Since my last blog I have had so many PM`s
By stroller
that I would like to thank you all so much for your very touching and supportive messages. A lot of time has been spent in the garden generally just pottering and tidying. I did much to my delight find four small fruit on the Chaenomeles `Pink Lady` which was planted early this year.
Sorry not a very good photo.
You can, however, just see the fruit.
Not a good year for us this year our eldest son fell off a ladder at work and broke bones in both ankles and his left arm the upside is they will all mend for which we are truly thankful.
As you can see he`s making light of his injuries, in fact he says he feels like a big kid with a new bike, but he also realizes he is very lucky.
As you can see we have plenty to do to keep our minds occupied and lots of support from friends and family.
23 Aug, 2013
Previous post: The garden fulfills it promise,
Next post: The GOOD ... the BAD ... and the UGLY !!!!!!!!
Your por son must have suffered a lot of pain with those injuries. Hopefully this will be the darkest hour before the dawn!. Are you planning to make quince jelly? I tried putting slices from just one into an apple pie to spice it up - delicious.
23 Aug, 2013
Louisa I think he is secretly enjoying the scooter, but just wait until those breaks start itching.
Will have to try that Steragram we have plenty of cooking apples. Not quite the darkest hour as his accident happened the week before our younger son died from Cancer, but concentrating on Lee`s injuries is making us focus our minds elsewhere.
23 Aug, 2013
Good to see he is recovering after such a dreadful fall, such a shock to break so many bones which can be so painful.
23 Aug, 2013
My heart goes out to you Stroller, you have obviously been having a very tough time all of you, I hope Lee isn't in too much pain, it sounds as though he is going to be out of action for a fair while....
23 Aug, 2013
He`s getting there slowly Drc.
Thanks for your message Lincs and I hope that you are on your way to getting the eyes and knees sorted.
24 Aug, 2013
Stroller, you are an inspiration to others, who might be facing a difficult time in our lives. I hope Lee makes a full recovery. Best wishes to you all x
24 Aug, 2013
I hope he makes a full recovery .Stroller..and I agree about the itching ! been there a few times in my childhood..and I remember the good old knitting needle as a reliever! I don't know if the plastering process is the same now,but it certainly helped :o)
Please keep us posted as to how he progresses..and I wish you all happier days ahead xx
24 Aug, 2013
You've been through a lot. I hope your son will be better soon.
26 Aug, 2013
I am a very new member and have just been reading about your terrible year. So sorry about the loss of your son.
Please may I say what a wonderful garden you have was so nice to be able to take a stroll around and be introduced to the beautiful plants .thank you for sharing your garden
Best wishes
Kim. Penstemon
3 Sep, 2013
Waddy, Bloomer,and Hywel, your thoughts are most welcome, I can now say his plasters are off and he is making a really good recovery and hopes to be back at work soon.
Penstemon, welcome to goy I am sure you will enjoy the site for its info, inspiration and at times laughter. Its so nice when you get good comments about your garden and glad that you enjoyed your stroll around mine.
4 Sep, 2013
Only just seen your blog Phyl so pleased that Lee is recovering so well from such a serious accident and do hope these dark days beome so much brighter for you as the year go by. Take Care x
5 Sep, 2013
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Oh dear you are having a bad year! So glad your eldest is OK, or at least with mendable injuries, looks like he's enjoying himself on that scooter!
23 Aug, 2013