Getting things in perspective!
By stroller
Having spent so much time on the house having a new front door and windows, stair railing and decorating we were then happy to celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary on the 18th March with our family and friends.
Did I pull off more than I could chew ??? perhaps because on the 20th I had a TIA (small stroke) so for the last couple of weeks I`ve been taking things steady.
My time has been spent strolling round the garden and enjoying the small amount of colour there and appreciating just how much things have come on in the last few weeks.
The blossom is out on the Plum Trees that are going over the Arch ~ forgive the pile of broken slabs that are waiting to be moved, and you can just see two large and one tiny bud on the Magnolia`Heaven scent`which I planted last July.
Here the Osmanthus x burkwoodii is flowering its head off and smells beautiful.
Last but not least the only Pink pansy thats survived out of the six I bought.
I`m now ready to get on with some planting and making a few more alterations …. and of course catching up on all of your blogs.
Happy gardening
4 Apr, 2011
Previous post: To all Goyers out there,
Next post: THE CHATTING SEAT Re -vamped.
Don't do too much stroller, your health is much more important than gardening. Anyhow the garden looks fab.
4 Apr, 2011
Belated Best Wishes to you both and pleased to hear you have recovered and are enjoying a stroll around the garden, its looking lovely Stroller.Take care.......
4 Apr, 2011
Yorkshire .. Olive..and Lincs, that was quick ~ thanks for your best wishes ~ now back to blog catching.
4 Apr, 2011
The garden will wait stroller. you look after yourself, get well soon. :o)))
4 Apr, 2011
Congrats. on your Golden Wedding ...
... good health to you both in the years to come ...
Lovely blossom in your garden :o)
4 Apr, 2011
your garden is looking beautiful, i love birkwoodii ~ its a gorgeous fragrance.
enjoy your lovely garden and dont work too hard, hope you will be better soon
congrats on the golden wedding
4 Apr, 2011
I love your garden stroller, I like spaces enclosed by brick walls. I hope you recover soon from the TIA
4 Apr, 2011
Nice to hear from you again,Stroller,and belated Congratulations from me too,on your recent Golden Wedding.Glad you are recovering well,from your mini stroke,and enjoying your lovely garden.It looks so nice,and I love your stone wall..:o)..Take care.x
4 Apr, 2011
congrats on the golden wedding, take it easy my father had a TIA at christmas and he's 86! but he's fine now don't overdo things thats the main thing.
4 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear about your stroke Stroller and hope you make a speedy recovery. Try not to push yourself too much. Your garden is lovely so just enjoy it untill you are fully recovered. Happy golden anniversasry.
4 Apr, 2011
Your Golden Wedding is quite a milestone and it is lovely that you enjoyed your celebrations.
You must look after your health and rest as your body dictates. The garden springing into life will be a great tonic to help you along...and it will provide you with hours of pleasure....all you need is the warm sunshine and a cuppa :) Take care, Stroller.
4 Apr, 2011
Many congratulation on your Golden Wedding - what a special day for you both. Take care with your gardening - no heavy lifting etc for a while - take care.
5 Apr, 2011
Big congratulations on Golden anniversary - Your garden is gorgeous - like me you like logs for show pieces too - and also I used bricks as an edging they really look rustic natural and work so nice - the tile type wall is very nice and all works well :):):) Are you ditching slabs or using them for more pathways ???
5 Apr, 2011
Congrats on the Golden Wedding, and sorry to hear about the TIA. Please take care now.
I think your garden looks lovely, and incidentally did the Daphne Odora survive the winter ok ?
5 Apr, 2011
Thank you all for your good wishes, its very heartwarming that you have taken the time to send them.
Yes Paul the broken slabs will be used its what the big wall was made with about five years ago.
Cinders the Daphne has been full of flower its been kept in the lean-to during the winter but I shall plant it out now.
5 Apr, 2011
belated happy anniversary stroller, well done on all those years, your a saint, but im sorry to hear you havent been well, take it easy and get well soon x
5 Apr, 2011
Late to this blog ... congratulations on your Golden Wedding Anniversary ... a great achievement for you both! I love the Plum tree blossom on the arch ... never mind the broken slabs ... that's probably a modern art piece these days! Take it easy and enjoy the sunny weather. : o )
8 Apr, 2011
Your garden is just lovely, looks nice and peaceful! I really like the layout of it!
I've just seen this blog, Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary!
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks sandra its nice being thought of as a saint, trouble is the Halo slips a
Well Shirley you never know they have had a pile of bricks in the Tate modern.
Helenium your praise is very much appreciated.
11 Apr, 2011
Lol, Stroller, remember the unmade bed 'work of art'? What rubbish!
11 Apr, 2011
Yes Shirley we seem to get such a lot of rubbish touted as Art. Makes me sick when there seems to be so many great artists that just don`t get the chance to show off their talent.
13 Apr, 2011
Well, what goes round, comes around so perhaps truly talented artists will get their day. : o )
13 Apr, 2011
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your garden is looking lovely Stroller, so sorry to hear about the small stroke, take it easy won't you,
4 Apr, 2011