the music to go with it! :))) Lovely!
26 Aug, 2011
What a fantastic place Sticki! Thanks for sharing.
27 Aug, 2011
I love this, makes me feel like a little girl all over again. My dad used to take us on walks through a meadow to a wood when we were small and I can still see where we went...just!...its mostly an housing estate now [:-{
27 Aug, 2011
Mmmmmmm ... lovely! Just the right place to sit and dream. Nice to see the beehives there - we need all the bees we can get!
27 Aug, 2011
That was just beautiful, and with the music too ... it was really nice :o))))
I enjoyed it so much, and I've put it on my favs.
I could have fallen asleep in that meadow I think lol.
And I loved the sky. I like a dramatic sky - it's much better than flat boring blue.
And I should think those bees enjoyed living there too :o)
27 Aug, 2011
Thank you everyone, I thought you would be interested to see the bee hives - surprisingly there seemed very few bees there - perhaps the storm had sent them to hide?
27 Aug, 2011
I love those flowers, I love the photographs, thank you for putting them up Sticki they are fab pictures.
27 Aug, 2011
Such lovely pics. So many colours, and so good for the local wildlife also. WIN,WIN!
27 Aug, 2011
Thank you olive and Alex, glad you liked them.
27 Aug, 2011
Absolutely beautiful,Sticki..so full of lovely flowers,and colour..Thanks for that :o))
27 Aug, 2011
Absolutely Stunning Sticki
27 Aug, 2011
thank you bloomer and yorkshire ~ i think you would have liked it ~ its one of those places thats hard to photograph.
27 Aug, 2011
well you did a real good job with your camera,
27 Aug, 2011
i tried!! would be a nice place for a picnic!!
27 Aug, 2011
well I have a lovely picnic basket,
27 Aug, 2011
and i have a lovely cake recipe
27 Aug, 2011
what cake recipe,
27 Aug, 2011
scuse me for speaking, but I said what cake recipe,
27 Aug, 2011
i went to the shop!!!
the coffee cake one i did before but i also have a bookshelf of recipes!!!
27 Aug, 2011
well if you don't mind no more shopping until I have this cake recipe,
27 Aug, 2011
just gonna check out recipes on here and see if its on,
27 Aug, 2011
fantastic sticki thankyou for that lovely blog i would love to walk through that field of dreams.have you heard the song by Eva Cassidy it's beautiful. :o) it's called fields of gold.
27 Aug, 2011
Stick I can't find it,
27 Aug, 2011
Brilliant blog, Sticki, and so glad you were able to visit the beautiful field of dreams. Is it open to the public all summer? Thanks for sharing your lovely photos so that we could all enjoy seeing such a happy place!
27 Aug, 2011
I will have to look yorkshire ~ sorry, wont be long.
Tulsalady I love fields of gold ~ good idea ~ didnt think of that one.
I think it will close by wednesday sheila ~ says on the website that it is open for july and august ~ not sure what will be out by now
27 Aug, 2011
its here yorkshire:
27 Aug, 2011
Thanks. :))
27 Aug, 2011
27 Aug, 2011
That cheered me up on this miserable weekend Sticki....cheers :)
27 Aug, 2011
bit wet here too scottish, glad you liked it. its cold as well ~ im sitting wearing a fleece jacket!!
27 Aug, 2011
Us too! Even had the fire on earlier!
27 Aug, 2011
I found it Sticki, thanks, very cold up here and windy with the odd shower.
28 Aug, 2011
I don't know how i missed this blog Stickie.I did see it on here before and went to the article in the paper, but weren't you lucky to actually be there.You have took some really lovely photos and it was great looking at this again,thankyou.
28 Aug, 2011
it sooooo gawjuss wish i cud be there !! stunning ............ i saw it on t.v the other week , so lovely . ;0))))
28 Aug, 2011
stunning pics stickie, i love wild flower meadows so summery even when we havent had one lol :o))
29 Aug, 2011
thank you rose, cristina and sanbaz
i think it is quite amazing that it survived at all after the summer we havent had!!
they arent sure what will happen to it next year ~ will be interesting to see!!
29 Aug, 2011
Absolutely lovely phots Sticki...1, 7, 17 and 20 are my favourites....wonderful! I have never seen a meadow like that in my whole life! Perhaps I will one day.
31 Aug, 2011
did you see the newspaper article karen ~ i loved it cos they detailed each flower.
i was lucky it was about an hour and a half away from me so was able to visit, glad you liked it. i think wild flowers grow best on chalk??
but you have the machair up on the west coast ~ thats worth seeing!!
31 Aug, 2011
Gorgeous pics.I saw the article in the paper online...lovely that they detailed each flower :-)
1 Sep, 2011
lovely article wasnt it ~ wish i had got the paper now but the online article was just as good ~ lovely pictures in it. thanks Amblealice
1 Sep, 2011
Goodness me! I had never even heard of the Machair, and when I googled it...WOW! now I shall have to make a trip west to see it! Isle of Lewis ....hmmm....thanks Sticki!
