A BIT MORE RE-CYCLING, well sort of
By stroller
I could`nt do much with the old Gate that my neighbour gave me – he was throwing it out – so I decided to use it as a back drop for the new plants I bought on Sunday .
I hammered two pieces of handy angle into the ground about 30 inches and left 10inches above ground – the gate is stood between the two and attached with a bolt.
I have planted a patio climbing rose `love knot` to grow up and through it.
To the side and Between the Bird Bath and the gate I have planted a new shrub Sorbaria sorbifolia `Sem`Good winter hardiness and grows to about 1mtr. It flowers during July and August producing creamy white flowers.
To the back of it in a large pot is a new Japanese Maple Acer `Aureum` like Terratoonie a tribute to the Japanese people you have suffered so much in the recent earthquakes.
This next shot is taken side on looking from the patio.
I also bought a new hosta `Aureomarginata` and a new pot seen here towards the back of the rockery behind `Pan`.
Then we have the new Rhododendron `Dreamland with a new clematis montana `Warwickshire Rose`.
and last but not least comes my new Pyracantha “Saphr Panache” a lovely variagated one.
It only remains for me to plant up Clematis `Rebecca` tomorrow will post a pic when its in bloom. I`ve thoroughly enjoyed my day in the garden even if I am broke.lol.
17 Apr, 2011
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I wish that my neighbours would discard that typ of thing, I would have a dozen uses for it.
18 Apr, 2011
It all look's really nice Stroller, good use of the gate.
18 Apr, 2011
Your gate is lovely,Stroller,and what a useful freebie too.Your garden is looking great ..and I like the variegated Pyracantha..have fun planting your new Clematis..:o)
18 Apr, 2011
You've really drawn a bargain with your "new-to-you" gate! As they say, one man's trash is another man's treasure. It is going to look so pretty once your rose gets established.
Your clematis' will be a nice addition to your garden, climbing up your fence...lovely to see your garden...and all your nice pots too, Stroller.
18 Apr, 2011
Lovely acer... and how nice to incorporate that gate into your garden... added to GoYpedia Feature Ideas :o)
18 Apr, 2011
Your garden looks brill - good idea with the gate. The maple is gorgeous, I must get a clematis Rebecca!!!!
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks, Laine, Roji,Mavis, Bloomer, Wlass, Terra and Paul your encouragement is always heartening.
18 Apr, 2011
18 Apr, 2011
I have Rhod Dreamland too, still in bud, I got it last year. It's beautiful white with a hint of pink.
18 Apr, 2011
You have a nice lot of plants :o)
And that gate is wonderful. It's going to look nice with the rose climbing up it. Good job your neighbour thought of you when he was getting rid of it.
18 Apr, 2011
Love the gate and look forward to the rose pictures.
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks Donna its nice to know that someone has grown and is pleased with a plant, so can`t wait for the buds to open.
Hywel, Paul the neighbour always gives me first refusal when he`s getting rid of something.
Olive hope they live up to the picture on the label.
18 Apr, 2011
My neighbour never throws anything away that would be in any way useful so I am really jealous that yours gives you such nice things ! You have made good use of it too.
Your garden will be a picture when all your new plants have grown a little.
Well done and Happy Gardening.
18 Apr, 2011
That is really effective Stroller, like it a lot. All looks very nice
18 Apr, 2011
Very nice Stroller, like the angled idea. It would also have looked very nice in front of my mirror...pity I couldn't come down and pinch it!
18 Apr, 2011
The gate looks perfect for a rose to climb over, I really do like it. Your garden is looking really colourful. :o)
18 Apr, 2011
love what you have done with the gate stroller and your garden looks lovely to :o)
18 Apr, 2011
Thanks Mariek, Cinders, Lab and San.
Karen agree it would be good in front of your mirror, on the other hand your mirror would look great behind my gate.lol.
18 Apr, 2011
lol!! ;) true!
19 Apr, 2011
Love the gate idea; the garden is looking "fab".
19 Apr, 2011
Clever girl, Stroller, the gate looks just right in your garden and will be lovely with the Rose climbing through. The Acer is a gorgeous shade and a kind thought for the Japanese folk. What colour berries will the new Pyracantha have?
20 Apr, 2011
Sorry dont know shirley it just says white flowers in may on the label.
24 Apr, 2011
Ok, I Googled it, says 'a slight formation of berries' so not much help there ! : o )
24 Apr, 2011
So it`ll be watch wait and see then Shirley.!
Thanks Driad.:o))
25 Apr, 2011
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Can't wait to see pics once the climbing rose takes it over. What a find. The best garden ornaments are the "recycled" ones :)
18 Apr, 2011