1 Sep, 2011
you hadnt??? and you a scot?? sorry karen i just assumed you would know. its lovely and although it has less flowers than this its so much more natural and of course has the back ground of an ocean!!!
1 Sep, 2011
if you go karen ~ please take lots of photos and do a blog!!!
1 Sep, 2011
Yes, I will! I'm no Scot Sticki, I'm a Yorkshire lass, always will be! I bet my OH (who IS a Scot) won't have a clue either. In fact, I bet most of the people that live here don't know of it! Nobody undervalues the Highlands and Islands quite as much as the lowland Scots!
1 Sep, 2011
oh, :-( i love those highlands and islands
1 Sep, 2011
Yes, they are beautiful, although I've never been to the Outer Hebrides. So far I've visited Skye and Arran...had to drag OH both times! He's not a fan of open spaces...;)
1 Sep, 2011
..and I've friends in Aberdeen who go to the Lake District every year and sneer at the idea of visiting the highlands..honestly, I'm not kidding..perhaps it's just the people I know, but hardly anyone I know here ever goes to the Highlands, and I've friends in England who come up two or three times a year to walk the munroes! Funny isn't it!
1 Sep, 2011
i never knew that ~ very strange.
skye is half way there but arran is quite different.
have you seen geranium dad's latest blogs on his holidays??
1 Sep, 2011
Oh yes, aren't they wonderful?
1 Sep, 2011
the second one made me cry ~ i dont know why it gets to me ~ i just love the place.
1 Sep, 2011
Sticki, you must have a really special connection with Scotland. :)
1 Sep, 2011
you would think i was born there or something but no im a real southerner and so was my dad ~ who also loved the hebrides and scotland
1 Sep, 2011
That really is a piece of heaven, Sticki, and a real joy to see..As always, your photos are stunning..Thank you for the music link too...
5 Sep, 2011
thanks flori ~ not too far for you? maybe a visit next year?
5 Sep, 2011
Just seen this wonderful blog and am awestruck by the sheer beauty of it. I had never heard of the place BUT I HAVE NOW, hurrah! I will put it on my notebook for next year. Your photos were fab. as always and thank you so much for a lovely blog.
7 Sep, 2011
you are very welcome breda ~ you always say such nice things.
it wouldnt be so far from you!
they have a web site ~ not sure ~ perhaps they have a mailing list ~ ready for next year?? i found out about it in a national newspaper.
7 Sep, 2011
Thanks again Sticki. The music was gorgeous too, it's one of my favourite pieces. Oh, and I would like to say that I'm not really a music buff for I only really enjoy light opera - well mainly - However I loved Nessun Dorma so much I learned the lyrics in both Italian and English and dear old Pavarotti was and always will be my most revered tenor.
7 Sep, 2011
Im most impressed. Bryn Terfyl is one of my favourites.
7 Sep, 2011
Hi, me again. Welcome tip about the web site. I will look for it. Have you noticed this site is a lot faster since they did the work on it. I still love it and spend rather too much time on it. Ah well!!!
7 Sep, 2011
Yes, I love him too and he is a lovely man. Mmmm!
7 Sep, 2011
mine is faster too ~ i must have got used to the slower timing cos i keep being surprised!!
one day i might do some housework ~ but its more fun on here.
7 Sep, 2011
Just to strike a sour note (not a pun!) did you read in the papers that some idiots drove their vehicles through the fence and into the field? Luckily there wasn't much damage done. I couldn't beleve it. Sheer vandalism! :-((
7 Sep, 2011
yes, i heard about that because the field of dreams people sent me an email. i couldnt quite work out what had happened or why. it was early in the morning while the owners were on holiday!!! i understood they had wrecked part of the hedge ~ didnt know about the field.
7 Sep, 2011
I heard these meadows described as shattered rainbows recently...The pictures you have posted show why.
27 Sep, 2011
What a lovely analogy pimpernel, so long as it doesn't mean broken!
27 Sep, 2011
Beautiful photos. I am clearing an area at the back of my garden and this has decided it for me. Going to give it a go as a wldlife - wildflower area.
Already have some log piles for the hedgehogs , frogs and newts so will get some wildflower mix as October is the ideal time to make a start.
1 Oct, 2011
I had an email from these people to say that they are now harvesting the seeds - I think (?) if people go to help they can have some seeds too
Would anyone like further details?
I hope you will put pictures on inverglen - it sounds a lovely thing to do.
1 Oct, 2011
spectacular view, WOW:-))))))))
21 Jun, 2012
it was really pretty Junna, i think they have grown it again this year but we have had so much rain it might not be doing so well???
21 Jun, 2012
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This reminds me of the summer we never had!
26 Aug, 2011